Is there a reason you're not posting these all in one topic?
The brain is clearly an information processing machine: all of our experiences, all of the 'inputs' that come in with which we learn are information. When I see a chair, I am perceiving light with a certain set of characteristics. The light triggers neuronal activity which, while being very different in character from the light contains some conserved quality of 'chairness.' That quality is information.
What is an action potential if not a method of transmitting information?
It's not a digital machine, but it deals in information. This guy is getting way too bogged down in the analogy of brain/computer. No it's not digital, no it's not silicone, no it's not anything that you would recognize as a computer in your daily life, but the computer is not the important part. It's the information that is.
I wonder if he would say that a neural network, where the weights, inputs, and outputs of every possible connection could be quantified and predicted deterministicly was not a computer as well.