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Migrated topic.

Space hopper

Rising Star
I finally got the balls to try a big dose. I have no idea how much I had I just made a makeshift bong and layers the spice with kitchen oregano I have no scales. I'm still a little shaken up right now. I had the first toke and I was gone but still their if you get me. My breathing was fine completely in control so I had another and another and another. All of a sudden I soberd up it was weird everything went silent for a while then I could feel something coming from inside my body like a kettle boiling and then bang it got me hard. I couldn't help but close my eyes. I was in a kind of space ship looking out on to a horizon of some mad looking out of this world horizon with this guy that was made of light he was pointing at something but I couldn't quite see what it was so i opened my eyes had another toke and bang I was right back in the same place withe same guy. He was pointing at this weird looking rotating sphere that got closer and closer until I could figure out what it was. It was me looking at myself tripping balls it kept zooming in to my eyes which had a reflection of the same thing over and over but different every time. It felt endless. I don't know why I was so scared of this magnificent molecule it truly is the stuff of God's. I hope my profound experience will still be with me when I wake up. I apologize deeply for the massive block of words I just had to get this out before it goes. Good night nexicans I couldn't have done it without you.
Good to hear that the experience finally got a hold on you :d

It's a near impossible task to fully articulate, especially the deeper you go.
It was truly astonishing. It got to weird near the end of the trip tho. everything was repeating backwards and forwards. I tried explaining my experience To my Mrs today and she just looked at me like wtf are you talking about. It's nearly impossible to explain something like that especially to someone has never even smoked weed.

I really want to go back soon and finish the story as I feel their were a few things that were overlooked.

How long does one normally wait until their next voyage. I don't want to over do it. I can definitely feel the impact it had on my brain as today I'm slightly trance out
Success! 😁
It's a magnificent molecule indeed.
I mostly just toss it between some herbs in a bong like you did, works great for me.
Man, the places DMT can take you are otherworldly. Like you said, time tends to get weird and confusing.

One time I opened my eyes while blasting off in the darkness... I looked around and nothing I saw made sense. The shadows and shapes were all alien to me twisting like some biomachinery. It was too much, I got a bad vibe. It felt like I was stuck in a time loop/pychedelic limbo, frozen in the universe never to die or come down. Then I slowed my breathing, finally realizing it was temporary. Good feelings came back as I calmed down. 30 minutes later I was at baseline feeling very refreshed.

For the next voyage, I'd say just do it when it feels right. DMT is one of the safest things you could be tripping on as it's already produced inside your body.
Wait how ever long you want to wait. Experimenting frequently isn't necessarily a bad route to go, though taking your time with things, working up slowly, picking/planning more carefully; choosing/prepping an environment and/or ritual - all those things can tend to work in your favor ime.
I think I will probably have another investigation this weekend. I thought I would actually have problems breathing while flying but when I realized the effect that breathing had on the trip it became my main focus as I noticed that every breath change the visuals.
Every time I breathed in I could feel and see the oxygen filling my blood and tickling the whole network inside my body.

Another thing I noticed was when I closed my eyes if I roll my eyes upwards the visuals became a lot stronger and more weird. I used to do the same thing when I had mdma

Has anyone else had a kind of orgasmic feeling that just takes over the whole body and everytime you move it just feels better. It felt so good I was drewling like a vegetable mental patient. I think I like the feeling better than the visuals I've never felt anything like it.

I will never forget the image I saw. Everything else was pure psychedelic madness patterns but for a brief moment in that space ship looking out of the captains window it was more real than real itself. and orange very very orange.

Has anyone had a hit while they were already in hyperspace. I tried to do it but I couldn't open my eyes or pull out of the experience it was strange because I wanted to but I didn't know how. It was like trying to navigate through my brain finding the nerves that could open my eyes. I knew the bong was right their but so far out of reach it was quite frustrating like being trapped.

Just ten minutes man, your all good
tatt said:
Wait how ever long you want to wait. Experimenting frequently isn't necessarily a bad route to go, though taking your time with things, working up slowly, picking/planning more carefully; choosing/prepping an environment and/or ritual - all those things can tend to work in your favor ime.

Yeah my set and setting were completely wrong I had to blaze I was my bathroom when everyone was asleep. Next time I'm going plan it more carefully
Good realisations Space hopper. :)

I've come back to my body and found myself huffing air, then wondered why I am doing it.

I chose the wrong situations, heard terrible accidents happening while I am incapacitated.

Light messes with the visuals for me, an actual physical blindfold is a-okay.

Unlike SUBZERO I'm completely unsure about the safety of the molecule. That said we don't need to be fearful, just self aware.
Space hopper said:
Another thing I noticed was when I closed my eyes if I roll my eyes upwards the visuals became a lot stronger and more weird. I used to do the same thing when I had mdma

Yeah, looking upward towards the crown of the head would usually intensify the experience to some degree ime. Right above and behind the eyes, where it all seems to converge in some sense. The Mystery behind thine eyez. Who's there..? :lol: :d

I wonder about this though, because there's been many times to where it didn't matter where I was looking, intensity was intensity, there was no lesser or more with a shift of the eyes, it was everywhere - in my face, completely and utterably undeniable. I also wonder about the times to where I'd given dmt to a few of the people closest to me - watching their eyeballs rapidly dart back and forth underneath their eyelids as they're taken under. On a few of those occasions I was able to see their eyes from an angle as they were under, and occasionally I noticed that their eyes were darting so strongly that they would continually stay towards the back of the head and all I would notice was the whites of their eyes.

Space hopper said:
Has anyone else had a kind of orgasmic feeling that just takes over the whole body and everytime you move it just feels better. It felt so good I was drewling like a vegetable mental patient. I think I like the feeling better than the visuals I've never felt anything like it.

I've had many experiences similar to this. One of the times I can remember clearly - once I had broken through into that realm I remember that I was taken through these beautiful valleys and different architectural structures, leading me to this giant sort-of lake. I remember slowly submersing myself in this, all the entities ecstatic, smiles all around, this fluid started spinning, gyrating, working its way through every area of my being. The way it felt I'll never forget. Like being bathed in the quintessential stuff-of-love, beauty and ecstacy. If I'd somehow died right then I would've had no qualms or concerns. I remember coming out've it laugh-crying hysterically, blown away by how life-affirming, euphoric and ecstatic it was - what I'd been introduced to in that realm, whatever it was that catalyzed it, won't ever forget it.

Space hopper said:
Has anyone had a hit while they were already in hyperspace. I tried to do it but I couldn't open my eyes or pull out of the experience it was strange because I wanted to but I didn't know how. It was like trying to navigate through my brain finding the nerves that could open my eyes. I knew the bong was right their but so far out of reach it was quite frustrating like being trapped.

Yup. Typically have done it with another person [in order for them to be the pipe holder/lighter], makes it 100 times easier for the person going under - so the smoalker's not backpedaling mentally, or if physically/perceptually they're just not able to make out lighter from chair. 😁 Helps to have that other person sometimes.

It can come down to you feeling things out and timing hits accordingly. Just comes with experience. Not that everything will always fall suit within the moments before blastoff - but you start to gain a sliver of understanding of what specific dosage ranges can do and where they're able to propel you into, and you can start to formulate your smoalking plan accordingly.

Or you could just throw caution to the wind, load up a bit more than previously [a few mg's more], and attempt to take the biggest possible hits that you can hold without prematurely letting any of the vapor out or accidently having a coughing fit letting out bits of vapor. As far as depth/distance traveled it comes down to getting as much vapor as possible within the shortest timeframe possible [and not letting any of the vapor out] ime, getting it deep into the lungs. Getting a sufficient hit [that's big enough] quickly completely outweighs the multi-hit approach in every facet ime.

If you're not completely comfortable with the above approach then having someone else there that can stay respectful and know what they're doing in terms of administering the hit/s and how to act as you're under - then that's a good route to go -if what you're looking for is to go further..
I tried explaining all of this to my Mrs.... She hates drugs and is very religious. All I can say to her is you can't tell me anything about something you have no idea.but guess what now she wants to try it.... Wtf

What shall I do she has never hallucinate before. I tried telling her that If we do it she needs to have respect for this medicine but she is so stubborn. I said to her to make sure she wants to do it and not to do it to try and prove a point because once someone has taken the red pill..... Well we all know how that goes.

In a way I'm kind of excited to share an experience like this with my beloved but on the other hand what if her brain frazzled from amazement haha.

Atleast she will not try and act like she's knows everything when she gets back.

The reason it all started was she came back from a reiki therapy session and said she had a vision and was talking to a man made from light.... I said haha sounds like dmt to me and so the argument started.... Anyway any advice is all ways great..

Tatt.... I know what you mean about a lake. When I was looking out the window in the orange world the were mountains bigger than big and their was a shiny surface at the bottom but really metallic thinking about it know it was kind of like a lake but not normal.

Has anyone ever been back to the same place twice

And northener a blind fold is a good idea. I usually close my eyes when the visuals get to intense that it get nervous it doesn't make sense tho because closed eyed visuals are so much more hectic but somehow I feel a lot more comfort.

Thanks nexicans for all responses. It's great to talk with the like minded

Buena noche
downwardsfromzero said:
Space hopper said:
for a brief moment in that space ship looking out of the captains window it was more real than real itself. and orange very very orange.
You reminded me of this:

Happy travels!

Man I completely forget about this track thanks for that as well
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