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2C-T-2 experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy moving and building contacts for my company. so I thought I'd share some of the research I did last night. Despite numerous warnings on Erowid about snorting this particular RC, some SWIMS and I snorted 5mg of 2C-T-2. Thank God we decided against 10mg all at once because this was the most painful thing my face has ever been subjected to. I would have rather been punched in the nose to be honest (please spare me, I know this was really F-ing stupid). Needless to say I will never do that again.

Effects were noticed in about 60 seconds. within 5 minutes the effects were accelerating quickly. After about 20 minutes, my face stopped hurting and I was finally able to enjoy the sensations in my body. I think 13-15mg orally would have really done the trick. Visuals persisted for about 6 hours and the body high was almost immobilizing and kinda "glitchy" for lack of better term for the first hour, after which a plateau was reached and things got more comfortable. Visuals had a sparkly aspect to them and at times were very geometric. A small amount of ketamine was taken but was mostly overpowered by the RC. Mescaline is much more pleasant and not so heavy though it felt similar. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but DO NOT snort it!!!

I hear you dude...quite a few years ago now, for some reason, I thought it might be interesting to snort a tiny pinch of 2CE. Now I've snorted a few different things over the years, but the pain inflicted by this stands in my mind as the worse, by far, of any of them...NEVER again. These days in fact I try to avoid snorting things as a rule, unless necessary.
I've heard of incidents snorting 2c's ending up in the emergency room too many times to not at least say...

silly people :p

...part in jealousy though as my limited experience of 2c's is 2 sessions with 2cb and I've always wanted to try 2ce, probably not 2ci... 2cT2... well I don't know. Mother always told me not to consume something I couldn't say 10 times really fast.
soulfood said:
I've heard of incidents snorting 2c's ending up in the emergency room too many times to not at least say...

silly people :p

...part in jealousy though as my limited experience of 2c's is 2 sessions with 2cb and I've always wanted to try 2ce, probably not 2ci... 2cT2... well I don't know. Mother always told me not to consume something I couldn't say 10 times really fast.

2ce is by far my favorite psychedelic. Amazing visual aspect to this chemical, though it is synthetic, it feels entirely organic and natural. The psychedelic space you enter into with it is a completely unique and novel experience. I've never experienced any bad effects, nausea, thought-loops, or after-effects from it, feel bright and fine the next day. It is hard to compare with other chemicals, but LSD is by far the most similar I have experienced aside from it's 2c siblings.

2ci contains a heavier atom, and most say it is most similar to 2cb because of this, however I find 2cb to be much more mellow than 2ci, while 2ci is a bit of a wild ride at times.

As a rule of thumb for me, never snort anything, seriously, especially something with such a small active dose. You'll find yourself in a nose trip, wherein you're entire sensory-system is focused on the pain within your nose. Plus, none of these 2c's(except reportedly the 2ct's) really have bad nauseating effects, so why not just swallow 'em?
I vomited at about the 30 min mark. I felt considerably better after that. Some ginger brew helped. After that it was smooth.

You'll find yourself in a nose trip, wherein you're entire sensory-system is focused on the pain within your nose.

yeah... never again.
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