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Young learner

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone! I am very fascinated by hallucinogenic drugs and their effect on the human brain and our conciousness. I wish to gather knowledge and better my self through the use of psychedelics. My drug history is a small list, because I'm just a teenager. I have smoked weed for a year or two. Not like my friends, to be cool or fit in. I purchased these herbs and tried them alone to attempt to gain insight or knowledge. Marijuana couldn't supply me with much interest because of its characteristics. Mentally addictive, and wreaks havoc on a youngens memory and cognitive ability. I tried shrooms for the first time last year. It was a very confusing experience. I now feel I know the definition of tripping, and have tripped in shrooms a couple of times. Recently I had a very bad trip on 2.5g of extremely potent caps. I felt psychotic, I thought I would die any second. I thought my trip didn't suck. My life did. Tripping is just an amplification. I've also had very positive trips wher ,y ego began to fade away. It hasn't ever been completely "shattered" yet, but I look forward to it. I have been viewing nexus for months. Shroomery for a year. This is my first account I've made. I first wanted to try shrooms because I was desperate to escape a crippling depression. It was a tough trip but my outlook on life became a little brighter. I want to further my exploration of the brains capabilities. I don't take drugs of this importance just for recreation or euphoria. I treat them with respect. And I feel I am still unprotected against their unpredictable nature, for lack of experience. I have been depressed for a whole year and a half and high school has been torture. After escaping the clutches of self-harm and marijuana abuse, I chose to have a more responsible take on drugs. I have been interested in LSD and DMT for a long time. I cannot yet try LSD because I am on an ssri which prevents or blocks most of the effects of LSD. DMT, though, I am not sure of. I am purchasing it through a friend for a generous price, I realize extracting it myself would be ideal, but I'm in high school and am about to take ap chem, I don't have the materials or room because I live with my parents. Ever since my antideppresants started kicking in I've felt a certain anxiety through every marijuana high. A sometimes barely any, sometimes intolerable panic attacks for hours. I took shrooms before my ssri's and had my bad trip. I don't know whether my next trip was also partly bad because of my medicine or my last trip was also bad. I want to try DMT in small amounts then work my way up. I realize it's spiritual value and treat this molecule, as well as LSD and mushrooms with the respect they deserve.
Welcome, I'm what most around here would call a "young learner" too, at 18. It's great that you have respect for the plants/chems. You mentioned SSRIs... someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that ssri's affect the effects of psychedelics in general, not just acid, so I'd get off those for a while before exploring any furthur with psychedelics.

About purchasing it... the first time I tried dmt I bought it, at a ridiculous price. That was around 2 years ago though and I've learned much more since then. Last month at a festival I was offered dmt for a much better price (not cheaper than extraction prices obviously) and got a half g (much better quality than before). I'm aware of the whole "dont buy or sell spice," and so was the brother who sold it to me. He said he was usually not one to sell such a sacred thing but he needed gas money. His intentions were good and he wished me safe travels with the spirit molecule. I wouldn't have bought it from someone that gave off a commercial/slinging vibe, but this brother was well aware of the beauty of spice and needed help with gas so why not...

I used that stuff twice so far and it was like nothing I'd experienced before. It helped me re-analyze the things I put into my body and become more healthy. Dmt is a powerful catalyst for change, but it's up to you to integrate that afterwards to truely experience it's full potential. Just read up on ssri stuff before dosing any psy, as I think ssri's affect more than just acid. And safe travels.

(in 2 weeks I'm going to my friends' apartment to do an extraction and also make changa. Ohh I can't wait to finally take part in the extraction.)
Yes SSRI's generally reduce the effects of psychedelics, but different amounts for different substances. I find that it doesn't affect the strength of my trip on mushrooms, but did increase my nervousness. I know and have researched the interactions and know what to take and what risks they all have. For example, attempting to prolong my trips with an MAOI is very tempting, it is also very dangerous in my case.

I want to use psychedelics to rid myself of my addictive tendencies. I become addicted to video games, or marijuana. This makes me very depressed when the cravings don't leave and I let my gf down by getting high. Psychedelics are not like any other drug out there, they show you what your missing.
please do not buy spice... being as you have said you are a high school student, your "friend" you buy it from is probably the same... buying spice is wrong, and smoking spice when you have no idea what level of care was put into the extraction is just plain dangerous...

my personal advice: if your goal is to gather knowledge & gain insight, concentrating on high school for the remainder of it's duration would be a great place to start... these chemicals are not going anywhere...
As you are in currently in high school and the school year has just begun, I think it's safe to assume you're under 18. This means you can't be here, I'm sorry.

Leon Trout said:
my personal advice: if your goal is to gather knowledge & gain insight, concentrating on high school for the remainder of it's duration would be a great place to start... these chemicals are not going anywhere...

Sound advice indeed. Come back in a couple of years.
You are a young man and seem to genuinely appreciate the nature of psychedelics and their profound effects...

I have to be honest though. I do not think you are looking in the right places for answers to your depression. I cannot recommend that you start dosing on powerful hallucinogenic drugs with the self proclaimed problems that you've had with depression.

IMO psychedelics will consistently produce heightened levels of depression at this stage in your life. I think that you need to start looking into what is causing the depression and try to get to the bottom of that issue before you start delving into these types of substances.

I mean no disrespect to you brother, and i truly appreciate your intellect and inquiry. I just have to be honest.... as much as i love and appreciate hallucinogens, i cannot recommend them to teenagers with emotional distress and high anxiety!!

Regardless, I hope you have safe travels brother! Keep your head up man. You should be enjoying highschool while you can! Trust me... you are going to look back one day and wish you could go back to that level of carelessness! haha. I know i do!
I would say welcome to the nexus but going by Art's post i think you may already be gone.

I'm sure we will see you again though :)
Although I am entering senior year, I am 18 years old. I have been since June. I started a year late because my religious beliefs I had to first attend a year of religious school. There is a discrimination of young people by adults, even ones as open minded and knowledgable as Nexians. I believe I have the right to explore my curiosity in a healthful manner. Many people may assume that since I'm a kid who smokes weed and did shrooms that I'm not focusing on my schoolwork. I received a 3.96 junior year GPA during the sometimes daily use of drugs. I decided that although I may be able to attain such grades whilst smoking I may be doing unknown damage that can appear more obviously in latent years. I think I deserve the right to have an account and be able to voice my opinion, despite my grade level. The reason I haven't joined the nexus until now is because I haven't been 18 and with much leisure time for a few months. If you don't trust me that is fine, but I ask that you judge on my conciousness alone, I am a spiritual being like us all, and having less experience in the world does not make me less sensible, or mature. If you ban me again I will not create another account. Sorry about the need to explain myself. I thought it just.
Also, just curious; what are the legitimate reasons for teenagers to expand their conciousness in a safe and educated manner? Does my immaturity prevent me from making a sensible decision? A decision I have weighed countless times, over a year after my initial discovery and interest in this magnificent molecule. As you can tell I'm not like most teenagers, I like to party and have fun. But I can recognize effectively the difference between logical and illogical choices. I've never taken any substance by impulse. I've never taken any risk that was too great or unnecessary. And my depression is more chemical then psychological, I have no past traumatics, but merely sad genetics. I often hate people who are happy, and hallucinogens connect me like nothing I've ever experienced. I'm no better than anyone. And your not more adept to make choices than I.
nobody is discriminating against the young folks mang. Art even suggested you come back when the timing is appropriate. this is not to discriminate against you, but to protect this website. quite simply, were you to get popped by the parental units (or worse) & mom were to check yr history & find you posting all over a website like this, & you WERE under 18, imagine the shit storm that an enraged mother could conjure. To protect the Nexus from such, they keep it an adult only website. & it's a good policy, this is an important resource & is worthy of protection.
As has been said, the 18 year old rule is most importantly for legal reasons, you have to understand the whole community can be damaged if underage people join here.

If you're over 18 you can stay, and of course you have the right to explore your consciousness and find your path. I know I was taking psychedelics from quite young too.. Just be sure to remember not to get stuck on what seem to be 'answers'. Psychedelics will break your ideas and slap you in the face again and again. But if as you say, you are willing to learn from it, and try to keep a balance with "normal life" and your health, then I think you're on a good path.
Sorry for any perceived disrespect or disregard for the site and it's members. I just was taken aback by my suspension. I am 18 and apologize for the bad 1st impression.
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