I'm very glad to have found a part of the internet I feel I belong to, I discovered this website while researching DMT extraction and discovered it to not only be useful but seemingly a great community with which to join.
I'm an 18 year old who's life has been periodically changed for the better with the aid of psychedelic substances, discovering marijuana at age 12 opened my eyes to many things and helped me gain the confidence to think for myself and break the shackles of my parents Christianity and the desire for my school to conform me to what is deemed "socially acceptable".
At the age of 16 I discovered LSD and my third eye was opened and enabled my to take more control over aspects of my consciousness and realise I couldn't control many others. Trips I had enabled me to build on already close relationships with a few friends I now consider brothers, it helped me fight and overcome a crystal meth addiction in a sudden fashion I have never seen anyone else manage(now clean 8 months!), and help me take charge of my life and realise the importance of perception vs. reality among much other wisdom I gained.
I dabbled with shrooms, K, mescaline and other random trips and a long time fascination with DMT finally became realised a few months before my 18th birthday and again my life was radically changed. I have only had one DMT experience but the things I saw changed what I thought the limits of consciousness are. Myself and a few close friends are very interested in extracting our own DMT and developing a relationship with the spice.
Hope to have fun sharing in the wisdom obviously present on this site, hopefully with your collective assistance I will be able to gain skills and wisdom to share with those I encounter who seek the journey of enlightenment that is psychedelic substances, more so than any DMT.
Peace and Love
Lucy4 (like my username I thought it was pretty genius hahaha
I'm an 18 year old who's life has been periodically changed for the better with the aid of psychedelic substances, discovering marijuana at age 12 opened my eyes to many things and helped me gain the confidence to think for myself and break the shackles of my parents Christianity and the desire for my school to conform me to what is deemed "socially acceptable".
At the age of 16 I discovered LSD and my third eye was opened and enabled my to take more control over aspects of my consciousness and realise I couldn't control many others. Trips I had enabled me to build on already close relationships with a few friends I now consider brothers, it helped me fight and overcome a crystal meth addiction in a sudden fashion I have never seen anyone else manage(now clean 8 months!), and help me take charge of my life and realise the importance of perception vs. reality among much other wisdom I gained.
I dabbled with shrooms, K, mescaline and other random trips and a long time fascination with DMT finally became realised a few months before my 18th birthday and again my life was radically changed. I have only had one DMT experience but the things I saw changed what I thought the limits of consciousness are. Myself and a few close friends are very interested in extracting our own DMT and developing a relationship with the spice.
Hope to have fun sharing in the wisdom obviously present on this site, hopefully with your collective assistance I will be able to gain skills and wisdom to share with those I encounter who seek the journey of enlightenment that is psychedelic substances, more so than any DMT.
Peace and Love
Lucy4 (like my username I thought it was pretty genius hahaha