Ego lives in the reality of dualism, thus, ego can never understand god (love).
And.... ego is the only reason why we are still on this planet. Without an ego I would lay down, just where I am now, and propably die of thurst or get eaten by a hungry animal (propably not, because I am in a room in a flat right now).
Ego is our survival program, an evolutionary adaption, (the illusion of I) an evolutionary byproduct.
Back to the topic... in the reality of ego...
morality and values are ideas, individual orientations for actions, which are mostly socially distributed and shared but can still vary widely in its interpretation among subjects even in the same social and cultural field. F.e. some people make a difference in killing a cow, a mosquito or a human, some not.
Realizing, that every action in life happens out of the same reason/intention, brings "ultimate" understanding and empathy.
Life (and we are patterns of it) always strives to/at its "best"..
...what means, that every action a lifeform takes is just the best attempt to cope with any situation/need which arises in the now. For us as humans even raping a child, killing 1000k of judes, feeding a baby, getting yourself something to eat, helping someone crossing the street, what ever. These are just expressions, coping strategies to deal with what arises in the now. These performances, mostly based on an unconscious intention, are in these particular moment, where we perform this behaviour, the best attempt to deal with what we think what is, limited on our own experiences, skills and coping strategies. The idea to rape a child roots in the same intention as f.e. helping someone, that this behaviour is the best I can do in my actual sitaution, even the idea of behaving "evil" is just an attempt of feeling "right".
In the dualistic reality (of ego), one (ego) can decide (always after an action was taken) if the performed or observed behaviour corresponds to his/her own idea of morality (which is an idea of what is "good" = functional for our own survival/maintenance).
Anamnesia said:
Guilt comes into being only after an action or thought or identification has been condemned.
One process is called self-criticism and refers only to behaviour. It is important for our evolution, to reflect our own actions and its consequences on a rational level, to learn and evolve as a whole.
In contrast to self-criticism we developed self-(d)evaluation, a self-identification which stagnates the process of examination in a judgment. Follwing this concept means death, because the process ends in a judgment about how it is/I am. F.e. because I show this behaviour I am this (bad/worthless/dumb/...) ...fin. Imagine an oranism which rejects itself. On a cellular level we call this process cancer, thus, self-(d)evaluation is like a psychological cancer.
The result of self-(d)evaluation can be used for an other process of identification, like I am better or worse than someone because of this and that, which is both always false. I am not the behaviour I perform or lifestyle I live, more my behaviour is an expression of myself, of my potential, knowledge, skills and strategies I have developed. The intention of all actions we (every lifeform) take(s) is always based on the priciple I described (life always strives to/at its "best" ) above.
We are responsible for the actions we take, yes, but what is guilt? Guilt is the identification (self-devaluation) with a performed behaviour (thinking is also a behaviour! - people feel guity because they think of something which they believe is "bad" ), followed by reducing themself to "I am this", related on their moral concept of good/bad. Thus, forgiveness plays on the same dimension. When I think I have to forgive, I don't understand the ultimate intention of every action and in addition, create and maintain a reality of self-(d)evaluation.
To forgive doesn't change anything in the objective reality, the child is raped and feels sad, my toe still hurts because you stepped onto it, and so on.
So.. what to forgive when there is no guilt and why when it doens't change anything of what is.
Facing my actions and criticise and evaluate them, why do I (re)act like this and where does this behaviour propably leads to. To go "further" and start the game of identification just slows my own speed and capacity of here and now awareness and doens't bring anything functional to my own evolutionary process.