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2CB and Changa, safe combo?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I know I should search for this answer but I am short on time, about to hit the road. I am planning on a changa session to end the evening after taking 2CB at a concert and wanted to know if anyone has used this combo safely? I know MDMA/changa is a no no and thought better about asking first before diving in. I could opt for shrooms instead but I kinda like to be alone or in small groups for shrooms. I am grateful for any productive response. Thx!
I would advise against smoking anything that has MAOIs if your taking a research chemical. Especially something of the phenethylamine class, as these tend to have stimulant properties to them. But the main thing is MAOI with a research Chem that doesn't have a lot of history or professionally documented usage, is asking for a bad time. We don't know much about these chemicals to begin with, why risk mixing something into it that could have a possibility of potentiating the research Chem to unsafe effects?

If you want to smoke just dmt or just enhanced leaf, that should be fine. Just stay away from the harmalas.
Yeah I was thinking along those lines but thought i would ask since I havent found any real documented reports. I know the 2CB I have is 98+% pure and is on e the safer 2C's. I weighed a museum level dose,12mg. Shame 2CB became schedule 1 with no further official resarch in sight. I have found it very useful. I can dial in the effects desired per situation I want it for. I thought perhaps it would be OK with changa but being a phen thought it better to ask. I will probably just skip the changa.
Any reason you can't just smoalk the pure DMT with 2C-B? Cuts out any risk involved with MAOIs.

The mind boggles at what that combination would give you :surprised
I have before. The visuals were mushy but not an unpleasant combo. It's what i had packed already so the freebase is 600miles away. I had packed the changa instead because for stealth. No GVG required. I have grown to prefer harmalas with whatever form i smoalk.
I would skip the B's and prepare yourself some mescaline.

Every substance I have combined with 2cb is far superior on the back of mescaline. Not saying 2cb is inherently dangerous, but mescaline provides a much smoother ride. I'm no doctor but I often get a pressure/headache with 2cb I immediately associate with elevated blood pressure. Changa also can give me a headache if I session it for long enough, though this is only very noticable with a high potency of harmaloids. Only downside is the greater length of the mescaline experience but... to me, that's not a bad thing, usually I have to re-dose with 2cb a lot anyway.
soulfood said:
I would skip the B's and prepare yourself some mescaline.

Every substance I have combined with 2cb is far superior on the back of mescaline. Not saying 2cb is inherently dangerous, but mescaline provides a much smoother ride. I'm no doctor but I often get a pressure/headache with 2cb I immediately associate with high blood pressure. Changa also can give me a headache if I session it for long enough. Only downside is the length of the experience but... to me, that's not a bad thing :)

I ended up just eating the Bee. It was perfect. Moderat in Chi-town with Telefon Tel Aviv opening. Made 2g philosopers stone mushroom tea at breakfast today. The place i stayed didnt lend to what i need for changa after all anyway. Had a good time hanging with family on the waterfront. Mescaline is in the future. Looking fwd to meeting it again. It has been since the 90s when i mixed it with MDMA at a rave. Aztec patterns flying off dancing bodies, possesed by kind spiririts...
Gone-and-Back said:
I would advise against smoking anything that has MAOIs if your taking a research chemical.

Should we really be referring to compounds with close to 40 years of human use research chemicals? In the interest of keeping our terms straight, perhaps it best just to refer to it as a synthetic / psychedelic empathogen or something more appropriate?
UgraKarma said:
Gone-and-Back said:
I would advise against smoking anything that has MAOIs if your taking a research chemical.

Should we really be referring to compounds with close to 40 years of human use research chemicals? In the interest of keeping our terms straight, perhaps it best just to refer to it as a synthetic / psychedelic empathogen or something more appropriate?
I fully agree on that one. This isn't the first time someone has said the same thing. I found only this so far Syrian Rue & Various - Erowid Exp - 'Harmala Combinations' but I am going to scout for more info around now I have some time.
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