Rising Star
All at the Nexus. Firstly thank you for six months of knowledge, education and experience. It has taken me much time to get ready to contribute to this amazing body of knowledge. I hope that the writings and illustrations which I intend to post of my daydreams will spark some recognition from some of you. 'Recognition' because there are two reasons I have tried to document my experiences. Firstly, as a process of personal integration. Secondly, because I wish to understand further to what extent my daydreaming experiences are either tapping into universal archetypes, or alternatively going to places which can be or have been visited by others.
As an introduction I would like to post up my most recent daydream, which marked a step change in my experiences. I speak here of how I felt at the time, rather than trying to draw any conclusions as to whether I met external consciousnesses or products of my own subconcious.
Yesterday's daydream
Immediately I found myself standing in the street outside my house. Of course physically I was still in my chair. The time was not five am any more but the middle of a bright, sunny day. An animated street scene surrounded me, men, women and children riding bicyles, tricycles, walking, running; going about their business. My appearance immediately caught their attention and many of them approached me.
They were ghostly and ephemeral. I did not see see their faces close up. They came from many directions, not in three dimensions but four or five. I say this as they appeared to still occupy three-dimensional space but simultaneously overlapped one another around me. I could perceive some of them very close - possibly inches from my face. Others crowded round to the left or right of me. I heard many voices, again male and female, chattering fast in a number of strange languages.
The entities wished to communicate with me. To do this, they presented me with strange objects which resembled control panels or signs. These objects popped into existence and evolved as I attempted (and failed) to comprehend them. One object I remember reasonably clearly was a cream panel which popped up in the street scene. The panel had a number of features, such as jewelled slits, but most prevalently there was a green cross on a white background made out of numerous tiny circular pieces like plastic buttons. I understood the intention was that my input - my choice - was what the entities were trying to solicit. It felt as though they were trying to 'capture' a decision; almost as if my free will to decide was the essence of what they were after. But the object was so complex and changeable, and presented right in front of my field of view, that I could not respond other than thinking 'yes I accept this experience', and then trying to turn away.
I had the sense that the entities were manifesting as humans, using human tools and in a human inner city environment as a kind of game. This was not their true form - although the presented objects did not resemble anything from my everyday world. I felt the entities used them specifically to communicate with me in terms as close as they could to my real world contextual capabilities.
The object presentation game continued and my fumbling attempts to reciprocate progressed against the chattering background. There was a sense of annoyance. Suddenly I realised I could hear voices in the background chatter talking in English! I had not recognised this previously as they were high pitched and sped up incredibly fast. I realised I could actually hear the entities arguing with one another about what was going on, with the whole argument taking around a quarter of the second. I could not tell the origins of the voices. One entity was saying (about me) that 'his monkey brain cannot understand what we are trying to teach him and show him, you shouldn't be annoyed, this is your fault' and the other voice was arguing back calling me stupid and seemingly throwing a temper tantrum. They sounded more like petulant squabbling children than divine intelligences, but all in helium voices and in the blink of an eye.
In previous daydreams I had a sense of a commentry on my journey; of voices debating my readiness to continue or not. Also a sense of annoyance, of 'not wanting to play', of walking away from me and wagging angry fingers. But nothing tangible like this. Actually hearing voices bickering over what was going on was a new and most bizarre experience. Realising these intelligences were not perfect and could lose their temper was also reassuring. These entities (and perhaps they are self-transforming elves, I have no idea as they match some descriptions and not others) appear in my experiences to populate the 'entry' part of hyperspace rather than the deeper parts. I would be interested to hear what anyone thinks of that observation.
As this street scene faded away, I was struck with how well I had managed to maintain a narrative to my experience this time. I am also getting much better at monitoring my breathing, heartbeat and posture by switching my focus quickly to my body and back within millisecond s rather than spending seconds withdrawing myself from the experience to think of the everyday world. I have also found since about dream three (although I must stress I tend to have only 0.025 of a glass of milk prior to daydreaming rather than a larger amount for reasons I will describe in another post) I can easily communicate with others around me in the everyday world, even describing what I see or just giving the thumbs up or answering questions if anyone asks me if I am ok. However I choose not to do this as I believe it dilutes the dream.
An experienced friend had advised me that you need to realise what you are bringing to the experience. It is not one sided. He told me that you need to communicate and say to the spirit that 'we should work together' to share knowledge. My feeling of clarity was such I was able to communicate this thought, and immediately I was taken to a new place and new state of mind previously unexperienced.
Firstly, there was a sudden sense of concordance. It was as though my thoughts and the thoughts of the great entity I was communicating with resonated together in a harmonic hum. A striated three dimensional shape coursed rapidly in front of me, coloured orange, purple and other colours. Large 'blocks' broke free from the shape, equivocating memes which integrated themselves immediately within my brain. I understood the blocks were communications between myself and the concordant intelligence, and we spent several seconds in exquisite harmony.
My last memory was of a large pillar, obelisk or tree trunk. Again items broke off from the trunk, and a grandfatherly voice explained that the the items (possibly shards, or again meme-blocks) were gifts to me which I somehow had earned.
This daydream was undoubtedly one of my favourites so far. Firstly, I feel I now understand that the sense of annoyance I sometimes encounter can be due to the misconceptions of other entites, rather than being due to me doing something wrong. Secondly I think I understand that beyond the area of play which seems principally populated by entities which are desparately trying to communicate and receive something from me by adopting my modern archetypal forms and language (even to the point of communicating with each other in English while in their attempt at 'human mode') there lie deeper intelligences capable of concordant communication, if you just know how to ask.
So for those of you less experienced like me, please do give it a try. Try to remember to ask to 'work together' with the material while there. Remember you too have knowledge and apparently an aspect of your free will to share, which is valued there*. Easiest time is probably just on the way out first time round. I would love to hear any positive experiences.
Last word. I am pretty new to this, and there are many wiser on this forum. I am not entrenched in my beliefs, and am happy to hear comments or criticisms of my interpretation of the above.
* of course be mindful there are darker sides, of which i have little experience.
As an introduction I would like to post up my most recent daydream, which marked a step change in my experiences. I speak here of how I felt at the time, rather than trying to draw any conclusions as to whether I met external consciousnesses or products of my own subconcious.
Yesterday's daydream
Immediately I found myself standing in the street outside my house. Of course physically I was still in my chair. The time was not five am any more but the middle of a bright, sunny day. An animated street scene surrounded me, men, women and children riding bicyles, tricycles, walking, running; going about their business. My appearance immediately caught their attention and many of them approached me.
They were ghostly and ephemeral. I did not see see their faces close up. They came from many directions, not in three dimensions but four or five. I say this as they appeared to still occupy three-dimensional space but simultaneously overlapped one another around me. I could perceive some of them very close - possibly inches from my face. Others crowded round to the left or right of me. I heard many voices, again male and female, chattering fast in a number of strange languages.
The entities wished to communicate with me. To do this, they presented me with strange objects which resembled control panels or signs. These objects popped into existence and evolved as I attempted (and failed) to comprehend them. One object I remember reasonably clearly was a cream panel which popped up in the street scene. The panel had a number of features, such as jewelled slits, but most prevalently there was a green cross on a white background made out of numerous tiny circular pieces like plastic buttons. I understood the intention was that my input - my choice - was what the entities were trying to solicit. It felt as though they were trying to 'capture' a decision; almost as if my free will to decide was the essence of what they were after. But the object was so complex and changeable, and presented right in front of my field of view, that I could not respond other than thinking 'yes I accept this experience', and then trying to turn away.
I had the sense that the entities were manifesting as humans, using human tools and in a human inner city environment as a kind of game. This was not their true form - although the presented objects did not resemble anything from my everyday world. I felt the entities used them specifically to communicate with me in terms as close as they could to my real world contextual capabilities.
The object presentation game continued and my fumbling attempts to reciprocate progressed against the chattering background. There was a sense of annoyance. Suddenly I realised I could hear voices in the background chatter talking in English! I had not recognised this previously as they were high pitched and sped up incredibly fast. I realised I could actually hear the entities arguing with one another about what was going on, with the whole argument taking around a quarter of the second. I could not tell the origins of the voices. One entity was saying (about me) that 'his monkey brain cannot understand what we are trying to teach him and show him, you shouldn't be annoyed, this is your fault' and the other voice was arguing back calling me stupid and seemingly throwing a temper tantrum. They sounded more like petulant squabbling children than divine intelligences, but all in helium voices and in the blink of an eye.
In previous daydreams I had a sense of a commentry on my journey; of voices debating my readiness to continue or not. Also a sense of annoyance, of 'not wanting to play', of walking away from me and wagging angry fingers. But nothing tangible like this. Actually hearing voices bickering over what was going on was a new and most bizarre experience. Realising these intelligences were not perfect and could lose their temper was also reassuring. These entities (and perhaps they are self-transforming elves, I have no idea as they match some descriptions and not others) appear in my experiences to populate the 'entry' part of hyperspace rather than the deeper parts. I would be interested to hear what anyone thinks of that observation.
As this street scene faded away, I was struck with how well I had managed to maintain a narrative to my experience this time. I am also getting much better at monitoring my breathing, heartbeat and posture by switching my focus quickly to my body and back within millisecond s rather than spending seconds withdrawing myself from the experience to think of the everyday world. I have also found since about dream three (although I must stress I tend to have only 0.025 of a glass of milk prior to daydreaming rather than a larger amount for reasons I will describe in another post) I can easily communicate with others around me in the everyday world, even describing what I see or just giving the thumbs up or answering questions if anyone asks me if I am ok. However I choose not to do this as I believe it dilutes the dream.
An experienced friend had advised me that you need to realise what you are bringing to the experience. It is not one sided. He told me that you need to communicate and say to the spirit that 'we should work together' to share knowledge. My feeling of clarity was such I was able to communicate this thought, and immediately I was taken to a new place and new state of mind previously unexperienced.
Firstly, there was a sudden sense of concordance. It was as though my thoughts and the thoughts of the great entity I was communicating with resonated together in a harmonic hum. A striated three dimensional shape coursed rapidly in front of me, coloured orange, purple and other colours. Large 'blocks' broke free from the shape, equivocating memes which integrated themselves immediately within my brain. I understood the blocks were communications between myself and the concordant intelligence, and we spent several seconds in exquisite harmony.
My last memory was of a large pillar, obelisk or tree trunk. Again items broke off from the trunk, and a grandfatherly voice explained that the the items (possibly shards, or again meme-blocks) were gifts to me which I somehow had earned.
This daydream was undoubtedly one of my favourites so far. Firstly, I feel I now understand that the sense of annoyance I sometimes encounter can be due to the misconceptions of other entites, rather than being due to me doing something wrong. Secondly I think I understand that beyond the area of play which seems principally populated by entities which are desparately trying to communicate and receive something from me by adopting my modern archetypal forms and language (even to the point of communicating with each other in English while in their attempt at 'human mode') there lie deeper intelligences capable of concordant communication, if you just know how to ask.
So for those of you less experienced like me, please do give it a try. Try to remember to ask to 'work together' with the material while there. Remember you too have knowledge and apparently an aspect of your free will to share, which is valued there*. Easiest time is probably just on the way out first time round. I would love to hear any positive experiences.
Last word. I am pretty new to this, and there are many wiser on this forum. I am not entrenched in my beliefs, and am happy to hear comments or criticisms of my interpretation of the above.
* of course be mindful there are darker sides, of which i have little experience.