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100mg Non-mescaline hcl salts and 200mg harmalas


I extracted a “pachanoi” and got 150ish mg Hcl salts I washed and only 50-60mg was mescaline hcl. I tested the mescaline with harmalas and had results I quite enjoyed. Today I tested the remaining hcl salts that didn’t contain the mescaline salt.

0h 100mg hcl alkaloids not mescaline hcl 200mg harmala tea

0h30m very speedy and alertness without negatives no jaw clinching. I’d equate this to 300-400mg caffeine (two jet alert pills) without strong vsscoconstriction

0h45m a wave of nausea very alert level plateaued but pretty strong effect. (Stopped increasing in effect.)

1h maybe placebo effect but very slight tracers. Cold feet and hands. Heart is racing but don’t feel it. With strong stimulants you get that feeling that heart is going to burst and you feel each beat. Not here.

1h05m some time dilution and sounds are hollow and background… not more alive like with mescaline or lsd.

1h15m a bit more talkative and maybe in my head but talking too fast idk though. And a slight time dilution. Minimal tracers but not strong effect. Very alert but still no shakiness. Nausea comes and goes.
Kinda feels like the mescaline at half this dose(50mg) but no color saturation or any visuals so far, still early? There is definitely something active and it is not mescaline since I precipitated that out. Maybe tiny amount but not near threshold even with harmalas. This is not a psychedelic effect but 100% psychoactive.

1h45m my thoughts feel quite fluid and well articulated. I’ve never done adderal so can’t compare but no drunkenness or “high” feeling. Just focused and clean. No nausea for a while or was just too focused to notice

2h nausea returned maybe since not focused on one thing

2h30m nausea? More like very low er abdominal pain maybe? Not strong just noticeable.

3h0m I feel some mental sluggishness. I tend to say something and answer my statement since it was already obvious. Did you add ice? Drink was cold and I literally see crushed ice on blender I’m currently cleaning. Reminded me of that rick and Morty scene where the devil offers you a telescope where you’ll see things beyond your understanding… cause it makes you stupid and everything is beyond your understanding. Very contrast to the effects an hour ago where everything was quite sharp… so likely just reaching an equilibrium.

3h40 Feel a return to normal thinking levels noticed a tiny bit of euphoria or just “happiness” no where near mescaline levels of euphoria but not my baseline.

4h Still some light nausea… I’m waiting for a cold sweat to make the end of the experience. Maoi effect is gone based on many previous attempts. So now it is just the hcl salts. Overall not bad only the nausea sucks. No visuals other than minor tracers. No color enhancement or saturation. Sounds did get dull similar to my fricii experience.

5h feel “baseline” but my pupils are very diluted despite not having any visuals. Sounds still seem “dull/distant”

5h30m I don’t feel euphoria BUT I do have a slight grin for no reason.

6h15m everything is “normal” small waves of nausea once in a while. Still no cold sweat so I assume still under the influence despite not being noticeable.

8h still no cold sweat and I feel a slight sensitivity in my body. Cold air feels nice quite pleasing overall feels good despite maoi being gone for quite some time. Mescaline ended at 7h30m with a cold sweat yet here as subtle as the effects are there is still an effect.

9h I feel normal but my eyes are very diluted so there is some effect still on going albeit minimal.
My opinion on these effects are that they would amplify the mescaline. Considering from 150mg hcl salts and only 50-60mg was mescaline hcl quite a lot is “lost” to purifying the extract. Despite the effects being minimal I did have an entire day of strong alertness without major negatives like jaw clenching grinds or jitters/shaking. I did get a little bit of mental “delay” after the boost.
This extract was from what everyone ids as peruvianus but I grew as pachanoi. Pachanoi do have more “sedating” effects to most so maybe just confirmation it is not pachanoi lol.

10h Still very alert
Just to finish up the report... I didn't get any clear 'its over' end to the trip. At 15-16h I had trouble sleeping taking 30m-1h to fall asleep. I then woke up 3 hours later VERY alert and had trouble returning to sleep. After an hour awake I tried sleeping again and had trouble but was able to sleep another 2 hours or so but did wake up a few times.
Despite the very poor sleep quality I didn't feel tired the following day and didn't have a 'crash or blues' the following day.

I enjoyed the effects very much considering nausea being the only negative effect but had an entire day of clean alertness without needing a nap or constant coffee. In the future I'll probably try a higher dose to see if effects increase or start to become negative with shaking or jaw clinging.
Very very interesting. I'd love to see more exploration into the 'peripheral' alkaloids in mescaline containing cacti and their individual effects.
Very very interesting. I'd love to see more exploration into the 'peripheral' alkaloids in mescaline containing cacti and their individual effects.
They have gotten my attention and I do hope to keep exploring them. Individual effects of each compound will be much harder to separate without more involved column chromatography and better tlc which is outside of my current abilities.

Now if you mean individual effects of each cacti sp maybe different quantities and ratios will play a role in the effects. Recently I did another few extracts and only about 25-35% of the total alkaloids that were salted was mescaline. I'll be doing a tlc to confirm this. There are lots of other amines and derivatives that are in these cacti but becomes harder to test without better equipment. Also individually many of these other compounds have been considered inactive by the researchers but in unison I've felt their activity and it is different from mescaline IMO.
Right. Specifically I meant the individual compounds. I hope there is more formal research into the individual pharmacological identities of each alkaloid present contributing to the overall effects of consumed cacti.
Right. Specifically I meant the individual compounds. I hope there is more formal research into the individual pharmacological identities of each alkaloid present contributing to the overall effects of consumed cacti.
The more I research the topic the more alkaloids and other actives appear. Usually we see the normal alkaloids like in MS book but then more research starts showing up derivatives then isomers and more.

There are quite a lot of papers that show different rF values of the other alkaloids. I do think I’ll eventually attempt a diy column chromatography. The individual alkaloids do seem inactive or weakly active but then the derivatives are interesting to me. Also the combinations are what I think makes the “others” active.

A simple experiment that some people can do to test the other alkaloids is mescaline freebase in Acetic acid to form n-acetylmescaline. Some reports say it’s weaker. You can also more easily make different derivatives by distilling with different acids. I don’t have the chemistry ability to test this but I’ve found this treasure recently. I doubt that vinegar converts much of any.

There is certainly enough for someone to spend many years researching and experimenting even at a hobbyist level.
You don't think the acidic OH would just get deprot'd by the amine without heat?

And certainly I agree, there are multiple life-times worth of work that need to be done to fully grasp all of this.
Perhaps analyzing those peripheral alkaloids can lead us to understanding the safest, therapeutic tool that can be derived from mescaline or other structural moiety groups we observe in the cacti.

I remember hearing rumors of people claiming there were weak maoi's in selected cacti. Has this ever been proven? If so, I would love a link to the published paper.

Generally speaking, though, I appreciate the continued interest in the less recognized substituents with the cacti profile, even amateur stuff too!
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