***During my first big DMT vape, I had a revelation!! It felt huge to me and I want to share it, but first I wanted to comment on the main topic...***
Hello, I haven't read every post thoroughly so forgive me if I repeat something said before, but I think I have at least something to say that may not have been said.... I dunno.
I think the problem with "religion" has a couple main causes. One is that a certain type of 'intellectual elitists' these days have concluded that science is the sole path to truth, that science does not prove God, thus there is no God, thus He is superstition, thus belief in him is ridiculous and only indulged in by those weak enough to 'need' Him, or gullible enough to believe in fairy tales. From these people, "religion" is always a bad word, spoken with scorn and derision. It can be hard to feel love, compassion, or forgiveness toward such people, as they tend to be rude and inconsiderate of others. Disrespectful and unloving. Yet we should pity them.
Also there is the actual meaning of the word. Religion isn't about The Church, as some people like to refer to The Roman Catholic church, or to Organized Christianity so to speak in general. It isn't even about Christian, or Muslim, or Jewish or Hindu or Buddist teachings or beliefs. It is about the RE-connection, RE-alignment with our spirituality, and with whatever Divinity truly exists behind all of the uncertainty of reality.
I was raised Christian, and I tend to retain some affinity for Christianity, but not for any particular denomination or dogma. I believe the bible contains some truths, quite likely some divinely inspired, but not that it is verbatim Word Of God. I also believe the Qu'ran contains truths, possibly inspired. I believe that ANY and EVERY genuine, sincere pursuit of religion (reconnection) by an individual or group of like-minded individuals ( not necessarily in full agreement on everything mind you, just oriented toward and seeking Truth ) will likely meet with some degree of success. I also believe that we, the flawed creatures that we are, will (almost?) always fall short of complete accuracy about what IS.
I believe that the universe did not just happen. I believe its origin is more complex and confusing than most people suspect. I mean for the vast majority of people, the idea has been polarized to two 'simple' and allegedly mutually exclusive extremes: Evolution and Creation. ( I hate when people append -ism to those words ) To most people, either the universe came from an exploding singularity and is several billion years old, or was created by a very particular individual prime mover with a word some 4-6 thousand years ago over the course of seven actual days. There are of course numerous variations on the thousands of years part or the seven days part, depending on how one thinks their book should be interpreted.
I believe in 'a' higher power. I prefer not to name "Him" and I do not claim to know if there is one or more, or what form 'it' takes, where it came from, how it did whatever it did when. But obviously there is a Truth about where everything came from and how, and that truth is either 'just happened' or 'was brought about'. I believe We 'were brought about'. I believe that religion is our effort to reconnect to whatever brought us about. My main point right here, is that I believe that everyone who talks about one or more gods that created everything and such, are talking about the same 'whatever.' What they believe about the prime mover, what they call it, what it wants, what it did, etcetera, varies from one faith to another, from one person to another. That's a matter of perspective and of tradition. You learned what you believe from someone who learned it from someone etc. But they are all flawed perceptions of the same ______.
Did you know that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity can all be traced to the same source? Yeah, sure, they talk about the same 'god' even if they don't claim to. But they also go back to Abraham. Isaac, who became Israel, from whom sprang the Nation of Israel, Judaism, Jews, was Abraham's first son by his wife Sarah (Sarai). Ishmael was actually Abraham's first son though--by his wife's handmaiden because they didn't think Sarai could conceive. It is said that Ishmael was sent away because Isaac was the chosen one, but not to worry about Ishmael, as god would "make him a great nation also." Yeah that's right, the Jewish AND Christian God promised to establish a great Arab nation where Islam, based on Ishmael and his decendants, would emerge just as Judaism would be for the Isrealites. What does all this have to do with foreskins? I am sorry, I don't really get that part.
Islam considers Jesus Christ one of God's greatest prophets. Judaism considers him a false messiah, but depending who you talk to, a great teacher. Christianity calls him God and His Son. Who am I to determine by faith alone what is true? I think Jesus was a cool guy, very hip in spiritual matters, but I can't claim to KNOW other than that. I mentioned that I do believe parts of the books of the different faiths were likely divinely inspired--do I know which were and which not? Of course not! But I'll tell you, I think there was something to the psychedelic visions of men such as Isaiah and Ezekiel. And here we come to the meat of and reason for my post today...
I believe that much of the bible contains HIDDEN truths. Such as visions that depict events or other truths symbolically, metaphorically, allegorically.... Like the wheels in the sky, the chariot of fire, the four horsemen... Yes, revelation... Did I mention that I had a revelation today? I finally got my GVG I'd been waiting for after my first extraction that I had been buying gear for over weeks. I vaped, and I kicked back.
I did not quite break through. I stayed in my room, so to speak, though I did have quite some interesting visuals. certain preoccupations tied me down, but the spice let me know what I should do to release the bonds for next time. Nevertheless, somehow I happened upon a realization...
A little background here. I am starting a class next week in Fundamentals of Nanoscience. In preparation I have been brushing up on my math and chemistry. Carbon is an important element, both in nanotech and life itself. There is a reason we are called 'carbon based life' as life as we know it would not be possible without carbon. It is also essential in nanotech as a primary building block for tiny little materials, objects, devices, and eventually nanobots!! But I digress. Within the last couple days I was brushing up on Chem watching videos on Khanacademy.org. A GREAT website for learning ANYTHING for free. It just so happened (synchronicity anyone?) that i was watching basic videos on the periodic table, atomic numbers and so forth, was it yesterday? Anyway, that stuff was fresh in my mind, undoubtedly one reason it was fresh fodder for a 'vision.'
I have also been developing a hypothesis over years regarding the true nature of... well.. forgive me but... Life, the Universe, and Everything. I seriously have a detailed, almost believable description of how and why everything emerged from nothing, including 'God.' I contemplate the nature of dimensions and realms (such as the 3+1 dimensional physical realm in which we live). I contemplate the possibility that there are spatial dimensions of which we are unaware, that time may not be one dimensional as we see it, nor even one-directional, but in fact three dimensional--don't worry about that stuff, i digress (again[and again{and again...} hey look, infinite digression!!])
You know what though? I have just looked back at how long this post is getting, and how much longer it was getting with what followed and decided I will start a new thread with what followed. I will post the thread here, PLEASE check it out, if you have an ear to hear.