From my perspective, you've made some rather trollish posts in your short time here. If that's not your intent and is somehow a byproduct of your posting style, I apologize in advance for my misinterpretation. Please consider that you are interacting with a community and remember that communication requires both people to work to make and find meaning in the words passing between them.
For example, your claim of the "logical" breakdown of pitubo's words is distracting and unnecessary, imo.
It's clear, imo, that pitubo is simply saying that a person who feels qualified to rank people (above/below), on some level, believes they are in a position to do so (regardless of their "objective" ability), thereby implying some sense of superiority.
This is not the moral highground fallacy you're looking for, in fact, if you read pitubo's words, he clearly states as much
The judgement is not the issue, the issue is that the judgement is predicated on dubious moral overtones. The dubious moral overtones were presented by you when you said:
This is, in fact, your own moral construct, where in your mind, one who has capitalized on their opportunities is, in some sense, superior to someone who has not.
Seems pretty straightforward to me