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WTF..... Need some advice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The first extraction I got yellow goop that even re/x when it was dissolved in the solvent there was nothing behind and evaped to yellow goop. 40-50mg was not a breakthrough dose but pretty darn fantastic.

Second extraction I did a salt tek on 200mg of powdered Acacia. I used xylene to pull and used plenty of FASA. Left it overnight to precipitate. Had a lot of brown sand. I put it in a beaker poured dried Acetone swirled it around and let sit poured off the excess repeated a couple of times and then poured it into a coffee filter and poured acetone slowly over it. Dried it completely and it weighed out to 4 grams which seemed a bit much. I then mixed it with an equal volume of Calcium hydroxide. Made a paste and let it dry out completely.

I chopped it into a powder and did five pulls with hot Naptha which I freeze precipitated for 36 hours. The bottom of the beaker was swimming with white crystals. poured off and saved what I could and evaped the rest which ended up with 300mg of white crystals and are only slighly sticky. I have it stored on some parchment paper in the freezer with a desiccant pack in the container.

Now to get to the WTF part. I measured out 30mg with my mg scale put it in a folded piece of paper. I fired up my Quartz banger heated it to red hot and after 30 sec poured the stuff into the bowl. It vaporized but left behind a residue that looks like very very fine beach sand.

It was not harsh at all and I was expecting to get blasted off and started to get the spice rush and then it fizzled out with a very light body load and some very minor visuals. It was over in five minutes but right after I inhaled I got a headache like I thought I was having a stroke headache.

The only meds I take are Cymbalta 120mg for depression and tertiary treatment for nerve pain Flomax for flowing, Ambien and Oxycodone. I have been on the same meds for a while so I don't think it is a drug interaction.

Advice part. Should I ditch this stuff and go back to the lab or up the dose and try again. I have only had the pleasure of using the Spice a few times so far. I never got a headache like that before.

Set and setting. I got everything ready in my office and went and meditated for about 40 minutes. I am disabled so I have the house to myself. Put some jazz on the computer. Made sure the dogs were taken out beforehand.

I appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I scraped the bowl and the residue left behind was 0.005 gram out of 0.29 put in.
Storing in freezer never worked for me. Just let it dry out. Also what do the crystals look like? There is a good thread in here somewhere that has a ton of examples for you to compare.
I can't help with the extractions since I never done my own. I can say that you should probably ditch those meds. They dull the spice effects, and contribute to the body load.

I'm sure you don't really need them because I was on meds too. It's nasty stuff to be avoided. This is just my 2 cents, because I've seen many better of without them and felt it on my own skin.

Drop acid and eat shrooms for your depression, smoke weed for pain and insomnia and if you want to take it a step further brew your own ayahuasca and you'll get sensitive to all psychedelics from that point on, spice included. Mimosa/acacia and rue seeds are already cheap as free and the experience is extremely similar to jungle ayahuasca anyways so you won't miss out on anything.

The users that post after me can give you more tips on how to perfect your extractions further and I imagine you'll get better with extracting over time and with practice.

Best of luck!
I had 500 grams used 200 grams on the last extraction. I am doing a 100 gram now. I left the powdered bark in distilled water acidified with citric acid for 48 hours and gave it a shake every time I walked into the kitchen. The goodies should be in the water if there are any. I am filtering it now so I don't have to deal with all the goop.

I read one tek where they suggested for your Naptha pulls to pour the spice and Naptha mixture from beaker to beaker or beaker to flask I am going to give it a try much easier to do without the Acacia mud.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had that instant headache. I don't want to load up 60-70mg and get hyperslapped for my first breakthrough. Going to leave that stuff in the freezer and go back to the lab. Could be my material is crap. I am going to be as careful as possible and see what I can get out of 100 grams. 😉
Yup my material is crap. Have to try a couple of other vendors. I did five through pulls on my 100-gram run I just finished and put all the naps in 500ml of acidic water. I swirled it semi continuously for 30 min and then pulled the naps and discarded. When I poured the basified water in it did not cloud up after ten or fifteen minutes I could see white specks and that was it. I pulled it anyway but I am thinking it will come up empty. :p
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