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Yopo snuff.

Migrated topic.


So, a newish user (SoulFern) and I made some yopo using baking soda and Anadenanthera spp. var colubrina. (Maya)

We zazpped about 8 seeds in the microwave for about 2 minutes, this was enough to get the toast smell and make the outer shells brittle, as well as "toast" some of the toxins.

We then got about 1/3 the weight of the seeds in baking soda, weighed out, and added it to the crushed, deshelled seeds. (We did NOT keep the shells). We drip-dropped water on the seed-soda mix until the consistancy was a very thick paste.

We dried that with a light for about 15 minutes, mixing every now and again, then stuck it in the microwave for another 30 seconds. This completely dried and toasted the seeds a bit more.

We then wet the seeds again, and added just a pinch more soda (to basify the rest....just in case it wasnt), and just a few more drops of water until it again formed a thick paste.

We dried that with a light for about 15 minutes, mixing every now and again, and stuck it again in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

We waited for it to cool off, and chopped it around, and chopped it around, and chopped it down, and chopped it down, until the particles were as close to snortable as possible.

I was not brave enough to attempt a yopo journey again.. I have done it once. I got visuals for a moment, but it was terrible, and the pain was too extreme for me. Fern on the other hand... Can take pain.

We measured out what appeared to be 1/2 of the 8 seeds, roughly 4 seeds (which seems to me a pretty okay dose), into 2 very fat lines. We loaded these up into 2 straws, so we could blow them into Fern's nostrils when the time came.

The first was insuffalated with a scream at the very end. The second was insuffalated about 15 seconds later, after the initial holyshitepic arm flailing was done.

He didnt travel like expected.. though I assume it was because the dose was not as large as we were thinking it may be. It could be because some wasnt basified.. I dont know.

We were forced to use baking soda because we had no CaOH.. but honestly I think that would burn MORE because its a stronger base, and I think the base is what burns the nose..


I definitely think it is to do with the base. I tried it about 4-5 months ago but with Sodium Carbonate. Let's just say, I won't be in a rush to try it again. :lol:

Same basic tek.
-Toast seeds.
-Add water + Sodium Carbonate
-Let it dry.
-Grind into as finer powder as possible.

I didn't manage to snort enough to get any effect, apart from a lot of pain and a very sore nose.

I imagine the Shamans that use the snuff must use a different tek. I do not think that anyone can enjoy the expirience after the pain you have to go through snorting the snuff. :roll:
You can snort mapacho or nunu before hand to anesthesis. But i agree on the yopo snuff being way hard anyway with loads of material for effects.
I'd rahter snort the extract. Which is WAY better.
fourthripley said:
Pappa, at the Spiritgarden forum, posted that snuffing plain toasted seeds without any base was fully effective and with very little burn.
I will be sure to experiment with that some time this week. I was under the impression the actives needed to be in freebase form to be active by insuffication. But if that's not the case ...
I wouldn't take Pappa's word for it...lol

Its so damn easy to base them if you dont bother to do it I feel sorry for whoever undertakes that experiment..the burn will be the least of your worries.
Several years I tried snorting ground yopo without basing it. There was noticeably less burn but the effects were very very mild. My guess is that without basing you would have to take in considerably more material...which would certainly be most unpleasant.
State of the Mind said:
If anyone have a good tek that produces snuff that does not cause your nostrils too much pain, please post. :d
I have post recently (well two weeks ago or so) a liquid snuff I did which was no painful.
I've used one bufo extraction tek from wiki and wash my evaporation dish with water and put it in a nasal wash device...
This was the more enjoyable bufo snuff I've had in my life.
I haven't went very far ar my dose was not so big and all my bufo is in changa form. No more seeds right now but a fairly good tryptamine effect...
The bufo used was the amber sticky extract from IPA bufochanga in the wiki.
The consistance of it wouldn't allow to work with a dry powder. So Moonkey dissolve a few mg in a splash of luckwarm water.

This was then sucked through this nasaline syringe and apply intranasally.
The Moonkey start to feel euphoric and a bit playful. It looks like this could be working with higher dose.
The rest of his bufo is in changa form now, so Moonkey is unsure if he will dissolve it to get a bufohuasca liquid snuff or just smoke this as formerly intended.

(from the "snorting bufo"thread)
I've snorted yopo before a few times,
personally I don't mind the pain, feels good when there's a few of you trying to prove who's the most macho among us (gir you can join if you wish to TRY and beat the boys :p )
If you really don't like it, just use a little less bicarb and wet/dry it a few more times, I reckon that would work, but I haven't tried it.. I will have to look into it (or someone else?)
Or you could try snorting pure extract like r0m says, haven't tried extraction yet.
Dam, I can't stand snorting yopo:evil: . I prefer to smoke the dried paste. I think it's effects are similar to dmt but I find the body load easier and the visuals more distinct and vibrant. I don't have amazing insights though. I would think that the pain would cause a negative trip from the snorting though.
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