Rising Star
Swim's a Philosophy major who used LSD, mushrooms, DMT, ect. as philosophic tools for self-realization, self-actualization, self-discovery and direct experience with intuition. After being taken by police while on a 1000+ microgram LSD was taken to psych hospital and went through that whole jazz. Ended up leaving school and isolating in an apartment alone getting heavy into fentanyl and cocaine involving IV use. Swim has got into recovery and is following the 12 step program. Looking towards a point of access to the Divine and what is Divine in man Swim has come back to his memories and experiences with DMT. Swim has experienced with DMT the transpersonal and the mystical and wonders whether further exploration with DMT will be feasible or will simply lead back to IV use of physically addictive drugs. Swim thinks the DMT experience is of great importance and is interested on others views. Swim values good conversation and hopes to have many of this forum.