^^ Very nice, and I would agree with you. The control has been slow and methodical, working itself over periods of decades if not centuries.
polytrip said:The WTO forbids country's like the USA and canada to demand imported products are made under proper working conditions. The WTO's predecessor 'GATT' already declared such demands as import tariffs that would restrict free-trade.
That is a formidable mistake of wich i suspect big companies to have done some lobbying to get it well established.
Yet, if every company would have to aply to these same rules, there would be no disadvantage for them.
polytrip said:I agree with many of what saidin says.
The only reason why i take a different tone is because i think that we could ask ourselves 'why do we want all these things in the first place?'
Sometimes, often i would say, the intentions of people are realy good. We want our childeren to have better lives than we had. So we think we should give them expensive stuff.
If we would only ask that question 'why' a little more often.