acolon_5 said:
One of the 2C family I never got to try. It was scheduled before I got into RC's.
Unlucky bredren. Definitely worth a try. From what you've said about your other tastes I reckon you'd prefer 2ci though, so no worries.
flyboy said:
All fine and dandy comparing this stuff to LSD and Mesc, but what I am truly wondering is this... is there a DIFFERENCE? I mean, if I can get LSD and Mesc any time, would pursuing these RC's be worthwhile or is it just going to be a slightly 'easier' trip with similar qualities.
We are here because DMT is NOT like mesc or LSD... I think we're a group that seeks NEW and different experiences (salvia for example, completely unique) rather than just an almost-copy, no?
Can someone try to articulate what these B's and I's and T's actually feel like rather than saying it's just like something else? Saying it's "psychedelic" makes me happy but can anyone elaborate?? I can't seem to find any of these damned pills.. where are you getting them!??!!
I'm in canada, i thought it was easy here.
Flyboy! You're in Canada and you can't get RC's? It might interest you to know that pretty much every RC (with the notable and bizarre exception of 2cb) are legal in Canada, reasonably priced, and easy to get hold of, and also of course morally ok to do being legal

For some reason my PM isn't working but a google search should do the trick for you.
A friend of mine now lives in Toronto for pretty much that reason.
--> Someone asked me you first question the other day. He said 'doesn't it get samey after a while.' The answer to that is quite simply no. Each one offers their own unique spin on "the psychedelic experience" - see the thread 'comparison of select RCs' for more insight.
If you don't compare them to things people already know then how do they get a benchmark. I mean, even with D, we're comparing it to things we have in 'normal reality' which is a very very deficient way of encapsulating the experience but the only way you can go about it.
I'm a much bigger fan of 2ci than 2cb for example. I find it quirkier, and the visuals are definitely different. Things bulge at you and the visuals hang in the air a lot more, the sky looked like frogspawn to me the other day. 2cb the visuals sit on top of the walls if you see what I mean. Acid they inhabit the walls or hallucinations are overlaid on top of them. (I make a distinction between hallucinations and visuals).
I like building up a profile of how structurally similar chemicals (e.g to psylocibin) affect you slightly differently.
---> As for the acid/mescaline comparison. I find that, despite the visuals they may offer, on a whole RCs tend to lack the profound insights of acid/mescaline. Those drugs are in their own world when it comes to being tools for looking into the self.
RCs, while they are not only about pretty colours, simply don't reach the same heights. That's why they are often referred to as 'the next mdma' in the press, rather than 'the next acid'.
I like to call the RC's 'tourist's acid' - they're a good way for me to ease friends into the psychedelic experience, and I've turned a friend onto acid who had the classic propaganda induced stigma against it, by giving him 2ci and reminding him that psychedelics are beautiful substances.
Back on thread briefly; 2cb is worthwhile and like I said elsewhere marries very nicely with K (giving stunning visuals and a lucidity generally lacking from K), but it's too busy for my liking, it makes me jumpy, I'm never fully relaxed on it, like with some of the longer lasting alternatives.