Rising Star
The first extraction I got yellow goop that even re/x when it was dissolved in the solvent there was nothing behind and evaped to yellow goop. 40-50mg was not a breakthrough dose but pretty darn fantastic.
Second extraction I did a salt tek on 200mg of powdered Acacia. I used xylene to pull and used plenty of FASA. Left it overnight to precipitate. Had a lot of brown sand. I put it in a beaker poured dried Acetone swirled it around and let sit poured off the excess repeated a couple of times and then poured it into a coffee filter and poured acetone slowly over it. Dried it completely and it weighed out to 4 grams which seemed a bit much. I then mixed it with an equal volume of Calcium hydroxide. Made a paste and let it dry out completely.
I chopped it into a powder and did five pulls with hot Naptha which I freeze precipitated for 36 hours. The bottom of the beaker was swimming with white crystals. poured off and saved what I could and evaped the rest which ended up with 300mg of white crystals and are only slighly sticky. I have it stored on some parchment paper in the freezer with a desiccant pack in the container.
Now to get to the WTF part. I measured out 30mg with my mg scale put it in a folded piece of paper. I fired up my Quartz banger heated it to red hot and after 30 sec poured the stuff into the bowl. It vaporized but left behind a residue that looks like very very fine beach sand.
It was not harsh at all and I was expecting to get blasted off and started to get the spice rush and then it fizzled out with a very light body load and some very minor visuals. It was over in five minutes but right after I inhaled I got a headache like I thought I was having a stroke headache.
The only meds I take are Cymbalta 120mg for depression and tertiary treatment for nerve pain Flomax for flowing, Ambien and Oxycodone. I have been on the same meds for a while so I don't think it is a drug interaction.
Advice part. Should I ditch this stuff and go back to the lab or up the dose and try again. I have only had the pleasure of using the Spice a few times so far. I never got a headache like that before.
Set and setting. I got everything ready in my office and went and meditated for about 40 minutes. I am disabled so I have the house to myself. Put some jazz on the computer. Made sure the dogs were taken out beforehand.
I appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I scraped the bowl and the residue left behind was 0.005 gram out of 0.29 put in.
Second extraction I did a salt tek on 200mg of powdered Acacia. I used xylene to pull and used plenty of FASA. Left it overnight to precipitate. Had a lot of brown sand. I put it in a beaker poured dried Acetone swirled it around and let sit poured off the excess repeated a couple of times and then poured it into a coffee filter and poured acetone slowly over it. Dried it completely and it weighed out to 4 grams which seemed a bit much. I then mixed it with an equal volume of Calcium hydroxide. Made a paste and let it dry out completely.
I chopped it into a powder and did five pulls with hot Naptha which I freeze precipitated for 36 hours. The bottom of the beaker was swimming with white crystals. poured off and saved what I could and evaped the rest which ended up with 300mg of white crystals and are only slighly sticky. I have it stored on some parchment paper in the freezer with a desiccant pack in the container.
Now to get to the WTF part. I measured out 30mg with my mg scale put it in a folded piece of paper. I fired up my Quartz banger heated it to red hot and after 30 sec poured the stuff into the bowl. It vaporized but left behind a residue that looks like very very fine beach sand.
It was not harsh at all and I was expecting to get blasted off and started to get the spice rush and then it fizzled out with a very light body load and some very minor visuals. It was over in five minutes but right after I inhaled I got a headache like I thought I was having a stroke headache.
The only meds I take are Cymbalta 120mg for depression and tertiary treatment for nerve pain Flomax for flowing, Ambien and Oxycodone. I have been on the same meds for a while so I don't think it is a drug interaction.
Advice part. Should I ditch this stuff and go back to the lab or up the dose and try again. I have only had the pleasure of using the Spice a few times so far. I never got a headache like that before.
Set and setting. I got everything ready in my office and went and meditated for about 40 minutes. I am disabled so I have the house to myself. Put some jazz on the computer. Made sure the dogs were taken out beforehand.
I appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I scraped the bowl and the residue left behind was 0.005 gram out of 0.29 put in.