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Zap in my head

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
So tonight I dosed some pharma, 120mg harmaline and 130mg spice.

After about 40 min, when the CEV were coming on, I got this zap feeling in my head, like from my ear to the top of my head, I immedeately thought of phlux's thread "zapped". Now this happened about 4 times in the next hour. It was a fraction of a second zap, and almost reset my visuals that I was having. Seemed like it was mainly happening in the oncome of the journey.

I got a bit worried as to if I was going to have to go through this feeling any longer. Not very cool whilst flying through hyperspace.

So I know a few people have had a similar feeling on vaped spice, and I think Amor_fati's SWIM has had this feeling on hausca.

Im wondering if there is anything I can do to stop this feeling next time I journey?
I had numerous times auditory ZAPS :) where my thoughts are halted and a new thought is generated after the Zap,
It was kind of a reset or something like it.
Hmm, so its not uncommon whilst on a pharma journey?

Its something I dont want happening too often.
It seems quite normal...

Have you not been blessed with visions of having your skull cracked open and giant lasers being aimed and firing at all the faulty spots inside your brain? Apparently, considering the magnitude of fine-tuning entities have performed on my brain, little zaps and shudders (even with the intensity of a myclonic shock, falling-feeling-into-waking at a dream, happens when the heart and breath slow at different rates I believe?) seem to be a small price to pay.

Then again, I could just be hallucinating. ;)

Did you pursue the zaps with your mind? Did your attention need to be redirected? Is there a message? If it's not a message, my guess would be it's some kind of maintenance. :)
I'd call 'zaps' normal for oral DMT. They don't all sound the same either. Most feel good, the rest are at worst an acquired taste.
I would tell you all not to worry. The fact is that when you ingest DMT, either smoked or pharma, you flood your nervous system (cerebral fluid) with DMT. This means your entire nervous system that is encased in the meninges; your brain, spine and nerves, your auditory and optical systems too.

Of course you're in for a zapping :)
Ok, seems quite normal, its just never happened to me before so I was a little confused as to what was going on. Cant say it felt good, but it was almost like a re-set zap.

Thanks for the feedback.
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