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Your very first time

Migrated topic.


..still lc..
Hey guys I'm just wondering what people's very first experiences were like I ask this because I recently introduced someone to dmt, and their first experience was sounds exactly like mine: Infinitely large white (?) space with no objects, no entities, no movement The main aspect of this place was that it has two axissesses :? on earth we have your horizon (horizontal axis) but in this place there was a vertical axis also Anyone else seen this place? I was watching the latest bond last night and if you've seen it.. you know when he's poisoned playing poker and dies for a second in his car? yeah, all i could think was dddddmmmmmmtttttt [img:2df62ceec7]http://www.wetdreams.ws/forum/images/bouncy_125.gif[/img:2df62ceec7]
White space ? No, SWIM never visited that space, always very colorfull/fractal spaces. I wonder what dosage may leads to a white space... this seems quite... 'ultimate'!
SWIM went straight to some extremely colorful space and with extreme movement too. So much colors and movement that it was hard to grasp. Just a bit too much.
lol i love it tripper [i:b687824929]"Just a bit too much"[/i:b687824929] yeah, a little.. :lol: i don't know if i'd call it 'ultimate' or anything, it felt like more of an introduction. When i was there i wasn't completely immersed either.. not like more recent visits definitely every visit since has been massively colourful, morphing objects, ice-cream morphing stocking guide :shock: eh yeah
I think I've been to the white space. Travelled to it through extreme fractal tunnels. It feels like the center of nothing, but at the same time full of everything. No sound, no colour, no time, no nothing, no-thing. Just a "click" and you're in the most profound nothingness of white light there can be.
The void is when the answer and question merge.... or yes and no are the same ... when "ON" is all there is ... there's no 'off' ... or, you could say off-and-on merge, but the result is that the universe is just always 'ON",in every moment, every atom is screamingly ON ! ! That white void I have found comes very easily with white dmt extract. The effects of yellow oily dmt is more animated or 'diversified' ... I wonder if there is 5-Me-O in the white extract..?
~ shiver ~ liquidityflickers tripling shimmery glistening ripply fingers fingers ~ deedilyoodly deedilyoodly heedillyoadily xarthinysqarbily CALLIOPEholleryORCHESTRAnoodlyANGELSandARCHARNGELSand ~ elephanttrumpetingslidewhistle alphabetlichen grammarslime vats refractiveplasticCHESHIRECATTESSERACTS iterate iterate iterate tickertapedigitalhyperspacespectaclegnosisreceptacleEXCLAMATIONPOINT cascadingcorridors of octopusclowns OCTOPUSCLOWNS ~ blackwhiteblackwhite b l a c k w h i t e G R E E N P I N K chessboard shatterzap fractalefractreflection splintertinkle jawcrack hum hum hum hum flop crawl hummmmmm squidtangle churnchurnturnsquirm giggletickle GAG wherehow heretofore foldfoldfold ZIPblipZIPblip ziddlyoodllyillions quadrangulaploink eeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E E E E E E E ~ click clickclick clicckityclickclickitick clickkiticKlikCklichiclikiCLIcitickiCLICLICKiKiiCiCChhhhhhk ZzzzxooôiîiiinnñÑngg! HAHAHAHAHA nonono no no no hoho everandever anever whaneveretever implosivble sidewardslideways insideoutsical leftrightFALLing binary switchflip backslip orangety purpley rectangles triangles πangles sighangles funnel tunnel whirclack mechanism RED! RED! RED! zoomyboomy nonstop cathedralization liquid cities liquid CITIES ~
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