BoKuDen said:
Nice new chapter!
It seems the Form could manifest in the surrounding cultures to provide a context for the attempted understanding to take place.
That's a brilliant postulation! You have struck at the topic that is the most important part towards the end of the book, so I don't want to comment on it too much, because it might give the book away. However, yes, that is a thought that I always have had!
cellux said:
How nice it will be to get to the point where we are no longer separate from the reality we are trying to grasp/describe, but we become Reality itself.
Yes, I agree. Trying to describe the reality we aren't necessarily aware of is such a hassle. Hopefully, one day we will exist in the translinguistic reality.
buk said:
Am I right in thinking the conversations are not a literal voice you heard while using the various substances but rather a literary device you have used to express what you felt you were being taught from the various experiences?
You seem to have quite a fanbase here and I dont want to offend anyone, however I'm curious. I'm refering to the first few chapters, you seem to have tried to re-write ancient history but where is your evidence to backup these claims?
The voice I'm describing is a bit of a mixture of the two; however, it's more on the literal side. Think of it like this - It's that voice that McKenna used to speak about. He used to say that it's an extraterrestrial voice we hear inside of our heads when we are having heavy psyhedelic experiences. I, of course, am not claiming to having memorized the conversations I had with the voice; I significantly doubt that the words of the voice that I wrote down are the EXACT same representations as the voice I heard during my trips, and this, I think, primarily has to due with things becoming discombobulated when I enter into the everyday, ordinary reality from the extraordinary reality. I simply try to write it down to the best of my memory.
Trust me, you're not offending me. I had a doctor tell me that my conclusion would satisfy nobody but myself, that I was similarily deranged like McKenna, and that everything I wrote down was simply a projection of my ego. Even that didn't offend me. Yes, I can see that it may look like I have been trying to re-write ancient history. To be honest, I wasn't intending on doing that, but I was rather intentionally trying to concoct theoretical postulations about a few historical figures. I think to re-write history, you do have to have evidence - the kind that western civilization finds socially acceptable. In those terms, I have a bit of evidence from Platonic texts, books, and essays that point to what I'm trying to say, but I don't find that important. If the psychedelic experience has taught me anything, it's that traditional evidence that gives way to hardcore fact is a load of dung that we humans have come up with to simply try and sort of trick the majority of people into accepting in order to acknowledge our views in a kind of culturally understandable type of way. Blatant evidence, I find, supports the reality that I am trying to eventually shatter in this book. Thus, if I provided scientific evidence, I would be simply feeding the traditional reality, keeping it healthy and stronger, which is something that I absolutely and wholeheartedly do not want to do, yet there is some traditional evidence in there, which primarily refers to various Platonic dialogues and books on the Eleusinian Mysteries, etc. Most of the times I point something out, I'll say what dialogue it's from, etc. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate that you were yourself and said what you wanted to.