I stumbled upon this fascinating website: Optimum Population
I'm really keen to get a discussion going about the statistics on this site and to hear other peoples views and opinions about this issue. I have personally been very concerned about our population issue as it affects all of us and the animals and plants on our planet. What could be some of the solutions to this radically growing problem? This issue also affects our environment and our earth, if we want to save it we will have to come up with constructive ways to deal with our population explosion and its only growing more and more every day sadly...
Much Peace and Sunshine
I'm really keen to get a discussion going about the statistics on this site and to hear other peoples views and opinions about this issue. I have personally been very concerned about our population issue as it affects all of us and the animals and plants on our planet. What could be some of the solutions to this radically growing problem? This issue also affects our environment and our earth, if we want to save it we will have to come up with constructive ways to deal with our population explosion and its only growing more and more every day sadly...
Much Peace and Sunshine