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29 oct internet's 40th birthday


Rising Star
The ground work for the internet took place in 1969.
There are two dates that may be argued for it's birth date, 1 being the first time information was send via a router I think and the other one I can't remeber.
The one of these two I found most significant occured october 29, 1969.

Might be an idea for a synchronised hyperspace event.
Wether or not I will be taking part I don't know.
Swim will definately be celebrating and may take ayahuasca or LSD.
Might be able to fit in some spirit molecule though :p
its a google ad, helps pay for running the DMT Nexus server ( I think that's how it works at least )
thanks for the heads up!
happy birthday internet, you've come a long way!
connecting human life at the speed of light.

it's a beautiful thing...

the people come online and sit in meditation, typing their most amazing and interesting experiences to discuss.

waste time.
exercise the mind.

every single little key tap documented and traced by the Eye
(which breaks into a billion web crawling spiders)
The Traveler said:
spiritbrewer said:
What's this ad from drugfreeworld.org doing in my topic or at the forum for that matter.. :x

It's an ad from Google Ads. An anti-drug Foundation paying to get their ad on an entheogen forum, ain't it ironic?

hahaha briliant, very ironic id say.
The Traveler said:
spiritbrewer said:
What's this ad from drugfreeworld.org doing in my topic or at the forum for that matter.. :x

It's an ad from Google Ads. An anti-drug Foundation paying to get their ad on an entheogen forum, ain't it ironic?
Is it true? Does the google Ads thing work so stochastically?? So this Anti-drug Foundation consciously chose the Nexus for hosting their Ad (as opposed to a web-bot scanning through words and placing the Ad) ?
It would seem so.. other ads are relevant as well, mimosa etc.
Could be a bot though ofc
I am curious
Funny either way :lol:
u talking about ARPAnet?
it was more like a prototype, and wasn't a 'world-wide web' by any means. started as four networked computers, three of them based at academic institutions, a project funded by the us gov't.

Think that's it yes.
It might not have been anywhere near a www, but it were the first steps.
One might argue this or that truly being the birthdate of it, but I just picked this date.. so I can celebrate! :p
Today's the day! :d
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