SWIM did two Xylene Pulls with the remaining MHR bark solution yesterday, and when SWIM was finnished doing the pulling and cleaning the sep funnel, a question came to mind. Should SWIM do a sodium cabonate (washing soda) wash like SWIM does when pulling with naptha? SWIM's internet was down due to a virus so he couldn't post a question then. So SWIM went ahead and did the wash and is now waiting for evaporation. Which brings up ahother question. SWIM doesn't usually use evaporation to get a yeild, after trying freeze precip and getting a much, much cleaner Spice , with no need for recrystlization. When SWIM evaped before, the recrystalization removed a hairball from the dust collected while evaporationg, and the dish was well covered! I know SWIM can't use freeze precip with xylene. So anyway, is there a good way to clean the red/white Spice combo from a xylene pull/evap without separating them, (I.E. cleaning with naptha)?? Thanks for the tips!! Cheers WS