*always learning'*
It was of such great issue.
Having a singular consistency in its nature; that of it being highly problematic and, from my end, was a total oversight - that I really thought much simpler than it is.
Oh the Folly of the New. I was a naive, Cocky, wholly underexposed to this part of the whole - extremely surprised at just how biblical in scope, this "simple" matter was. Just, get the Bark of the Wood. Not so tricky? I pride myself on "the problems", and solving them in effective ways. In general.
From Twigs to Trunks, if it's ethically and morally sound, foraging in a way that if you were the Life Form you were pilfering from, would it hurt you?
If not. Then the condition has been met, and please - allow me to share with you this wonderful story of sore Finger Tips, well intended, ultimately reneged, promises of success. And meeting with Failure time after time. After time and time again.
For; The Bark! She is a Harsh Mistress. And I am a very.. this would be something that I'd have married an Engineer, to have her build me the Kit that'd solve the issue(s). And then remain married to death, an example of the type of commitment I brought to this task. Albeit hyperbole, and likely, I couldn't even land an Engineer
, anyways.. lol
The phyllodes of A. acuminata (all 3 types and their seemingly interbred variants. I live in WA), has been my go-to, and usually is.
I was fortunate enough however, to have been provided with about 2m of main trunk, old tree trunk. And frankly, I've yet to come across a material like it yet. Just via initial, completely un-scientific and sketchy indicators and "field tests". But, as their name suggests - I've been shown that .. to Not figure it out, at scale, of how to get the Bark, would be a great misfortune. A disservice to everything this Tree ever experienced, or bore witness to.
To every photon that split every single sugary chemical in the Chloroplasts of the Millions of years of evolution for the Tree to develop "leaves", to allow energy production to happen.
A phenomenally successful Tour de Force in not just providing Nitrogen from the atmosphere, in to the soils of WA's world renowned POS systems of (real Geographical concern, around) our poor soils (we Do have the Great Sandy Seserrt (ye), AND a secondary, Lesser Sandy Desert in the State. Just to clarify...
And.. Our Topsoil will have (one way or another) be gone, depleted by 2050, and that was, uncannily, the Bedrock(eh?) of Systems of Western Australian Soils that we all rely on. To live.
This tree, it Fixes that shit. Naturally occurring, and inherently "knowing" that there needs to be a Foundational shift somewhere, otherwise.. Noone is really gonna be around for long. They knew.
It develops a Rhizosphere (Sandalwood being a great, yet, too simple an example to illustrate), that in and of itself, generates the best environmental conditions for Bacterial growth, Endo and Exofungi (I could write a book...) Hyphae and Myc, lil creatures of more than a single cell. And the work in tandem, like Messenger Cells and Genes, to become - an amalgam. A living, perspiring, amalgamation of Life.
The roots behave in process of the subterranean formation of life, as the Atmosphere and Liquid Water does, us. No hyperbole.
And so, as an Evolutionary Biologist's new ideas coming out, such as, "assembly theory", revolutionary in how we conceptualise the insane, and the mundane, has allowed for many to really understand the totality of what's in front of them, in its inherent majesty. So too do I see in these Trees everything that eons ago, was necessary for them to have come to be what's presented to me at the time. Before anything Spiritual, a healthy perspective gives one the sense of duty and responsibility, I think truly unique in the world of Angiosperms, then Trees. Then Acacia. Then my buddy, A. acuminata.
And to then radically adapt to conditions unfit for life - not only for itself, but as a Hub of the Whole [of Life]. If not respected, wtf are you looking at that Tree for? Maybe because deep down, even if we can't articulate it, this ... Knowing - it's there, subconsciously. And I Know it is.
As the Tree I've been speaking of, is simply an Aspect of Nature.
As am I. And as are you too, homie
Whether it is addressed or not, that Tree's Microbiome and my Serotonin (and also, 50% if not more, of the Microbiome in ME, comes, directly, from Biologically Active Soils). I'd be physiologically incapable of feeling "content" if not for the interplay of what I have just expressed. And nor would I have any capacity for real reverence for the Interplay between Lifes, that could be expounded on for hours as it leads into Consciousness. But we won't go there today.
Because, I think for now, the fact the Tree grabbed an atmospheric particulate, transmuted it, and against capillary action - down - out of its Roots, wherein the associated Fungi, Micro fauna and Bacterial colonies integral in allowing these Nitrogen Fixing Fellas to have any real world affects, need to have it be bioavailable. And in that, lays the foundations for how the give and take, the symbiosis, utterly underrepresented in being of a magical property. THE Mutually beneficial relationship, dependant on systems that produces enzymes, RNA and Genes - y'kno. What we're made of, literally..
The physical embodiment of God's work. I say this as a Christian. Is nothing short of why I found myself undeterred by the consistent failures I had in managing the processing of the Bark.
And now, I've figured it out.
So! With no further comments as to the beauty and inspirational nature of what we do, my Solution.
I found that, after many, Many different Tools and Techniques I ran through like a Ninja in the Night's dew - it was the simple Wood Planer that came to me with results.
It cuts, as opposed to rubs, like Sand paper or an Angle Grinder - has an exhaust system that collects all of the material from its functioning (I have come to decide that a Bagged Vacuum Cleaner, new, purpose bought/ attained [new]) was the best method of collecting the Goods. And just load Bag after Bag up, taping the hole - makes immediately for a storage system that requires no handling, nor loss, nor *cough* 'the Black Lung, Pops'. *cough*, extra health hazard. That really brings this all together. This combo, although is still only in early days for myself, has ticked every box I could conceive of.
How or why it took me ≈ 2 years to figure this out, I'm sure lay in an aspect of life unrelated, but important.

Having a singular consistency in its nature; that of it being highly problematic and, from my end, was a total oversight - that I really thought much simpler than it is.
Oh the Folly of the New. I was a naive, Cocky, wholly underexposed to this part of the whole - extremely surprised at just how biblical in scope, this "simple" matter was. Just, get the Bark of the Wood. Not so tricky? I pride myself on "the problems", and solving them in effective ways. In general.
From Twigs to Trunks, if it's ethically and morally sound, foraging in a way that if you were the Life Form you were pilfering from, would it hurt you?
If not. Then the condition has been met, and please - allow me to share with you this wonderful story of sore Finger Tips, well intended, ultimately reneged, promises of success. And meeting with Failure time after time. After time and time again.
For; The Bark! She is a Harsh Mistress. And I am a very.. this would be something that I'd have married an Engineer, to have her build me the Kit that'd solve the issue(s). And then remain married to death, an example of the type of commitment I brought to this task. Albeit hyperbole, and likely, I couldn't even land an Engineer

The phyllodes of A. acuminata (all 3 types and their seemingly interbred variants. I live in WA), has been my go-to, and usually is.
I was fortunate enough however, to have been provided with about 2m of main trunk, old tree trunk. And frankly, I've yet to come across a material like it yet. Just via initial, completely un-scientific and sketchy indicators and "field tests". But, as their name suggests - I've been shown that .. to Not figure it out, at scale, of how to get the Bark, would be a great misfortune. A disservice to everything this Tree ever experienced, or bore witness to.
To every photon that split every single sugary chemical in the Chloroplasts of the Millions of years of evolution for the Tree to develop "leaves", to allow energy production to happen.
A phenomenally successful Tour de Force in not just providing Nitrogen from the atmosphere, in to the soils of WA's world renowned POS systems of (real Geographical concern, around) our poor soils (we Do have the Great Sandy Seserrt (ye), AND a secondary, Lesser Sandy Desert in the State. Just to clarify...
And.. Our Topsoil will have (one way or another) be gone, depleted by 2050, and that was, uncannily, the Bedrock(eh?) of Systems of Western Australian Soils that we all rely on. To live.
This tree, it Fixes that shit. Naturally occurring, and inherently "knowing" that there needs to be a Foundational shift somewhere, otherwise.. Noone is really gonna be around for long. They knew.
It develops a Rhizosphere (Sandalwood being a great, yet, too simple an example to illustrate), that in and of itself, generates the best environmental conditions for Bacterial growth, Endo and Exofungi (I could write a book...) Hyphae and Myc, lil creatures of more than a single cell. And the work in tandem, like Messenger Cells and Genes, to become - an amalgam. A living, perspiring, amalgamation of Life.
The roots behave in process of the subterranean formation of life, as the Atmosphere and Liquid Water does, us. No hyperbole.
And so, as an Evolutionary Biologist's new ideas coming out, such as, "assembly theory", revolutionary in how we conceptualise the insane, and the mundane, has allowed for many to really understand the totality of what's in front of them, in its inherent majesty. So too do I see in these Trees everything that eons ago, was necessary for them to have come to be what's presented to me at the time. Before anything Spiritual, a healthy perspective gives one the sense of duty and responsibility, I think truly unique in the world of Angiosperms, then Trees. Then Acacia. Then my buddy, A. acuminata.
And to then radically adapt to conditions unfit for life - not only for itself, but as a Hub of the Whole [of Life]. If not respected, wtf are you looking at that Tree for? Maybe because deep down, even if we can't articulate it, this ... Knowing - it's there, subconsciously. And I Know it is.
As the Tree I've been speaking of, is simply an Aspect of Nature.
As am I. And as are you too, homie

Whether it is addressed or not, that Tree's Microbiome and my Serotonin (and also, 50% if not more, of the Microbiome in ME, comes, directly, from Biologically Active Soils). I'd be physiologically incapable of feeling "content" if not for the interplay of what I have just expressed. And nor would I have any capacity for real reverence for the Interplay between Lifes, that could be expounded on for hours as it leads into Consciousness. But we won't go there today.
Because, I think for now, the fact the Tree grabbed an atmospheric particulate, transmuted it, and against capillary action - down - out of its Roots, wherein the associated Fungi, Micro fauna and Bacterial colonies integral in allowing these Nitrogen Fixing Fellas to have any real world affects, need to have it be bioavailable. And in that, lays the foundations for how the give and take, the symbiosis, utterly underrepresented in being of a magical property. THE Mutually beneficial relationship, dependant on systems that produces enzymes, RNA and Genes - y'kno. What we're made of, literally..
The physical embodiment of God's work. I say this as a Christian. Is nothing short of why I found myself undeterred by the consistent failures I had in managing the processing of the Bark.
And now, I've figured it out.
So! With no further comments as to the beauty and inspirational nature of what we do, my Solution.
I found that, after many, Many different Tools and Techniques I ran through like a Ninja in the Night's dew - it was the simple Wood Planer that came to me with results.
It cuts, as opposed to rubs, like Sand paper or an Angle Grinder - has an exhaust system that collects all of the material from its functioning (I have come to decide that a Bagged Vacuum Cleaner, new, purpose bought/ attained [new]) was the best method of collecting the Goods. And just load Bag after Bag up, taping the hole - makes immediately for a storage system that requires no handling, nor loss, nor *cough* 'the Black Lung, Pops'. *cough*, extra health hazard. That really brings this all together. This combo, although is still only in early days for myself, has ticked every box I could conceive of.
How or why it took me ≈ 2 years to figure this out, I'm sure lay in an aspect of life unrelated, but important.