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100g mimosa cwe without maoi. with report. it works pretty well!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
so i've heard that with a cwe of large amounts of mhrb you can achieve effects without a maoi.

i've heard it becomes active around 20-50 grams. so i decided 100grams would do a pretty good job.
i understand there may be some sickness. but i'm ok with that.

i have about 2 hours before i'm ready to dose. i'm going to dose some st. johns wort. in hopes that might enhance it a little, if not, it will take away most the anxiety. but before i drink the reduced mimosa i was wondering who has tried this, and if 100g would be a little too much? if no one responds and just reads this, then just send good vibes.:)
i made around 2 liters.
final judgement.
i drank about 3/4 of a liter of this stuff, without getting rid of the tannins so i ended up gaging.. around 2 hours passed, with nothing hapening, so i figured it didnt work. i fasted before hand in hopes it would hit me quicker, so i was pretty hungry. i went to get something to eat, and ate it. about 5 minutes after eating i started to feel the effects. it was a pretty good trip. really cool cev's, but no contact. it lasted for probably about half an hour. it may have lasted longer, but i fell asleep.

so the verdict is this works pretty well. if you think it didnt do anything dont drive cuz it may hit you pretty quickly. once i remove the tannins from the rest of the brew i'll try again with a higher dose. there was no difference between smoked dmt and this. besides the obvious longer duration. however i would like to know why it didnt hit me for two hours, and then go into full effect.
i was wondering who has tried this, and if 100g would be a little too much?
I don't know. Not sure about adding st. johns wort on the first try.

Did you extract the 100 gram of mimosa? Or are you going to drink it without any form of extraction? I'd tell you that 100 gram would probably hell to get down and keep down.

Fining it might be a good idea.

Good luck :)
well i used the percolater that someone on these fourms posted before. i cant remember his name right now. but i'll try and find it in a sec. i just read a report of someone who only took 25grams and extracted it via a french press within a matter of minutes which i thought would be a great improvement on the perc system which took about 3 hours to get about 2 liters of liquid from.

anyways, he said he would like to have doubled his dose, but said for about 2 hours he had the effects of about 35mgs of smoked dmt. so i'm just gunna drink about a liter of this liquid which should be a little more than the 50 grams he was hoping for.

well. i'm off to drink it. i'll fill you in on how it worked.

(p.s. this liquid is extreemly bitter. i'm gunna have to add some honey, which i've read is pretty common when dosing this way.)
all i could handle was about 3/4s of a liter of the stuff before gaging.

its been about 45 minutes since the first drink, and have had no effects besides maybe slight color enhancement. but that could be placebo.

the nausea from this was outrageous.
will not be trying this again. maybe again when i have an maoi so i only have to use around 4 grams instead of 25.
what do you think i should do to bring this down?

i thought about simmering but i'm worried about losing potency.
what do you think i should do to bring this down?

i thought about simmering but i'm worried about losing potency.
If you have 100 gram of mimosa brew. Get some standard gelatin, the kind people use in baking. Powdered form or in sheet form works. Measure out about 30 gram of it. Then take 10 times that amount in water, that is 300 ml. Boil it, then pour the gelatin in it and stir it around until the gelatin is in solution. Then pour the gelatin solution slowly into the filtered mimosa. This should cause an immediate reaction. When the brew turns milky white, stop. Then filter out the precipiates.

This would make a MUCH more palatable brew. It is mostly the tannins that cause the nasty acrid/sandpaper taste of mimosa. Also what gives you nausea.

Don't worry about the brew being milky white with a slight hint of pink. It is ok to drink.
Dagger said:
what do you think i should do to bring this down?

i thought about simmering but i'm worried about losing potency.
If you have 100 gram of mimosa brew. Get some standard gelatin, the kind people use in baking. Powdered form or in sheet form works. Measure out about 30 gram of it. Then take 10 times that amount in water, that is 300 ml. Boil it, then pour the gelatin in it and stir it around until the gelatin is in solution. Then pour the gelatin solution slowly into the filtered mimosa. This should cause an immediate reaction. When the brew turns milky white, stop. Then filter out the precipiates.

This would make a MUCH more palatable brew. It is mostly the tannins that cause the nasty acrid/sandpaper taste of mimosa. Also what gives you nausea.

Don't worry about the brew being milky white with a slight hint of pink. It is ok to drink.

alright, thank you very much.
i'll be trying this tomorrow.
this is very strange. almost 2 hours after initial ingestion. i am definatly feeling effects and getting visuals. maybe its because i just ate something?
Haha it worked?! :lol:
Well done. That puts an old argument to rest.
Wonder if it contains an maoi, or if one of the alkaloids is just orally active. People seem to think the first.
Bit of a waste though, 100g for one trip!
ohayoco said:
Haha it worked?! :lol:
Well done. That puts an old argument to rest.
Wonder if it contains an maoi, or if one of the alkaloids is just orally active. People seem to think the first.
Bit of a waste though, 100g for one trip!

well i only used ~25 grams for the trip, for a little more than threshold effects. so if you're looking for a +30min long breakthrough experience it would probably take 75-100 gram dose. i had a kilo so i figured i could spare 100 grams for a test.

just make sure if youre drinking that much to remove the tannins. because of the horrible neasuea. other than that it was a great trip.

and there are suspected maois in the plant.. that have a similiar structure to morphine i believe?
dont hold me to that. but if you google mimosa without maoi and look at the erowid question page for it. you'll find all the information there in great detail.
antrocles said:
what is cwe?
Cold water extraction, I believe.

Most would agree that yuremamine is the active alkaloid present for MAOI(?)

Even still, it's amazing how its compounded into this single plant orally active by cwe.
almostacontam said:
and there are suspected maois in the plant.. that have a similiar structure to morphine i believe?
dont hold me to that. but if you google mimosa without maoi and look at the erowid question page for it. you'll find all the information there in great detail.
When I researched it on erowid a while ago, all I read was something about the Jurema Cult that said that the use of the MAOI to make the Jurema active had been 'forgotten' over time and that the current use was inactive and purely ceremonial. Then there was an argument where one guy (researcher?) had said that it was active alone, but all these others were rubbishing him. That's why I got so excited after reading your report!

So, now if SWIY gets busted with 1kg of jurema, he/she can say "well, an orally active dose is 100g, so that's only enough for 10 ceremonies". Very useful for the home extractor's piece of mind.

Also, it makes the plant seem more special to SWIM somehow. He has to try it sometime!

You say it was EXACTLY the same as smoked spice?? That's very interesting...
yes yes yes!!! please if you can give a detailed cwe extraction tek for MHRB....i would LOVE to try it!

....what a sacred plant....!

love and gratitude!
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