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Working Theory RE: Machine Elves, Quetzalcoatl, DNA, and 2012

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First how I came about thinking about this subject was from a book called, "The Psychonauts Guide to the Invisible Landscape" The Topography of the Psychedelic Experience, by Dan Carpenter. I had heard of machine elves only briefly before, from some stuff I had listened to with Terrance McKenna, but I did not know anything about them. I just knew that he had talked about them before.

This is the section from Dan Carpenters book about the machine elves:

"Machine Elves Solved
During the preceding year when Beth was still alive, I enjoyed a naive time of exploration...thoughtless of my extreme luck at having such a great friend as she was to sit for me. It was during those carefree days when I had a vision, which would later turn out to be central in my theories-namely concerning those little beings I had been agonizing over...the Plasma Flowers, and "molecules," etcetra.
I came out of the bedroom late in the morning, tape recorder in hand, wrapped in my favorite blanket.
Beth said: "Did we have an interesting time? Want coffee?" "Yes and yes," I said. "You got a piece of paper, too? And where are my colored markers?"
I drew a picture of something I had seen deep in-trance the night before. It was a series of "plastic" tubes linked together. "With electron-looking things coming into it," I explained to Beth when I had finished the picture. "It was made of thought is the only way I can explain its design...or what it was. And these electrons-things were instructions pouring into the tubes."
Beth took one long look and said, "That looks like DNA!" And it did.
Not for the first time, I had concluded that I was seeing on a molecular lever. That day I went looking for books on DNA and found a few in the local library. Right away it became apparent that the writers were down the same path as neuroscience-nobody was willing to admit that; THIS STUFF IS MINDED. (At this point of course, I feel its preposterous to think of consciousness as being the result of random events in a tidal pool eons ago.) At the time of the DNA vision, I was just beginning to give up on science books about the brain, and the biology books now too had begun to lose me.
So it was that, with so many other awesome experiences to assimilate into my belief system, I soon forgot about the DNA experience. In fact, how could I be sure that it was DNA I had seen? Intuitively it felt true, but what more could I do? I didnt write about it until now...that there's been some outside corroboration-namely by the anthropologist Jeremy Narby in his book The Cosmic Serpent.
This book may well be one of the most important books ever written!
Briefly stated, Narby is apparently the first person to grasp the significance of ladders, ropes, vines, bridges, and chains, etc.-seen in visions and commonly referred to by shamans on all five continents, as being links between heaven and earth. Narby had a eureka moment while reading Mircea Eliade's Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy. In that book, Eliade had carried the ball most of the way before dropping it...whereupon Narby picked it up for the touchdown. What Mircea had missed, and I assume many scientists are not prepared to talk about, is that these links to heaven that the shaman are talking about-in Australia, Tibet, Nepal, Ancient Egypt, Africa, North and South America- is DNA! The symbol of intertwining serpents (the double helix!) is prevalent in the art among these shaman, too. Even in Siberia, where there are no snakes, the shaman have twisting serpents sewn into their garments.
After reading The Cosmic Serpent, it was obvious that I had reached the same conclusion as Narby, perfectly independently, through the use of psychedelics-and that one does see on a molecular level in the closed-eye trip/trance!
Now I was to take the ball for a run of my own....
I have mentioned the "self-transforming machine elves" earlier, but it's time to consider them in more detail here. THe term was coined by the late great, self-appointed "mouthpiece of the Logos" and psychedelic guru, Terence McKenna. From the interview in Charles Hayes' book Tripping, McKenna describes the Machine Elves: "From the moment you enter into the DMT experience, you're in a domain (where) they've been waiting for you. The toys they offer, the Faberge eggs, (messenger RNAs?) are in a sense nothing more than the plastic geometric shapes that you would hand over a bassinet...." He goes on: "These entities (the machine elves) seem to be syntactical creatures made of language." (Italics mine.)
Now check the Narby's description of the words biologists are forced to use, despite their avoidance of the subject of any meaning behind this most profound of mysteries:
DNA is a text, or a program, or data, containing information, which is read and transcribed into messenger-RNAs. (The ribosomes) are molecular computers...they build the rest of the cell's machinery...the proteins and enzymes, which are miniaturized robots....(All italics Narby's.)
Narby goes on explaining the job of proteins:
Like versatile marionettes, or jacks-of-all-trades, (the proteins) twist, fold, stretch into the shape their task requires (like carrying single atoms to precise places!). What is known, precisely, about these self-assembling machines?
"Self-assembling machines" sounds much like "self-transforming machine elves"!
The Cosmic Serpent came out in 1998 and the above McKenna interview was from January 17 and 18 of 1998. McKenna had already been throwing around the term "self-transforming machine elves" for years by this time, and it would seem unlikely that he would have read The Cosmic Serpent by January 17th, if indeed the book was out so early in 1998. Besides if McKenna had read Narby, which doesn't seem likely, he would have surely put two and two together.
I think McKenna was doing all one man could in attempting to figure out what these "elves" were. Here is a post I put up on Breakingopenthehead.com, before I had read The Cosmic Serpent. I missed the mark myself, thinking these things were tied in with the Ego Vortex. But as you will see, I was dancing around with the idea that McKenna's "world" of DMT beings was in fact the molecular view one can attain in the trip/trance. From Breakingopenthehead.com's message board, Febuary 1, 2004, under The Dimensional Shift, titled Bugs on Bugs:
A theory on the consciousness/brain paradox by way of observation in the trip/trance state. I had been witness to a particular event on many occasions in the trip/trance, but never grasped the significance of what I was seeing. I am referring to the "alive, aware parts...looking back at me."
These parts HAD to be on a molecular level and of the brain. This was no illusion or hallucination or blurry, hurried impression/vision. My state was, like reports from people who've smoked DMT, not very psychedelic really. It was perfectly in focus and there.
There were times when I would watch this action for 45 minutes at a time...so long that the gravity of watching these melting Lego-beings (machine elves?) slice little pieces of themselves off, to create emotions and other information, was lost in boredom.
(This has to be the machine elves. McKenna may have missed something by not investigating DXM-namely that the machine elf world appears to be self/brain.) So these Lego-beings would have shave parts of themselves off and others, sensing this, would shave parts of themselves off as well. Then the whole groups (thousands?) of these Lego-beings (melting, connecting "Lego" brand children's building blocks for bodies) would be poised to join the slicing, but the consensus wouldn't hold. With no reason to continue, they'd regroup, hovering, slicing, merging.
To show how this was coming together for me, here is some of a post I put up at Breakingopenthehead.com, just after reading Narby posted March 4, 2004 under Elemental Beings titled Machine Elves Solved!: "Looks like Narby beat me to the punch but dig...this is corroboration! I saw DNA, I know it. And the proteins ARE the shape-shifters (machine elves).""

Then in another book called, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., I was getting reading to start reading this book and on the first page I saw a drawing of Quetzalcoatl and a description that read:
Kukulcan, the Plumed Serpent, the Mesoamerican deity called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. He symbolizes light as well as duality and is the carrier of the energy 9 Ik in the Sacred Calendar....(Tzolkin)
When I saw this picture, the first thing that came to my mind was the machine elves and DNA. What if what the Mayan/Aztecs saw as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan was actually there own view of the machine elves.
(I have also read one other book about the Mayans called, "The Mayan Factor, Beyond Technology" By Jose Arguelles. I dont know if that book is helping me build this theory, but I just wanted you to know a little of my stand point of this.)
The Tzolkin (the Mayan Sacred Calendar) was said to be given to them by Quetzalcoatl. If this is true, maybe the Tzolkin is a calendar (a way of mapping time) of DNA and in 2012 there will be a conscious shift and maybe it will alter our DNA.
This is still a working theory, that I was just thinking of. If I get more information about this, then I will add it. Or if anyone would like to share there thoughts on this feel free to, other thoughts and opinions can always help.
Wow, good work putting this together so far. I've ready Narby myself and I really appreciated the insights of that book. I look forward to the refinement and progress of this theory/explanation as I've asked these same questions many times myself.

Thanks for the post, and welcome to the nexus! =)
ropes, ladders....very interesting....
I am now flashing back to a spring evening 1971, walking past gardenfuls of wisteria in full bloom, aided by 500mics of LSD, and lengthy visions of floating purple rod-like shapes that were in fact me.

In fact, the floating shapes remind me of the floating Nexus-logo game one can play with on this website.

DNA machinery? You are on to something here.
That's a fascinating theory! :)

I started to wonder similar things myself; mainly whether my lack of scientific knowledge is preventing me from fully understanding some of the things I've seen in different dream realms. LSD showed me Mandelbrot fractals developing in right in front of my eyes quite a few years before anyone printed up computer generated Mandelbrot fractals and started discussing Chaos Theory and non-linear dynamical equations...

And a friend of a friend claims that Francis Crick (and Watson?) worked out the helix structure of DNA with a little help from LSD...that in fact, they (maybe just one of them) actually saw it :d I really hope this is true! :d
It really gets my goat to read Narby's disinformation propagated. Leary went deeply into the DNA issue, called it the Neuro-genetic Circuit. Robert Anton Wilson had been extrapolating that work for years before Narby. Masters and Houston talk about engaging DNA in The Varieties of the Psychedelic Experience. John Lilly talks about communicating with the molecular level in Center of the Cyclone. Narby just could not be bothered to do any actual research; he writes like a mere babe in the woods, unable to accept that pioneers had been writing for decades before him on this.

I disagree with reducing hyperspace entities to a single state of consciousness (Neuro-genetic in this case). They appear across a broad spectrum of states.
^yeah Narby is not all that mindblowing..I have the cosmic serpent, its interesting, but nothing new..and I get the impression the guy never drank much ayahuasca in the first place.
First of all I just wanted to say thanks for the positive encouragment. And also im not looking for something "mind blowing" as put, im only seeking the true information and trying to decode the tzolkin (calendar of consciousness), and find the signifacance of 3Kankin 4Ahau or 2012 in gregorian date.
I was recently skimming through a book backwards that I have called, "Into The Void" by ZOE7 and I started reading the bold words only and it reminded me of a dmt trip that I had a while back before I was writing my trips down.
This is what I read from the book, in the same order I read them at the time:
"Indeed, the Void...is...you..."
"But the thought itself is the Void..."
"A thought within a void of nothingness..."
"Nothing is real. Nothing exists. No-thing. Not even you. The only thing that exists is a thought..."

A few pages back:
"This book then serving as a psychological bridge between realities or dimensions"
Then I read the paragraph just before this bold paragraph to know what he was talking about better:
"Now, another thing I have learned from all my of my studies and experiences is that there is no such thing as a 'fixed' future. However, I have learned from Jiebro (the shaman that is now within my personality) something that is imperative I share with you. Therefore I go on record with the following statement:
"On the night of December 21st, 2012, sometime between midnight and 6:00a.m. a massive and life-changing event will take place in the collective unconscious. Humankind as a whole, and the fabric of spacetime reality itself, will split in two seperate braches. Because of this event one group of people will find themselves in a parallel universe (and therefore on a probable Earth) that will come to experience a number of untold natural disasters - the like which have never been experienced or seen before. These natural as well as manmade disasters will continue for the entire 21st century. Millions of human lives will be lost, and the few remaining will be left in a wasteland of chaos and destruction.
On the other hand, the second group will find themselves on a probable Earth where only a few and rather mild natural disasters will appear. These will have very minimal impact. This group will also find themselves going into another 'Golden Age' that will reign throughout the 21st century. These people will experience untold happiness and fulfillment. Technological as well as spiritual advancement will be theirs. Why? Because they chose to expand their consciousness and knowledge, which automatically allowed them to tune in to or rather psychoport to a reality which they themselves created in the first place. Those who chose to remain ignorant of higher truths created their reality also.""

My trip that this remind me of went like this:
I was laying in my car in the garage, in pitchblack. I filled the bong I had with DMT (didnt have a scale at this time so I just filled the bong and kept hitting it for a while. At first I was hitting it and all these little beings were everywhere stacked on top of one another (looked like trolls or something like that forming a cylinder around me) and I just kept hitting it staring at them as I did, and then the last time I hit it, the bong and lighter were floating (I knew I was using my hands and arms but could not sense them at all) and hit one last time and put it down. After that I saw a blue rectangle that I knew was some type of door or opening somewhere else. So, i went to it and it was a room with a "tv" type thing in it and beings that helped and guided me through this whole trip. They sat me in front of the "tv" and projected "everything" into my mind. Then one of the beings brought me back to my body laying in the car and asked where I wanted to go and instantly I was everywhere on earth at once, then we went to space and the being showed me the earth from space splitting apart into 2 earths. One earth was just like here, physical. The other was translusent or made of energy. They orbited around each other after this split happened. But only the people on the one made of energy could sense this orbit at all and could sense the other earth. The people of the physical earth had no idea the other one was there or that the orbit of physical earth had changed at all. I had a sense that 2012 was literally a door that was open now and will close after that point happens in time and that 144,000 people will travel through this doorway, these people already know who they are that will travel through this doorway, even if they dont realize it yet. Then the being took me farther into space to the far reaches of the universe and there was a giant silver dragon, bigger than anything else in the universe and it started eating its own tail after flying around for a long time. Then I cant remember what happened after that.
On the night of December 21st, 2012, sometime between midnight and 6:00a.m. a massive and life-changing event will take place in the collective unconscious. Humankind as a whole, and the fabric of spacetime reality itself, will split in two seperate braches. Because of this event one group of people will find themselves in a parallel universe (and therefore on a probable Earth) that will come to experience a number of untold natural disasters - the like which have never been experienced or seen before. These natural as well as manmade disasters will continue for the entire 21st century. Millions of human lives will be lost, and the few remaining will be left in a wasteland of chaos and destruction.

On the other hand, the second group will find themselves on a probable Earth where only a few and rather mild natural disasters will appear. These will have very minimal impact. This group will also find themselves going into another 'Golden Age' that will reign throughout the 21st century. These people will experience untold happiness and fulfillment. Technological as well as spiritual advancement will be theirs. Why? Because they chose to expand their consciousness and knowledge, which automatically allowed them to tune in to or rather psychoport to a reality which they themselves created in the first place. Those who chose to remain ignorant of higher truths created their reality also.

You know, I feel a bit (well, not just a bit)... "awkward" about this situation. If it happens.

This means after 21th Dec 2012 I will still have my wife, still have the kids and my parents around, but... how can I be sure that they are my "real" wife and "real" kids? I know, I know... I should perhaps give up the idea of "real" wife and "real" kids... But I cannot. For this reason, this seems to be a cruel thing somehow.

If this happens, then I'd most likely come to the conclusion that BOTH versions of my kids and wife are indeed real. Therefore I would want to go to the "bad" world with them, to help them, to protect them. Really, if the "good" world is really so good (kingdom of God, as it is promised), then I don't have much work to do there. I'd rather go to the bad world, to give support, to fight till the end for a better world. Perhaps even die there.

This may sound quite strange, but this is how I feel. Going to heaven while others are suffering does not work for me. And how could I wrap my mind around this in a way that it doesn't hurt? Ignorance is bliss? No thank you.

Therefore I think I am an enemy of this split, and I'll do all I can to postpone it.
cellux said:
You know, I feel a bit (well, not just a bit)... "awkward" about this situation. If it happens.

This means after 21th Dec 2012 I will still have my wife, still have the kids and my parents around, but... how can I be sure that they are my "real" wife and "real" kids? I know, I know... I should perhaps give up the idea of "real" wife and "real" kids... But I cannot. For this reason, this seems to be a cruel thing somehow.

If this happens, then I'd most likely come to the conclusion that BOTH versions of my kids and wife are indeed real. Therefore I would want to go to the "bad" world with them, to help them, to protect them. Really, if the "good" world is really so good (kingdom of God, as it is promised), then I don't have much work to do there. I'd rather go to the bad world, to give support, to fight till the end for a better world. Perhaps even die there.

This may sound quite strange, but this is how I feel. Going to heaven while others are suffering does not work for me. And how could I wrap my mind around this in a way that it doesn't hurt? Ignorance is bliss? No thank you.

Therefore I think I am an enemy of this split, and I'll do all I can to postpone it.
There are some real physics theories that posit the existence of infinitely many parallel universes. Look up the “many worlds hypothesis” of Quantum Mechanics. If this is true, then there isn’t just one parallel universe with one parallel set of family, etc., but rather infinitely many.

So don’t worry too much about a coming split. If the hypothesis is true, we’ve been splitting into parallel worlds constantly since the beginning of time.

If the only “special” thing that is proposed to happen on Dec-21-2012 is such a split, then it will be a very ordinary day.

As a side note, I once had a salvia experience where I was transported to one of the similar parallel universes (very common with salvia), but never came back to my “original” universe. For a day or two, everything seemed so “new”. It never bothered me, since I figured that the new universe was “close enough” to the old one! So here or there, this universe or that, this self or that one, doesn’t really matter. Each “you” is as real and as much you as any other. (Makes you wonder who “you” really are, doesn’t it?)
I dont believe that you should worry about anyone that has came into your awareness/perception. They are conscious beings just like you. They make the choices that they have made, while you have made the choices you have made. The chance for them to do different things has come and they have each made there own decsions about things just as you have. You should respect all others choices just as you should accept your own choices you have made. All your loved ones, friend, family, everyone is all another aspect/part of you. You will never truley leave anyone behind. This cannot be postponed, its been in the works since consciousness itself exsited, to fight it would only be to fight yourself and the choices you have made and things that have came into your awareness for a reason. Dont ignore what you are being shown. If this "split" happens you will go where you are suppose to go. Dont worry about where you will end up, cause you will end up where you are suppose to be.
gibran2 said:
As a side note, I once had a salvia experience where I was transported to one of the similar parallel universes (very common with salvia), but never came back to my “original” universe. For a day or two, everything seemed so “new”. It never bothered me, since I figured that the new universe was “close enough” to the old one! So here or there, this universe or that, this self or that one, doesn’t really matter. Each “you” is as real and as much you as any other. (Makes you wonder who “you” really are, doesn’t it?)

Holy crap those are the strangest ones..salvia has done that to me as well..a few times..
Interesting post eclipse. I'm not familiar with Carpenter's work but I'll be checking some of it out after reading this. His DNA visions are reminiscent of my own. During my own DMT breakthroughs it is often strands of DNA that pull me through the veil and into the unknown. In my early, though admittedly more reckless, days of entheogen use I would often use nitrous to potentiate the effects of 2c-e. This would give me a fantastically intense few minutes in which I was able to view everything at the cellular level.

No matter how many times I read stuff like this I still find it absolutely fascinating how so many of us share similar visions and are able to draw up the same conclusions. The proof of a unified consciousness is almost undeniable.
About this "split" again: I found a way how it could be done. :)

If history can be played out in such a way, that at the point of separation (allegedly 21th Dec 2012) the two sets of people ( those destined to "hell" vs. those destined to "heaven" ) are disjoint, then nobody will notice that the one world divided into two and these two departed from each other.

This can be done by ensuring that as we get closer and closer to the point of separation, we lose all contact with those people who belong to the other group. At the moment of separation, the only thing that remains of those other people are memories, which may - again, by design and careful orchestration - never provide enough impetus to begin a search for these "forgotten" people.

This way, a large part of the world can be "cut away", without anyone noticing anything.
cellux said:
About this "split" again: I found a way how it could be done. :)

If history can be played out in such a way, that at the point of separation (allegedly 21th Dec 2012) the two sets of people ( those destined to "hell" vs. those destined to "heaven" ) are disjoint, then nobody will notice that the one world divided into two and these two departed from each other.

This can be done by ensuring that as we get closer and closer to the point of separation, we lose all contact with those people who belong to the other group. At the moment of separation, the only thing that remains of those other people are memories, which may - again, by design and careful orchestration - never provide enough impetus to begin a search for these "forgotten" people.

This way, a large part of the world can be "cut away", without anyone noticing anything.
One assumption that you make relates to time: you assume that time progresses in a linear fashion and that certain things happened in the “past” and certain other things will happen in the “future”.

It may be that time does not exist at all, and that all possible states of the universe exist simultaneously, not unlike all frames of a movie existing simultaneously. What we perceive as time is simply a sequence or path in this timeless state-space.

So this suggests that not only is there more than one “you” out there, but that “you” from all times exist simultaneously. “You” in every conceivable state may already exist, so what’s all the fuss about a split?

The point I’m making is this: The true nature of existence is unknown, and it’s no doubt something beyond our capacity to understand. So the idea that there is our one universe progressing through time, and that at some future time there will be two universes is laughably simplistic. This idea assumes that we already know and understand the nature of time, space, and existence, and we don’t.

And what about these ideas of heaven and hell? If you exist simultaneously in every physically possible state, then what does heaven and hell even mean? Do some of “you” go to heaven, and others to hell? These ideas assume that we already know and understand the nature of self, and we don’t.
I just assume that we're all here for each other and whether or not this means anything beyond our reach of scientific understanding, rest assured we have made a mockery of existence, clowns if you will. I believe the ten minute DMT experience explains this very well. We are human beings, ok. As an earthling we compromise and compare each other in terms of culture, semantics, and the entire phylogeny of our time as we tred this earth brawny yet compassionately as the dominating religion, humanity. Interchanged and forever reiterated through inner dogma as all other physical forces tend to reach toward entropy. The brain, our processor, our will, and our predecessor of all things coalesced through ancient scriptures, architecture, music and art among other things is the idea that volition is the key to a successful species. Machine elves? Sure, More like elephants, thousand arm gods, and all things procured by the brain including heaven and hell. It's a very easy and simple thing to say that the earth was made for people, and then you have the rest of the species that happened to go their separate ways. Honey bees work in a hive, of course but they do not decree a mandate of the apples on the apple tree. You can have all the apples on the tree but the honey is ours. Then we say "Hell motherlovin NO", its mine, mine, mine (Mi mi mi mi mi). No other animal observed does this, eradicating the competition and the understanding of media, politics, and complete separation. Comforts are really good stuff wouldn't you agree?

Sustenance, ok cool but you can only trust love, man.
I have come up with a theory that I think can progress the Tzolkin from my own experiments with it. First of all I think if you are going to look into the Mayan calendars you should understand who they were. I believe that the Mayan were a lot more in touch than all of us now. The reason I think this is becuase, the people that used to rule in Mayan cultures were Shaman Kings. Look at some of the psychedelics around this area and things that have come from this area of the world, ayahuasca, shrooms, and salvia. If the rulers of Mayan cultures were using these that idea would spread much easier than there than it would here. The Maya had a physical calendar that was more accurate that the one we use now, and also a 360 and 260 day calendar but the 360 and 260 day calendars were shown to have more of an importance. I have not been able to figure out what the 360 day calendar is for, but I am still trying to figure it out. (The 360 day calendar is split into 18 times, with 20 in each of the 18, that equals 1 tun or as scientists have said a "vague solar year". But the Maya had a solar calendar called the Haab.) The 260 day calendar I have come to think of has no relation to the physical reality at all, which would also mean it has not relation to anything physical in this sense, time, space, matter, etc. I have come to beleive that this is a calendar that is calculating or percieving consciousness. If this "split" has anything to do with this, if indeed it even happens at all, no one would realize this split even occured. The people that wend into the "higher level/progression of consciousness" would know that they were ment to be there and would have no regrets. While the people that stayed behind would also have no regrets could it would be as though nothing even happened in the first place. And even if there was a lot of death on one, the people that were left alive would also have no regrets cause in there minds, maybe all they would think is, "At least I survived."
My experiments with the Tzolkin calendar regarding consciousness, I have kept track of on my other posts here: SWIM's dmt, changa, and pharamayhuacsa expierences and thoughts / journal - Introduction Essay - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus.
I also believe though that all possibility is possible, but I also think that the Maya knew something or figured something out that is of importance to the ones that want to know its secrets. I also think that the Maya may have been the most intellegent people in history.
If you look at where the Mayan "end date" comes from (Stele 9) then it shows the Mayans had names from as far back as 20^7x13 Tuns (16,640,000,000 Tuns or 16.4 billion years ago), but it has dates that go back as far as 20^21x13 Tuns (272,262,846,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tuns or on Gregorian date January 1, 2.683549273701719e+29 B.C.). First of all I think that the gregorian calendar was made also using mayan calendars (Pope Gregory allowed someone to enter the vatican achives, in order to create a more accurate calendar than the Julian calendar at the time). But I also think that a calendar that goes so far back, why would it just end at an exact point? Maybe the Mayans were thinking in timelessness, and saw a point when all conscious beings would enter into this space/dimension/reality, whatever it is to be called, where time, space, etc no longer exist. The possibility is always there.
eclipsek20 said:
But I also think that a calendar that goes so far back, why would it just end at an exact point?
What is the alternative to a calendar ending at an exact point? A calendar that ends at an inexact point? A calendar that never ends?

My calendar ends on Dec. 31st every year. What is the significance of that? With all of our modern technology and understanding, “why would it just end at an exact point?”
On the night of December 21st, 2012, sometime between midnight and 6:00a.m. a massive and life-changing event will take place...

The real question is: How will this phenomenon progress around the international date line? Will the phenomenon start to the west of it and progress around the globe at a rate of one timezone per hour until a day later it completes the phenomenon on the east side of the date line? :shock:
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