At the risk of severe punishment for revealing proprietary information that I'm sure is jealously guarded by the illuminati overlords, I mean admin team, I can only say that this is rumor, that I heard as a drunken mumble in some sleazy Gamont dive (don't ask, man, don't ask!), but that rumor is that traveler has come to some sort of agreement with some especially powerful entities and that they are working together. Apparently these entities have given him some form of ancient technology, which combined with some special supercapacitors allow the questionnaires to be translated and delivered to hyperspace, where they are then printed out on conventional four dimensional printers. Then, they are scrutinized by a team of self dribbling bureaucrats, who with the laserlike precision of their third eye are able to peer into the deep meaning behind your answers. From that reading, not only are they able to tell just exactly who you are, on the deepest levels of your being and decide whether or not you are of the cool kids, they can also rate the value of your "pineal juice", whatever that means – I don't know, that's what the guy said. That alone scares me, since mine is several pages of threats and curse words of frustration, ah , well then...
Why, why all this use of inter dimensional technology , which surely could be put to better use than parsing data about imaginary colors made up by frustrated DMT smoalkers, I have no idea and frankly shudder to think. You know what they say about absolute power and all.. Anyway, fair warning Killa, peace to you , I mean it.