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Yo, Hello or Greetings Im new to the forum I love chemistry (sadly dont know enough about organic chem) and I have a question can u synthesize other DMT variants with DMT as a base/starting chemical like turn DMT into 4-AcO-DMT. Well thank u anyway for answering an now Im gone. :alien:
Yo, Hello or Greetings Im new to the forum I love chemistry (sadly dont know enough about organic chem) and I have a question can u synthesize other DMT variants with DMT as a base/starting chemical like turn DMT into 4-AcO-DMT. Well thank u anyway for answering an now Im gone. :alien:
Short answer - no.

Longer answer - keep studying chemistry (and maybe biotechnology…)
Great question! We have a dedicated acacia cultivation thread for precisely this reason, along with a wealth of additional acacia information and some highly knowledgeable people who've grown and worked with acacia for quite some time. Cultivating your own plants is the sustainable option and the time to plant is now (subject to the vagaries of your particular growing season).

Ideally, you'd grow a species with active phyllodes ("leaves") so it's more likely to survive for another harvest each time you gather material.
In the world of Acacias, especially the ones from Australia - the need for bark is a bit of a misnomer.. its true that it was the first part of the Acacia found to contain DMT and its true that the yield is often a little higher - but for all of the active species I know in Oz they all have fairly good amounts in the leaves (phyllodes in the case of Acacia) .. Acacia Acuminata for example can have between 0.6-1% DMT by dry weight in it's leaves.. floribunda/obtuse can have around 0.4-0.5% in the leaves. Even maidenii which was the one of the two first Acacias to have DMT found actually can have higher % in the leaves.. despite it's bark being the early focal point by seekers. Theres others that are yet higher. This negates the need to grow a tree only to tear the bark off of it.. once you get attached to your plants the last thing your gonna wanna do is kill them. A little pruning once in a while will secure you with more than enough DMT.
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