Stand Up For It
KillaNoodles said:The Grateful One said:Welcome to the Nexus, KillaNoodles!
First and foremost, your name rocks! I don't have much to add to what the others have said, but it seems like you have a good grip on your reality which is always refreshing. The Nexus really is a unique and wonderful place to be, the pinnacle of forums, so to speak. :d
There is vast amounts of information found here and I sincerely hope you'll be able to find everything you are seeking. As always, have a wonderful day!
-The Grateful One-
Edit: you'll be able to see your answers once promoted, btw...also, I'm not sure why I posted this here instead of your intro essay...oh well, I'm a little stoned. :lol:
Appreciate the compliment, Gnomey Garcia!
I'm excited to gain access to the wider field of information.
A few forum-members made it known that they have 'voted me up'. - How many votes does it take, I wonder? Am I close to realizing my true Nexus potential?
PS: Cool Music, Man! Found it in the search. Vocals remind me of more youthful David Gilmour (Pink Floyd). Like the combination of acoustic guitar and ambient synth. Tangerine dream meets the grateful dead!
Edit: I regret that I can't click "like" on your soundcloud without breaking the identity rule ;.)
The Grateful One said:Hey thanks man, my music is just something I do on the side although I'd love to make it a career at some point. I guess if that happened I'd have to create a new soundcloud (or delete the thread here...) so that my personal information doesn't get linked to here... and you hit it right on the head, David Gilmour/Pink Floyd are easily my greatest musical influence. In fact, I'm going to see David Gilmour perform Rattle That Lock live this April in Chicago. Super excited!
About the votes, I think I read once that it takes "10" pineal gland servings/sacrifices to appease the overlords, or something like that, Null probably knows more, hehe...I've donated part of mine to this cause already and I think some others have too so it shouldn't be long.