Rising Star
First how I came about thinking about this subject was from a book called, "The Psychonauts Guide to the Invisible Landscape" The Topography of the Psychedelic Experience, by Dan Carpenter. I had heard of machine elves only briefly before, from some stuff I had listened to with Terrance McKenna, but I did not know anything about them. I just knew that he had talked about them before.
This is the section from Dan Carpenters book about the machine elves:
"Machine Elves Solved
During the preceding year when Beth was still alive, I enjoyed a naive time of exploration...thoughtless of my extreme luck at having such a great friend as she was to sit for me. It was during those carefree days when I had a vision, which would later turn out to be central in my theories-namely concerning those little beings I had been agonizing over...the Plasma Flowers, and "molecules," etcetra.
I came out of the bedroom late in the morning, tape recorder in hand, wrapped in my favorite blanket.
Beth said: "Did we have an interesting time? Want coffee?" "Yes and yes," I said. "You got a piece of paper, too? And where are my colored markers?"
I drew a picture of something I had seen deep in-trance the night before. It was a series of "plastic" tubes linked together. "With electron-looking things coming into it," I explained to Beth when I had finished the picture. "It was made of thought is the only way I can explain its design...or what it was. And these electrons-things were instructions pouring into the tubes."
Beth took one long look and said, "That looks like DNA!" And it did.
Not for the first time, I had concluded that I was seeing on a molecular lever. That day I went looking for books on DNA and found a few in the local library. Right away it became apparent that the writers were down the same path as neuroscience-nobody was willing to admit that; THIS STUFF IS MINDED. (At this point of course, I feel its preposterous to think of consciousness as being the result of random events in a tidal pool eons ago.) At the time of the DNA vision, I was just beginning to give up on science books about the brain, and the biology books now too had begun to lose me.
So it was that, with so many other awesome experiences to assimilate into my belief system, I soon forgot about the DNA experience. In fact, how could I be sure that it was DNA I had seen? Intuitively it felt true, but what more could I do? I didnt write about it until now...that there's been some outside corroboration-namely by the anthropologist Jeremy Narby in his book The Cosmic Serpent.
This book may well be one of the most important books ever written!
Briefly stated, Narby is apparently the first person to grasp the significance of ladders, ropes, vines, bridges, and chains, etc.-seen in visions and commonly referred to by shamans on all five continents, as being links between heaven and earth. Narby had a eureka moment while reading Mircea Eliade's Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy. In that book, Eliade had carried the ball most of the way before dropping it...whereupon Narby picked it up for the touchdown. What Mircea had missed, and I assume many scientists are not prepared to talk about, is that these links to heaven that the shaman are talking about-in Australia, Tibet, Nepal, Ancient Egypt, Africa, North and South America- is DNA! The symbol of intertwining serpents (the double helix!) is prevalent in the art among these shaman, too. Even in Siberia, where there are no snakes, the shaman have twisting serpents sewn into their garments.
After reading The Cosmic Serpent, it was obvious that I had reached the same conclusion as Narby, perfectly independently, through the use of psychedelics-and that one does see on a molecular level in the closed-eye trip/trance!
Now I was to take the ball for a run of my own....
I have mentioned the "self-transforming machine elves" earlier, but it's time to consider them in more detail here. THe term was coined by the late great, self-appointed "mouthpiece of the Logos" and psychedelic guru, Terence McKenna. From the interview in Charles Hayes' book Tripping, McKenna describes the Machine Elves: "From the moment you enter into the DMT experience, you're in a domain (where) they've been waiting for you. The toys they offer, the Faberge eggs, (messenger RNAs?) are in a sense nothing more than the plastic geometric shapes that you would hand over a bassinet...." He goes on: "These entities (the machine elves) seem to be syntactical creatures made of language." (Italics mine.)
Now check the Narby's description of the words biologists are forced to use, despite their avoidance of the subject of any meaning behind this most profound of mysteries:
DNA is a text, or a program, or data, containing information, which is read and transcribed into messenger-RNAs. (The ribosomes) are molecular computers...they build the rest of the cell's machinery...the proteins and enzymes, which are miniaturized robots....(All italics Narby's.)
Narby goes on explaining the job of proteins:
Like versatile marionettes, or jacks-of-all-trades, (the proteins) twist, fold, stretch into the shape their task requires (like carrying single atoms to precise places!). What is known, precisely, about these self-assembling machines?
"Self-assembling machines" sounds much like "self-transforming machine elves"!
The Cosmic Serpent came out in 1998 and the above McKenna interview was from January 17 and 18 of 1998. McKenna had already been throwing around the term "self-transforming machine elves" for years by this time, and it would seem unlikely that he would have read The Cosmic Serpent by January 17th, if indeed the book was out so early in 1998. Besides if McKenna had read Narby, which doesn't seem likely, he would have surely put two and two together.
I think McKenna was doing all one man could in attempting to figure out what these "elves" were. Here is a post I put up on, before I had read The Cosmic Serpent. I missed the mark myself, thinking these things were tied in with the Ego Vortex. But as you will see, I was dancing around with the idea that McKenna's "world" of DMT beings was in fact the molecular view one can attain in the trip/trance. From's message board, Febuary 1, 2004, under The Dimensional Shift, titled Bugs on Bugs:
A theory on the consciousness/brain paradox by way of observation in the trip/trance state. I had been witness to a particular event on many occasions in the trip/trance, but never grasped the significance of what I was seeing. I am referring to the "alive, aware parts...looking back at me."
These parts HAD to be on a molecular level and of the brain. This was no illusion or hallucination or blurry, hurried impression/vision. My state was, like reports from people who've smoked DMT, not very psychedelic really. It was perfectly in focus and there.
There were times when I would watch this action for 45 minutes at a long that the gravity of watching these melting Lego-beings (machine elves?) slice little pieces of themselves off, to create emotions and other information, was lost in boredom.
(This has to be the machine elves. McKenna may have missed something by not investigating DXM-namely that the machine elf world appears to be self/brain.) So these Lego-beings would have shave parts of themselves off and others, sensing this, would shave parts of themselves off as well. Then the whole groups (thousands?) of these Lego-beings (melting, connecting "Lego" brand children's building blocks for bodies) would be poised to join the slicing, but the consensus wouldn't hold. With no reason to continue, they'd regroup, hovering, slicing, merging.
To show how this was coming together for me, here is some of a post I put up at, just after reading Narby posted March 4, 2004 under Elemental Beings titled Machine Elves Solved!: "Looks like Narby beat me to the punch but dig...this is corroboration! I saw DNA, I know it. And the proteins ARE the shape-shifters (machine elves).""
Then in another book called, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., I was getting reading to start reading this book and on the first page I saw a drawing of Quetzalcoatl and a description that read:
Kukulcan, the Plumed Serpent, the Mesoamerican deity called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. He symbolizes light as well as duality and is the carrier of the energy 9 Ik in the Sacred Calendar....(Tzolkin)
When I saw this picture, the first thing that came to my mind was the machine elves and DNA. What if what the Mayan/Aztecs saw as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan was actually there own view of the machine elves.
(I have also read one other book about the Mayans called, "The Mayan Factor, Beyond Technology" By Jose Arguelles. I dont know if that book is helping me build this theory, but I just wanted you to know a little of my stand point of this.)
The Tzolkin (the Mayan Sacred Calendar) was said to be given to them by Quetzalcoatl. If this is true, maybe the Tzolkin is a calendar (a way of mapping time) of DNA and in 2012 there will be a conscious shift and maybe it will alter our DNA.
This is still a working theory, that I was just thinking of. If I get more information about this, then I will add it. Or if anyone would like to share there thoughts on this feel free to, other thoughts and opinions can always help.
This is the section from Dan Carpenters book about the machine elves:
"Machine Elves Solved
During the preceding year when Beth was still alive, I enjoyed a naive time of exploration...thoughtless of my extreme luck at having such a great friend as she was to sit for me. It was during those carefree days when I had a vision, which would later turn out to be central in my theories-namely concerning those little beings I had been agonizing over...the Plasma Flowers, and "molecules," etcetra.
I came out of the bedroom late in the morning, tape recorder in hand, wrapped in my favorite blanket.
Beth said: "Did we have an interesting time? Want coffee?" "Yes and yes," I said. "You got a piece of paper, too? And where are my colored markers?"
I drew a picture of something I had seen deep in-trance the night before. It was a series of "plastic" tubes linked together. "With electron-looking things coming into it," I explained to Beth when I had finished the picture. "It was made of thought is the only way I can explain its design...or what it was. And these electrons-things were instructions pouring into the tubes."
Beth took one long look and said, "That looks like DNA!" And it did.
Not for the first time, I had concluded that I was seeing on a molecular lever. That day I went looking for books on DNA and found a few in the local library. Right away it became apparent that the writers were down the same path as neuroscience-nobody was willing to admit that; THIS STUFF IS MINDED. (At this point of course, I feel its preposterous to think of consciousness as being the result of random events in a tidal pool eons ago.) At the time of the DNA vision, I was just beginning to give up on science books about the brain, and the biology books now too had begun to lose me.
So it was that, with so many other awesome experiences to assimilate into my belief system, I soon forgot about the DNA experience. In fact, how could I be sure that it was DNA I had seen? Intuitively it felt true, but what more could I do? I didnt write about it until now...that there's been some outside corroboration-namely by the anthropologist Jeremy Narby in his book The Cosmic Serpent.
This book may well be one of the most important books ever written!
Briefly stated, Narby is apparently the first person to grasp the significance of ladders, ropes, vines, bridges, and chains, etc.-seen in visions and commonly referred to by shamans on all five continents, as being links between heaven and earth. Narby had a eureka moment while reading Mircea Eliade's Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy. In that book, Eliade had carried the ball most of the way before dropping it...whereupon Narby picked it up for the touchdown. What Mircea had missed, and I assume many scientists are not prepared to talk about, is that these links to heaven that the shaman are talking about-in Australia, Tibet, Nepal, Ancient Egypt, Africa, North and South America- is DNA! The symbol of intertwining serpents (the double helix!) is prevalent in the art among these shaman, too. Even in Siberia, where there are no snakes, the shaman have twisting serpents sewn into their garments.
After reading The Cosmic Serpent, it was obvious that I had reached the same conclusion as Narby, perfectly independently, through the use of psychedelics-and that one does see on a molecular level in the closed-eye trip/trance!
Now I was to take the ball for a run of my own....
I have mentioned the "self-transforming machine elves" earlier, but it's time to consider them in more detail here. THe term was coined by the late great, self-appointed "mouthpiece of the Logos" and psychedelic guru, Terence McKenna. From the interview in Charles Hayes' book Tripping, McKenna describes the Machine Elves: "From the moment you enter into the DMT experience, you're in a domain (where) they've been waiting for you. The toys they offer, the Faberge eggs, (messenger RNAs?) are in a sense nothing more than the plastic geometric shapes that you would hand over a bassinet...." He goes on: "These entities (the machine elves) seem to be syntactical creatures made of language." (Italics mine.)
Now check the Narby's description of the words biologists are forced to use, despite their avoidance of the subject of any meaning behind this most profound of mysteries:
DNA is a text, or a program, or data, containing information, which is read and transcribed into messenger-RNAs. (The ribosomes) are molecular computers...they build the rest of the cell's machinery...the proteins and enzymes, which are miniaturized robots....(All italics Narby's.)
Narby goes on explaining the job of proteins:
Like versatile marionettes, or jacks-of-all-trades, (the proteins) twist, fold, stretch into the shape their task requires (like carrying single atoms to precise places!). What is known, precisely, about these self-assembling machines?
"Self-assembling machines" sounds much like "self-transforming machine elves"!
The Cosmic Serpent came out in 1998 and the above McKenna interview was from January 17 and 18 of 1998. McKenna had already been throwing around the term "self-transforming machine elves" for years by this time, and it would seem unlikely that he would have read The Cosmic Serpent by January 17th, if indeed the book was out so early in 1998. Besides if McKenna had read Narby, which doesn't seem likely, he would have surely put two and two together.
I think McKenna was doing all one man could in attempting to figure out what these "elves" were. Here is a post I put up on, before I had read The Cosmic Serpent. I missed the mark myself, thinking these things were tied in with the Ego Vortex. But as you will see, I was dancing around with the idea that McKenna's "world" of DMT beings was in fact the molecular view one can attain in the trip/trance. From's message board, Febuary 1, 2004, under The Dimensional Shift, titled Bugs on Bugs:
A theory on the consciousness/brain paradox by way of observation in the trip/trance state. I had been witness to a particular event on many occasions in the trip/trance, but never grasped the significance of what I was seeing. I am referring to the "alive, aware parts...looking back at me."
These parts HAD to be on a molecular level and of the brain. This was no illusion or hallucination or blurry, hurried impression/vision. My state was, like reports from people who've smoked DMT, not very psychedelic really. It was perfectly in focus and there.
There were times when I would watch this action for 45 minutes at a long that the gravity of watching these melting Lego-beings (machine elves?) slice little pieces of themselves off, to create emotions and other information, was lost in boredom.
(This has to be the machine elves. McKenna may have missed something by not investigating DXM-namely that the machine elf world appears to be self/brain.) So these Lego-beings would have shave parts of themselves off and others, sensing this, would shave parts of themselves off as well. Then the whole groups (thousands?) of these Lego-beings (melting, connecting "Lego" brand children's building blocks for bodies) would be poised to join the slicing, but the consensus wouldn't hold. With no reason to continue, they'd regroup, hovering, slicing, merging.
To show how this was coming together for me, here is some of a post I put up at, just after reading Narby posted March 4, 2004 under Elemental Beings titled Machine Elves Solved!: "Looks like Narby beat me to the punch but dig...this is corroboration! I saw DNA, I know it. And the proteins ARE the shape-shifters (machine elves).""
Then in another book called, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., I was getting reading to start reading this book and on the first page I saw a drawing of Quetzalcoatl and a description that read:
Kukulcan, the Plumed Serpent, the Mesoamerican deity called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. He symbolizes light as well as duality and is the carrier of the energy 9 Ik in the Sacred Calendar....(Tzolkin)
When I saw this picture, the first thing that came to my mind was the machine elves and DNA. What if what the Mayan/Aztecs saw as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan was actually there own view of the machine elves.
(I have also read one other book about the Mayans called, "The Mayan Factor, Beyond Technology" By Jose Arguelles. I dont know if that book is helping me build this theory, but I just wanted you to know a little of my stand point of this.)
The Tzolkin (the Mayan Sacred Calendar) was said to be given to them by Quetzalcoatl. If this is true, maybe the Tzolkin is a calendar (a way of mapping time) of DNA and in 2012 there will be a conscious shift and maybe it will alter our DNA.
This is still a working theory, that I was just thinking of. If I get more information about this, then I will add it. Or if anyone would like to share there thoughts on this feel free to, other thoughts and opinions can always help.