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1st Extraction Complete: Results

Migrated topic.


"You have to see to believe!"
So I just wanted to give a brief results post re: my 1st extraction. I still have 1 pull in naphtha to make sure I got everything.

So the following encompasses 4 non-heated pulls, 50ml each pull, from 50g mhrb powder. Used nomans tek exactly, except use hot tap water heat bath when lye water + mhrb was soaking prior to adding naphtha:

1.57% yield.

All in all, I'm quite happy with the results.
I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to my extraction! Your guidance was invaluable.

Now, to meet the Elohim 😁 :love: :thumb_up:

Edit: sorry for the duplicate post, not sure how that happened. Feel free to delete 1 or the other.


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Those are great results for a first shot! I got about a .5 percent yield my first time (I used ACRB). It resulted in a sticky, earwax-like, brownish-purple goo (dirty extraction) that had some crystals formed on the outside of it. My dumb, teenage self smoked it, too, knowing full well I had gotten the lye mixture in the product. Bad idea! I want to go back and slap me.
Don't smoke lye, kids.
Wow, great job.

My first extraction was on maidenii bark and phyllodes. Yielded nothing, although, I knew this was a possibility due to the maidenii's... inconsistent content.

Excellent job though!:thumb_up:
Very nice! This is encouraging because I'm doing my first soon. If I'm as successful as you were, then I'll be more than satisfied. Enjoy the spice!
downwardsfromzero said:
Told you it was easy :thumb_up:

Very much so. Thank you for your guidance! :thumb_up:

Just a quick update: my 1st 4 pulls as stated above gave me .783g. My 5th pull alone netted .294g, for a total of 1.077g. Yield = 2.154%! 8)

My 6th pull has been in for roughly 48hrs, so these numbers could go up. Just astonishing!

Also, on my 3rd ceremony, I just broke through. Absolutely breathtaking; awe-inspiring.

It's going to take a bit of time to process, integrate. Very disorienting. Don't believe I met any entities, though the space seemed very conscious, and my intellect/ego kept trying to assert itself and grasp what was happening. I'm going to give it another shot tonight, to try to take more from the experience, with the intent to contact the "guides", now that the initial hump of breaking through is behind me.

Again, thank you everyone.

This is an IMMENSELY powerful substance. Very profound.

And just fyi: broke thru using the sandwich method, 50mg.

Love & light :)
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