Rising Star
Hi, I feel like this site just found me- what is it that you say "you don't go looking for the experience, the experience finds you"? I was looking for something and well, here you are. What a great community; intelligent conversation, caring attitudes, respect for each other- all things I appreciate. Writing a letter of introduction is hard I think, but a good idea- these posts from others really seem to tell a lot about where a person is coming from. Based on the posts I have read thus far, especially the stickies, I sense that this is a community that I would like to be a part of. It feels comfortable.
I'm old enough to have been around the block and back, experimenting with different hallucinogens like LSD, mushrooms, and other drugs through most of my adult life with time off for raising kids, who are now entering adulthood. Some drugs were pure recreation, some were addictive, and some produced events and feelings that were really memorable, positive experiences that I have held close to my heart, hoping and waiting for the chance to visit those realms again. Recently, last 4 or 5 yrs or so, I have gone through a lot of changes in my life and am reassessing where I am right now, where I think I might be headed, what I have left behind, and probably other things that I should just let be. Seeking. Something. I've traveled a lot; most recently Brasil is the place that calls me. I go, I explore, I keep my eyes open, looking, and yet still have to come back home, somewhat unsatisfied. Then I go back again... eyes open, checking things out, following the call.
Last winter/summer, I had the opportunity to drink cha, ayahuasca, with some new friends. It was a surprise to me, an opportunity to experience something that I had wanted, but didn't know how it would come about. This interest was based on reports from friends who had made journeys to Peru for the same, with shamans, lots of preparatory ritual, cleansing, etc. They had explained their trips in quite a bit of detail, and they had found it transformative. I had also bought the DMT book by Strassman, but hadn't read it, and therefore really knew nothing of what I might expect. (I just read it yesterday... good read, lots of science, not what I expected exactly, still more questions tho!)
Since I know my sensitivities to substances and energies, and was rather unprepared, I only drank a half dose- I'm glad. It was nice, clean, clear... just a taste, I now know. Also, I knew that I wouldn't really be completely comfortable in the setting we were in, and not speaking the language really well at that point, didn't want to get too far from this side of things, being somewhat cautious is a reasonable policy. Even with a small dose, I did learn quite a bit about myself, the power of thought and energy, the connection between each of us and my own internal stumbling blocks. I think it was a good decision to go light, and now I really want to learn more, understand more, and look for guidance and support to prepare for new voyages when those opportunities present themselves.
I'm also an artist, different materials, and see great potential to open my creativity to new energies, unblock some channels that have gone dormant. I have been having some really great conversations about DMT based experiences, spirituality and life changes with some good friends on another site lately, and with them have learned about how important community is when trying to sort out where you are and where you fit. I'm happy to know that at least one of those trusted souls is already a member here, and has given me a vote of confidence that the Nexus site is a good place to be.
Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself
I'm old enough to have been around the block and back, experimenting with different hallucinogens like LSD, mushrooms, and other drugs through most of my adult life with time off for raising kids, who are now entering adulthood. Some drugs were pure recreation, some were addictive, and some produced events and feelings that were really memorable, positive experiences that I have held close to my heart, hoping and waiting for the chance to visit those realms again. Recently, last 4 or 5 yrs or so, I have gone through a lot of changes in my life and am reassessing where I am right now, where I think I might be headed, what I have left behind, and probably other things that I should just let be. Seeking. Something. I've traveled a lot; most recently Brasil is the place that calls me. I go, I explore, I keep my eyes open, looking, and yet still have to come back home, somewhat unsatisfied. Then I go back again... eyes open, checking things out, following the call.
Last winter/summer, I had the opportunity to drink cha, ayahuasca, with some new friends. It was a surprise to me, an opportunity to experience something that I had wanted, but didn't know how it would come about. This interest was based on reports from friends who had made journeys to Peru for the same, with shamans, lots of preparatory ritual, cleansing, etc. They had explained their trips in quite a bit of detail, and they had found it transformative. I had also bought the DMT book by Strassman, but hadn't read it, and therefore really knew nothing of what I might expect. (I just read it yesterday... good read, lots of science, not what I expected exactly, still more questions tho!)
Since I know my sensitivities to substances and energies, and was rather unprepared, I only drank a half dose- I'm glad. It was nice, clean, clear... just a taste, I now know. Also, I knew that I wouldn't really be completely comfortable in the setting we were in, and not speaking the language really well at that point, didn't want to get too far from this side of things, being somewhat cautious is a reasonable policy. Even with a small dose, I did learn quite a bit about myself, the power of thought and energy, the connection between each of us and my own internal stumbling blocks. I think it was a good decision to go light, and now I really want to learn more, understand more, and look for guidance and support to prepare for new voyages when those opportunities present themselves.
I'm also an artist, different materials, and see great potential to open my creativity to new energies, unblock some channels that have gone dormant. I have been having some really great conversations about DMT based experiences, spirituality and life changes with some good friends on another site lately, and with them have learned about how important community is when trying to sort out where you are and where you fit. I'm happy to know that at least one of those trusted souls is already a member here, and has given me a vote of confidence that the Nexus site is a good place to be.
Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself