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1st time oral dmt

Migrated topic.

Linga Sarira

Rising Star
trip report from SWIM:


08:30 pm

ingested 3 grams of ground syrian rue seeds mixed into ginger beer.Have not eaten since 4pm and that was a few pieces of chocolate, stomach feels empty. Put on stars of the lid very quiet lulling ambient music.

60 milligrams of pure yellowish dmt is prepared in a gel capsule.

08:50 pm

swallowed 60 mg dmt

The syrian rue makes sound a little mettalic but hardly noticable, after an hour feeling light headed and body is buzzing, tones in my head staggering to the bathroom. after 90 mins i feel the DMT dose was very small , no visuals but i am on a mental emotional trip. Examining the recent events in my life and probing deeper meanings, going through the people around me, those who are close feeling love and warmth.

Soon after the nausea hits and im forced up to go vomit, which is mostly dry, i go back to bed and definately feel a journey taking me. Still not visual at all though, just more emotional but positive. I have no fear. Another wave of nausea and i manage to purge some liquid, i see some of the rue coming back up, just a small amount. The vomiting is horrible, i realise it is negative energy being expelled and i just endure it. This happens another 2 or 3 times until i crawl into my bed with the blanket on me. I turn off the music as i want silence. I begin to contemplate smoking a pipe of dmt to launch me out. I get sick once more but manage to prepare a moderate dose of about 50 mgs with some parsley in my little glass pipe.

I lie back in bed and start the pipe, i cough a little, then take 3 more hits held in for as long as i can. Visuals begin, beautiful then i sense dimensions opening up above me, i am time crystallised outward, consiousness flowering and blooming, i am in an alien noetic paradise. The rue slows it right down so it is not overwhelming, no sense of panic or fear, i can control the emotion of it easier. I come back down and feel warmth and love.

The next couple of hours are spent celebrating my self and my life shining down on all my freinds, seeing myself how they see me and being happy to be this spirit in this world at this moment. I have a few small crackers to eat as my stomach still feels sickly and empty then i go back to bed, about an hour later i am asleep. I wake feeling nice and content.

I feel this was a small dose and could definately handle at least double next time.

I am wondering what is the best timing for taking the dmt after the Rue?

Would taking them at the same time produce a deeper experience?

What do others think?
I don't use rue. I use THH and Harmine extracts when taking orally. Never had to vomit once. But I've only done oral twice.

What I do is take it on an empty stomach, then immediately drink a little water to clear my mouth of the alkaloids. Then eat a couple of pieces of toast with jam. Gets your stomach to start processing the food, and little to no nausea.

How long did the experience last? This morning I took 120mg Harmine, 80mg THH and 51mg DMT orally mixed with lemon juice to dissolve it. Lasted 5 hours till effects were gone. Didn't smoke any today, because the experience was so moving and beautiful.

Definite mental trip. Very emotional, and very, very beautiful. Some jungle scenes in there, lots of cartoon alligators, lizards. And a few what felt like out of body for a few seconds.
Your supposed to drink Egg-nog at xmas man, but id defo settle for pharmahuasca : )
Sounds like you had a good time though.
Not really sure about the timing. I think i read somewhere you can take the D 10mins after the rue, but dont quote me
soulman said:
Your supposed to drink Egg-nog at xmas man, but id defo settle for pharmahuasca : )
Sounds like you had a good time though.
Not really sure about the timing. I think i read somewhere you can take the D 10mins after the rue, but dont quote me

The natives, when they use Caapi, take it all at the same time. Rue could be similar. Personally, I like taking it all together, in one bitter-tasting concoction. Just use citric acid or lemon juice with it to dissolve the DMT. Though this might not be absolutely necessary since the stomach acids will salt the DMT anyway for easier absorption.
BTW, after reading all of these oral reports SWIM will be partaking at some point in the not so distant future.
Is it possible to use the DMT that you get from a normal STB extraction, or does one have to do some kind of fumerate stuff with it and what not.
Freebase is fine. Mixing that will lemon juice or citric acid or something else to dissolve it. Then your stomach will make a salt out of it.

Works great.

My recipe used 50mg DMT, but in a month or so when I decide to do it again, I'll probably push that to 60mg.
the citric acid should convert the freebase dmt into dmt citrate..which i THINK helps your body absorb it faster with less tummy ache..it should also make it happen faster...SWIM can get nice effects on an empty stomach with 100mg thh hcl and 40mg dmt fumarate..he takes them at the same time in warm water and then eats some crackers or a bowl of cereal to get the stomach digesting..
Adding Harmine is optional, but SWIM loves the dreamy feel of it. Not as clear headed, but SWIM could reason just fine. It somehow adds to the experience when you're so mellow and like "whoa, that is so cool" in slow motion.
Nanaki said:
How long did the experience last? This morning I took 120mg Harmine, 80mg THH and 51mg DMT orally mixed with lemon juice to dissolve it. Lasted 5 hours till effects were gone. Didn't smoke any today, because the experience was so moving and beautiful.

Definite mental trip. Very emotional, and very, very beautiful. Some jungle scenes in there, lots of cartoon alligators, lizards. And a few what felt like out of body for a few seconds.

Id say it lasted from about 10pm to at least 1 or 2 in the morning 4 hrs maybe. I never left my body except for the brief dmt flash which seemed lasted about twice as long than one without the MAOI effects, but that could just be my temporal sense being slowed, time seemed very slow even nonexistant throughout the trip. Parts of it during the nausea were tough to endure but keeping panic at bay is easy if you start off with no fear.

If there were any scenes they were more like dreams and i was experiencing them from other peoples perspective towards me, which is a new and interesting thing for me.

At the end I felt extremely rewarded, cleansed and kept thinking how respectful i was toward it, it was a shamanic healing journey.
Did the experience seem like it only lasted 15 mins or so? That was how I felt when it was done. Probably that sense of slowing time. It was so cool when I'd speak to the camera and my words would slur and slow down and stop. My arms would freeze in mid air and I could move them if I wanted, but they were rigidly in place. How fascinating that was.

And it came in waves. I'd be like, here it comes again, weeeee, and go with it into the twirly twisty slow moving energy above me.

I wanted to have a friend try it, who has also done DMT smoked. I was just wondering if he'd probably feel the same slowed time. But hearing other reports, his experience might be similar.
It was more of a timeless feel, id close my eyes and see people and events taking place which seemed like an hour when id open my eyes again only a few minutes had passed.

Definately came in waves, specially after the first purging, you feel like youve expelled a great big piece of sludgey negativity thats been holding you down for weeks, then this is gone and you feel healed and the journey goes deeper, then more purging and deeper into the journey.

I really wanted a more visionary experience but was happy with what i got, i knew 60 mgs wouldnt be enough for a full out of body journey and as this was my 1st oral trip i decided to be on the cautious side.
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