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2C-I and lower back pain

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

SWIM had his 3rd experience with 2-CI yesterday and upon the end of the trip (while still on it) he experienced extreme lower back pain. This happened all 3 times...

Has anyone else experienced this? The following day it was almost completely gone.

It was so extreme SWIM thinks he will not do it again.
I used to get alot of lower back pain in my days of chomping on MDMA or E, but i think that was ude to a lack of water intake. I really damaged my kidney's during those years.

I never did any 2CI so cant really say, but where in your lower back? Was it at the sides of you back? Was it a shooting pain or a throb?
Yeah, there are some muscle issues for me too on a decent dose of 2C-I. I think part of it is that you can sit in normally uncomfortable positions while on it and your body is a bit numb from any ache you are having while on it.

just my observations. Doubt very much it has anything to do with the kidneys (only talking about 2c-i not MDMA).
i havent had that though id suspect acolon is right
2c-i gives me terrible headaches
for this reason iv left it alone lately
psychosisdoses said:
i havent had that though id suspect acolon is right
2c-i gives me terrible headaches
for this reason iv left it alone lately

Yeah, on the comedown both my wife and I usually get a light headache, that's the sign that our fun is about to end.
gammagore said:
I used to get alot of lower back pain in my days of chomping on MDMA or E, but i think that was ude to a lack of water intake. I really damaged my kidney's during those years.

I never did any 2CI so cant really say, but where in your lower back? Was it at the sides of you back? Was it a shooting pain or a throb?

I would have to say just above the hips and radiating from my spine

acolon_5 said:
Yeah, there are some muscle issues for me too on a decent dose of 2C-I. I think part of it is that you can sit in normally uncomfortable positions while on it and your body is a bit numb from any ache you are having while on it.

just my observations. Doubt very much it has anything to do with the kidneys (only talking about 2c-i not MDMA).

I think you have a point there, sitting/leaning in uncomfortable positions.

SWIM thinks SWIM will leave it alone for a while as well, even though he has had few experiences with it. If it happens one more time in the future than SWIM is done with 2-CI, definitely not worth the pain.

Thanks for all your replies!
2ci is based on idodine...
Where else can one go, from 2C-I? The iodine is the fourth, and the last of the so-called halogens, at the bottom of the classical periodic table. But, thanks to the miracles that have accompanied us into the nuclear age, there is a fifth halide now known, Astatine. All of its isotopes are radioactive, however, and it seems unlikely that there will ever be an entry (other than this one) for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-astatophenethylamine. What might be speculated as to its activity? Probably similar in potency to 2C-I, requiring maybe 10 or 20 milligrams. The duration would be dicey to measure, since the isotope with the longest known half-life is half decayed in about 8 hours, and the longest lived natural isotope (for those who insist on natural rather than man-made things) is half decayed in less than a minute. Two predictions would be pretty solid. You might have quite a job accumulating your 10 milligrams of Astatine, as the most that has so far been made at one time is only about 0.05 micrograms, approximately a millionth of the amount needed. And the second prediction? You would not survive the screaming radiation that would bombard you if you could get the needed 5 or 10 milligrams of radio-astatine onto that magic 4-position, and the resulting 2C-A into your tummy!"

so... idodine is a really large chemical. and it is relatively hard to pass through the kidneys. the lower back pain you had was your kidneys bra... they filter every chemical you ingest, out of your body.
the larger the chemical the harder the kidney has to work to pass it through you... in other words, you really stressed your kidneys really hard.
now the goal is to be really nice to your kidneys. find out what they like and what they need to be healthy. the pain you had will happen to people who have slightly weaker kidneys then most folks. so now you know you have weak kidneys. it maybe helpful to find out why and do some things to make them healtheir.
you could look at the 2ci as introducing you to your weak kidneys.
drink lots of cranberry juice and do some research on supplements that you can take that will fortify them.
so... idodine is a really large chemical. and it is relatively hard to pass through the kidneys.

This logic is flawed. The iodine atom in 2C-I is connected to an aromatic ring, so it is very very unlikely that the iodine would ever get released from it as a part of metabolism. When a halogen is connected to an aromatic ring, it usually stays there.

And a natural hormone of the human body, thyroxine, also contains iodine atoms, so I doubt that a chemical having an iodine would make it somehow harmful to the body in any way.
Dorge said:
2ci is based on idodine...
Where else can one go, from 2C-I? The iodine is the fourth, and the last of the so-called halogens, at the bottom of the classical periodic table. But, thanks to the miracles that have accompanied us into the nuclear age, there is a fifth halide now known, Astatine. All of its isotopes are radioactive, however, and it seems unlikely that there will ever be an entry (other than this one) for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-astatophenethylamine. What might be speculated as to its activity? Probably similar in potency to 2C-I, requiring maybe 10 or 20 milligrams. The duration would be dicey to measure, since the isotope with the longest known half-life is half decayed in about 8 hours, and the longest lived natural isotope (for those who insist on natural rather than man-made things) is half decayed in less than a minute. Two predictions would be pretty solid. You might have quite a job accumulating your 10 milligrams of Astatine, as the most that has so far been made at one time is only about 0.05 micrograms, approximately a millionth of the amount needed. And the second prediction? You would not survive the screaming radiation that would bombard you if you could get the needed 5 or 10 milligrams of radio-astatine onto that magic 4-position, and the resulting 2C-A into your tummy!"

so... idodine is a really large chemical. and it is relatively hard to pass through the kidneys. the lower back pain you had was your kidneys bra... they filter every chemical you ingest, out of your body.
the larger the chemical the harder the kidney has to work to pass it through you... in other words, you really stressed your kidneys really hard.
now the goal is to be really nice to your kidneys. find out what they like and what they need to be healthy. the pain you had will happen to people who have slightly weaker kidneys then most folks. so now you know you have weak kidneys. it maybe helpful to find out why and do some things to make them healtheir.
you could look at the 2ci as introducing you to your weak kidneys.
drink lots of cranberry juice and do some research on supplements that you can take that will fortify them.

I hope your wrong :) cause that is a scary thought :? Thanks a lot for your input, can anyone else confirm that the lower back pain is caused from the kidneys? (a second opinion never hurt anybody :? )

2Ci causing back pain has nothing to do with kidneys. Let's not start another urban myth here, like "you get back pain from acid because LSD DISSOLVES YOUR SPINE" etc...

It's very probably just muscle tension.

Check my post above ^
acolon_5 said:
Yeah, there are some muscle issues for me too on a decent dose of 2C-I. I think part of it is that you can sit in normally uncomfortable positions while on it and your body is a bit numb from any ache you are having while on it.
(only talking about 2c-i not MDMA).

SWIM has noticed hip and back pain from 2C-E and 2C-B and mushrooms, but came up with the realization that SWIM doesn't usually sit on the floor or table or bathroom counter cross-legged for long periods of time, and it was all just catching up with my body and the end of the night.
dread said:
2Ci causing back pain has nothing to do with kidneys. Let's not start another urban myth here, like "you get back pain from acid because LSD DISSOLVES YOUR SPINE" etc...

It's very probably just muscle tension.

Check my post above ^

Yep! Thanks 😉 Took a bit of weight off my mind
SWIM is reviving this thread to whoever is interested know that SWIM recently (within a span of 3 months) had about 3 intense experiences with 2C-I and did not experience the back pain that SWIM mentioned above.

SWIM thinks SWIM experienced that pain because SWIM was sitting in an uncomfortable position without realizing it.

SWIM actually got back pain the last time SWIM did it, however SWIM was dancing for hours, and SWIM knew it was because of his dancing.

SWIM has grown very fond of 2C-I, it is a very powerful substance.

SWIM has had 1 very bad experience on the substance not too long ago. However this was because of set and setting. There were many things going through SWIMs mind... The entire trip became psychological. SWIM was in loops, SWIMs coping mechanism was laughing... SWIM would laugh so much that it would reset him. This laughing episode lasted and repeated itself many times over the experience. SWIM will write a report about it soon.

Please do not take 2C-I if one is feeling emotionally unstable. It will really slap you in the face.

A piece of warning to you all that SWIM had to learn the wrong way. When on a full stomach, 2C-I can take up to 2.5 to 3 hours for you to even feel ANYTHING. SWIM thought that he haddnt taken enough and took about 10 more mg of the substance.... This was a bad idea... This contributed to the bad trip SWIM told you about above.
Im not sure your allowed to fully discuss rc's here nime, though if it is ok id like to know what your high dosage is ? Swims been experimenting with it the past few months and hes been taking 35mg, his highest dose, though tolerance will be up as recently hes been taking a lot of psychs, usually cactus once a week ayahuasca once a week and some rcs another day, swim realises this is a lot, just he doesnt have any spice and the oppurtunity for exploration keeps arising. Thing swims noticed with 2ci is theres hardly any headfuck, this is why hes thinking he could push it further. 4aco-dmt is a great one! Headfuck and all! lol If this isnt allowed then please delete what ive wrote, I think it is kinda iffy here. If it gets deleted ill pm you nime and discuss dosages, might do that anyways 😉

...and SWIM get haemorrhoids the next day after drinking red wine. Thankfully white wine is way gentler on his bum!

But white wine is shite red wine is great, worth the sore arse the next day! :lol:
Ive experienced lower back pain with every sinlge psychedelic I have ever taken, aside form salvinorn alpha..

With tryptamines it seems more dueto how i contort into wierd positions at times and stay there, laughing and acting all mad while hunched over..I used to do this on mushrooms alot..even ayahuasca can make me a bit sore if I do this..its liek theres too much energy to deal with these weird positions and it causes the muscles to strain and lock up a bit..when i lay in bed for the experiene thats not an issure though..tryptamines for the most part feel quite benign on the body when you stay relaxed..

Mescaline is a different story..mescaline does seem to strain my back a bit no matter how relaxed I am, same with MDMA..I personally feel that mescaline is more toxic than other tryptamine psychedelics like DMT, psilocin, ayahuasca, LSD etc..LSA will do this same thing to my muscles..Bufotenine doesnt even do this to me..yet mescaline and LSA do..

I dont take mescaline too often because of these side effects that I feel after. Mescaline is great, and a tool for me I love it..but no more than once a month or so I think. I feel that phens are harder on the body in general.
I just wanna chime in and say that dread is 100% percent right. The iodine remains bound and unavailable to the body fer shur. Seeing as it is a PEA I'm sure one of it's metabolites have vasoconstricting properties and dilating and shrinking of your veins is bound to cause some discomfort. It's nothing I would personally worry about, you shouldn't be using 2c-i enough to worry about it wearing on your body as it is.
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