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Xtals forming

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys, i am in need of your help again....

I was doing a big batch of changa with 1gr DMT, 400gr Caapi 10x, 300gr Minth and the same amount Pau. But i´ve run out of my usual acetone and couldn´t find any other that evaped clean so i did it with naphta. I had to heat up a big amount of naphta just to dissolve the spice and now that it cooled down and evaped a bit some big xtals are forming on top of the herbs. So my guess would be that it is not infusing onto the herb but rather recrystalizing... Where the hell did it go wrong? And what should i do now? :?

Thank u all
So this is my changa atm... Sorry about the bad resolution but theese were taken with my phone, not so good for close ups.


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RigelL said:
Hey guys, i am in need of your help again....

I was doing a big batch of changa with 1gr DMT, 400gr Caapi 10x, 300gr Minth and the same amount Pau. But i´ve run out of my usual acetone and couldn´t find any other that evaped clean so i did it with naphta. I had to heat up a big amount of naphta just to dissolve the spice and now that it cooled down and evaped a bit some big xtals are forming on top of the herbs. So my guess would be that it is not infusing onto the herb but rather recrystalizing... Where the hell did it go wrong? And what should i do now? :?

Thank u all


Looks like the naptha is too saturated, try adding some more solvent in there, mixing it all up nice and good, and let evap. Also try not to warm the naptha up too much, im pretty sure warm naptha holds more DMT than cold naptha.

That picture looks sweet though:d
:S Lots of xtals, lots of needles, low infusion... were we go fot the second try on the same batch :p


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Maybe crush up your leaf matter more. Also stir every now and then as it evaps. Swim used heptane before he started using ipa. If you have some on hand heat it up with a bath and dump enough on to cover the leaf matter.
you can see in the second pic untill where the naphta was, 3 cm above the leaf material, should have been solvent enough... and unfortunatelly don´t have any other good solvents. i´m waiting for IPA to be back in store.
But thx for the adice, i´ll start strirring the batch a little bit ;) but thoose xtals started forming as soon as the solvent cooled down (too concentrated??).
Since naphtha evaporates much faster than ipa it needs help obsorbing into your leaf matter. Crushing up youe leaf matter will give it more surface area. Also keeping it in a warm bath may help it from precipitating out while its evaping.
If that was mine I would first try and chop up the herbage, allot. IMHO you need more surface area so it can soak up the spice saturated solvent.
Next add more naphtha. Warm naphtha, enough so that all of the spice completely dissolves.
I would put that in a quart mason jar, and screw the lid down tight.
Shake the shit out of it at least once or twice a day. let it soak for a few days.

You have a mixture there of different organic materials with different densities. allow the herbs to really soak of the spice good. You want a uniform strength.

After chopping it up better, adding naphtha, and letting it soak I'm sure you'll have better results.
Place it in a hotwater bath in front of a fan and you will find out in a few hours. :d also when its almost dry stir/fluff it for 5 minutes that's should atleast spread around anything that didn't completely absorb.
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