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2 days after first trip, freak out/panic attack

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So, i had LSD for the first time 2 days ago, it was my first psychedelic. It wasn't necessarily a bad trip, it had a lot of bad and a lot of good.

Day 1 after the trip, i felt great. I was really feeling that after glow, i was happy, everything was fine.

Now today day 2, i went out with my parents to go watch a movie and eat. Now normally when i go out in public, even before i tripped, i sometimes get a little agitated. Normal people are just pretty dumb. They're so clueless to everything. Now after LSD, it was full blown nonstop anger. I was really just baffled looking at everyone. They were so frickin simple, living their simple lives.

Now the movie we saw was absolutely terrible. I wanted to see a light comedy, something that at least can make me laugh. I knew i couldn't take a "serious" movie, seriously. We ended up seeing that Tarzan movie. It was absolute dog shit. I was just thinking "people are so damn numb, who watches garbage like this?"... During the whole movie i was thinking extremely negatively, and was pretty angry. I walked out 20 minutes before the movie ended. We were gonna go eat food and we sat in a restaurant for about 5 minutes, thats when i walked out, just feeling awful. My dad was talking to me trying to figure out what was wrong, i couldn't even communicate properly, i barley knew what i was saying. Im very surprised they didn't question me more, because i was far from normal.

I feel better now, still a little messed up. Even on the first day after, i was very, very emotional. Things would easily make me sad and tear up a little. And today even little things made me unnecessarily angry.

Now, i am a bit bipolar and manic (undiagnosed, but its pretty obvious), but its never been anywhere near this bad.

Anything like this ever happen to anyone?
As a general rule of thumb, if you have bipolar disorder or any kind of psychotic disorder, psychedelics are not for you. LSD in particular seems to be uniquely contraindicated (my hunch is that it's the dopaminergic profile).

The general effect is that if you are bipolar, LSD will trigger mania/hypomania or psychotic symptoms.

I would give it a few days and not take any drugs (unless you are prescribed them). Eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and try and get some exercise (which seems to act as a mood stabilizer).

Nathanial.Dread said:
As a general rule of thumb, if you have bipolar disorder or any kind of psychotic disorder, psychedelics are not for you. LSD in particular seems to be uniquely contraindicated (my hunch is that it's the dopaminergic profile).

The general effect is that if you are bipolar, LSD will trigger mania/hypomania or psychotic symptoms.

I would give it a few days and not take any drugs (unless you are prescribed them). Eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and try and get some exercise (which seems to act as a mood stabilizer).


Im taking at least month off cannabis, and an indefinite period off psychedelics. I know i probably shouldnt use psychedelics considering my conditions, but i dont think thats possible.
The Wim Hof exercise, when done properly, can be a powerful tool against anything negative going on in your brain.
I'd try it if I was you, a little adrenaline can go a long way :)

Generally tho, these messages in life are for you. The negative thoughts and feelings, when looked onto yourself, have answers. I've found out most of the time when I was angry at someone else, I just did not see clearly enough :)

> may you be a bit moar open minded :D
It sounds like some of your trouble may be an effect of your outlook. It sounds rather negative.

All those 'stupid simple' people are likely deeper, more thoughtful and intelligent than you suspect. It's important to stay humble. You only ever see the surface of what's going on with other people. And in a social setting people are just going through the motions.

Granted, there are a lot - A LOT of idiots out there. But there are so many good hearts and minds out there. A lot of people who never touched drugs who are in touch with wisdom and truth.
..i would implicate cannabis more in many panic attacks, freak outs or pseudo-psychotic post entheogen states, from what i've seen over the years..i don't think entheogens (especially tryptamines) directly compound or resemble psychotic states, it is more stress or other factors triggered by certain entheogenic experiences which can worsen underlying conditions..along with set, setting and support..with lsd or any commercially bought product, impurity can be a major factor..wish the op an increasingly peaceful integration
justB612 said:
The Wim Hof exercise, when done properly, can be a powerful tool against anything negative going on in your brain.
I'd try it if I was you, a little adrenaline can go a long way :)

Generally tho, these messages in life are for you. The negative thoughts and feelings, when looked onto yourself, have answers. I've found out most of the time when I was angry at someone else, I just did not see clearly enough :)

> may you be a bit moar open minded :D

I have heard of the wim hof exercise, i've never tried it, but i think ill try it out

Imonthemoon said:
It sounds like some of your trouble may be an effect of your outlook. It sounds rather negative.

All those 'stupid simple' people are likely deeper, more thoughtful and intelligent than you suspect. It's important to stay humble. You only ever see the surface of what's going on with other people. And in a social setting people are just going through the motions.

Granted, there are a lot - A LOT of idiots out there. But there are so many good hearts and minds out there. A lot of people who never touched drugs who are in touch with wisdom and truth.

My outlook has always been like this, but now its worse. But you're right, there are a lot of stupid people and there are a lot of smarter people. Now that i think of it, not everyone can be a total robot.

nen888 said:
..i would implicate cannabis more in many panic attacks, freak outs or pseudo-psychotic post entheogen states, from what i've seen over the years..i don't think entheogens (especially tryptamines) directly compound or resemble psychotic states, it is more stress or other factors triggered by certain entheogenic experiences which can worsen underlying conditions..along with set, setting and support..with lsd or any commercially bought product, impurity can be a major factor..wish the op an increasingly peaceful integration

i am feeling better now, im almost 100%. Just needed a few days to process everything
Imonthemoon said:
It sounds like some of your trouble may be an effect of your outlook. It sounds rather negative.

All those 'stupid simple' people are likely deeper, more thoughtful and intelligent than you suspect. It's important to stay humble. You only ever see the surface of what's going on with other people. And in a social setting people are just going through the motions.

Granted, there are a lot - A LOT of idiots out there. But there are so many good hearts and minds out there. A lot of people who never touched drugs who are in touch with wisdom and truth.
Even the most enlightened folks have normal lives, doing normal things. It's not that they emit some kind of radiation that you can see. People, even the most enlightened ones, will do fairly banal things like going to work in the morning, and going back home, maybe in a rush because they're a little late. Sometimes, very enlightened people will even get a little agitated, or look a little sad.

Maybe there was someone else in the cinema-complex who also didn't like tarzan. Maybe he also had the same thoughts about 'all those people'. But because he would not have been you, you would also have been one of 'those people' then.
dragonrider said:
Even the most enlightened folks have normal lives, doing normal things. It's not that they emit some kind of radiation that you can see. People, even the most enlightened ones, will do fairly banal things like going to work in the morning, and going back home, maybe in a rush because they're a little late. Sometimes, very enlightened people will even get a little agitated, or look a little sad.

Maybe there was someone else in the cinema-complex who also didn't like tarzan. Maybe he also had the same thoughts about 'all those people'. But because he would not have been you, you would also have been one of 'those people' then.

That is a great way to think of it.
I'm only new to the nexus, so anyone please veto me if they feel the need too, however I believe the best way to avoid any kind of ill effect is prep. Prepare for the after effects to better counteract them. Acid kills my vitamin levels every time, I also have a hard time drinking water while on acid, sleep could also be a factor.
To me the symptoms you are describing seem to be coming from the physical rather then the mental.
I also have depression that I have somewhat grown out of through many techniques and experiences, some good some bad. Breathing and meditation techniques are excellent. But when the world is really caving in, it's always my body that Iv let down and in turn, is letting me down. Listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it wants.
Hope that helps
:) Here is a legendary story from one our near about extinct sannnnnd traditions:

When the young Sayyedina Hazrat Abd ul Qadir Geelani Gawth ul Azam (RA) dipped their toes into the peak experiences of Tasawwuf, he became enraptured & enraged, thinking: 'how could the people be so misguided', 'how can there be such a misunderstanding about the true nature of our deen'....and they say, his condition became such, that noboday would approach & stand before him (.. he roamed ruins and abandoned and satyr haunted wildernesses). His gaze became so fierce that it could (in theory) burn (to ashes) flying birds from the skies. It was then that another, moar senior wayfaring Darwaish, Sayyedina Hazrat Badiuddin Zindah Shah Madar (RA), passed by him and told him:
'The core attributes of the Ineffable (and indeed our grandparent) are C O M P A S S I O N and G R E A T E R - M E R C Y '.

He meditated on this and became calm. The heat in his eyes cooled... His rage went away... This was the first meeting between the two....
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