Rising Star
Hello everyone! I am very fascinated by hallucinogenic drugs and their effect on the human brain and our conciousness. I wish to gather knowledge and better my self through the use of psychedelics. My drug history is a small list, because I'm just a teenager. I have smoked weed for a year or two. Not like my friends, to be cool or fit in. I purchased these herbs and tried them alone to attempt to gain insight or knowledge. Marijuana couldn't supply me with much interest because of its characteristics. Mentally addictive, and wreaks havoc on a youngens memory and cognitive ability. I tried shrooms for the first time last year. It was a very confusing experience. I now feel I know the definition of tripping, and have tripped in shrooms a couple of times. Recently I had a very bad trip on 2.5g of extremely potent caps. I felt psychotic, I thought I would die any second. I thought my trip didn't suck. My life did. Tripping is just an amplification. I've also had very positive trips wher ,y ego began to fade away. It hasn't ever been completely "shattered" yet, but I look forward to it. I have been viewing nexus for months. Shroomery for a year. This is my first account I've made. I first wanted to try shrooms because I was desperate to escape a crippling depression. It was a tough trip but my outlook on life became a little brighter. I want to further my exploration of the brains capabilities. I don't take drugs of this importance just for recreation or euphoria. I treat them with respect. And I feel I am still unprotected against their unpredictable nature, for lack of experience. I have been depressed for a whole year and a half and high school has been torture. After escaping the clutches of self-harm and marijuana abuse, I chose to have a more responsible take on drugs. I have been interested in LSD and DMT for a long time. I cannot yet try LSD because I am on an ssri which prevents or blocks most of the effects of LSD. DMT, though, I am not sure of. I am purchasing it through a friend for a generous price, I realize extracting it myself would be ideal, but I'm in high school and am about to take ap chem, I don't have the materials or room because I live with my parents. Ever since my antideppresants started kicking in I've felt a certain anxiety through every marijuana high. A sometimes barely any, sometimes intolerable panic attacks for hours. I took shrooms before my ssri's and had my bad trip. I don't know whether my next trip was also partly bad because of my medicine or my last trip was also bad. I want to try DMT in small amounts then work my way up. I realize it's spiritual value and treat this molecule, as well as LSD and mushrooms with the respect they deserve.