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2nd time in space

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive had the worst day, everything was going wrong...

so I was like man screw this and asked Jesus for some guidance and took some communion, washed my bong and loaded it with nothing but ice....

and smoked me a dose of the purest white crystals from my extract that could have killed a horse...

Jesus told me I was building an alter to my shrooms...putting them before God and letting them run my life...and that was no good...

He is real, and he loves you all very much...also, hes comming back to get his children very soon...

sucks some people give my faith a bad name....
What does Jesus look like? How does he convey this transmission? How is he going to return? New born? Appear?

Sounds like you're deluding yourself, making this up, or being metaphorical. Can't quite figure it out.
sight_seeker said:
slidewinder said:
What does Jesus look like? How does he convey this transmission? How is he going to return? New born? Appear?

Sounds like you're deluding yourself, making this up, or being metaphorical. Can't quite figure it out.

I agree with your assessment. I think this guy is someone who should deal with his own issues first before attempting something like spice. I think he's miles from getting near ego death.....bringing up Jesus in relation to a hyperspace trip????? Thats so whacked. He has a long way to go and will likely never break thru.

Go to some church that tells you what you seem to want to hear guy! You won't find Jesus in spice.

Shows what you know.

All can be found in the spice.
soulfood Shows what you know. All can be found in the spice. [/quote said:
I know Jesus is some whacked story from some silly old book of fairytales.

Maybe you find Humpty Dumpty and Rumplestiltskin in the spice too?
Seriously though, reports of psychedlic experiences are quite a personal thing. It's wonderful that we have such a great and usually open-minded place to share them and have them analysed and enjoyed by others.

I think his report was quite profound, even though I am not a man of conventional faith, I can still respect that of others. There's no reason why YOU shouldn't.
soulfood said:
Seriously though, reports of psychedlic experiences are quite a personal thing. It's wonderful that we have such a great and usually open-minded place to share them and have them analysed and enjoyed by others.

I think his report was quite profound, even though I am not a man of conventional faith, I can still respect that of others. There's no reason why YOU shouldn't.

If someone said Rumplestiltskin talked to them and told them spice is bad, you wouldn't have any alternate suggestions?
In my opinon, this Jesus shit is the same thing.
But if you insist that you KNOW that Jesus is REAL, and that I'm the one who is deluded ( and a know it all as you said I am,) there is nothing more to say to you. You'll get no name calling from me, just sympathy.
GirlsHateMe said:
Ive had the worst day, everything was going wrong...
Jesus told me I was building an alter to my shrooms...putting them before God and letting them run my life...and that was no good...
He is real, and he loves you all very much...also, hes comming back to get his children very soon...

sucks some people give my faith a bad name....

That was you man, what else did you tell yourself?😉

LOL mocking was expected and appreciated, have fun everyone...

"Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account" (Matthew 5:11)
The Yeti Loves You
got some problem - first i tried praying - nothing happend then i realized this is my life and im in control of it and if i want things to change i gotta change em myself - cant wait for some imaginary dood in the sky to throw u some luck.

it works better than praying

also i did something wrong - i thought i would surely go to hell and burn forever, unless i appologized to jesus and said some prayer 50 times.


i recon ppl should take responsibility for themselves (not satan made me do it) and understand that they have more control over their lives than some collectively imagined god.

Im not some bible basher and i think any religeos text contains alot of good - mainly just morals that everyone should know, like dont kill, dont steal, dont cheat - etc, i dont need a 2000 year old collection of stories to teach me this - i learned as a kid, if u steal, the victim hurts, if u cheat, ur cheating urself, and if u kill you have no respect for life and yours is now worthless.
As you all are probably aware off, we now have a new attitude link at the top of every page.

If you follow that link you can read some very wise words. I would like you all to read those words carefully and realise that mocking someone for his or her beliefs isn't the way to go. It is clear that GirlsHateMe is experiencing a difficult time, in this times support is needed instead of mocking.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Respecting others' views includes respecting those that DON"T respect yours...

Taking the high road means not bashing someone for where they are on their path. For many the path to enlightenment starts with religion.

A word to GirlsHateME: Your current view is a common one in this world. If, however, you are told by someone that is the only view, ask yourself why?. Read other books about different religions/belief systems. See the similarities and the differences. Have a well rounded view of the world and why it works the way it does.

Just don't take someone elses beliefs as your own because they tell you to. This includes your parents. You owe it to yourself.

A word to the bashers: I understand where you are coming from, but truth comes in many coats. And not everyone ascends to Nirvana this life. I know I'm not...
Peace. And I mean that.

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