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4-HO-MET (Metocin), New to this stuff, interested

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have a friend who ran into some 4-HO-MET, I tried some 2 days ago, I did have some tolerance due to LSD use prior, however i did enjoy the feeling of MET, it was strange but very pleasant, love the body effects, and that there is minimal mental effects, I feel I could easily take this recreationally as my mind doesn't wander too much..

Anyway, what is everybody here's opinion on 4-HO-MET.

Personally, I love it, however the visuals are definitely less intricate than LSD or some other chemicals I have used.

This is my first post as a full member :)
I've sampled this a few times and really enjoyed it. It seemed clean and benign on my system, and as psychedelics go, it didn't ask much...it seems heavy on the psychedelic sparkle factor, and light when it comes to psychedelic depth (although with higher doses things can get deeper I hear). There are better substances I think for therapeutic/spiritual use, but as a social or recreational fun-time psychedelic, I think it's fantastic. Very easy going on one's system physically and mentally, great for socialising, dancing and chatting. I prefer it to MDMA, less jarring and taxing on one's system and it has more depth. Lasts a nice amount of time just for an evening of fun too. :thumb_up:
With 4-HO-MET it seems a bit strange. Most people find it has little headspace (in lower doses), but for others it still has quite a headspace.

A user on reddit who tripped a lot on it with other people guessed that about every 5th still experienced a strong headspace. Also for me it has a strong headspace and depth, but not as much as 4-HO-DMT, but almost.

So if people wanna use it for fun, make sure you're not one, who still gets a strong headspace from it. And especially be aware of this, when you offer it to others: Don't just assume they will have no headspace!

It seems this difference is the case for several RCs, and I honestly have not the slightest idea why...

E.g. most people find MALT has almost no headspace, while for me MALT has a stronger headspace than DMT, for the same dosage.
Bancopuma said:
I've sampled this a few times and really enjoyed it. It seemed clean and benign on my system, and as psychedelics go, it didn't ask much...it seems heavy on the psychedelic sparkle factor, and light when it comes to psychedelic depth (although with higher doses things can get deeper I hear). There are better substances I think for therapeutic/spiritual use, but as a social or recreational fun-time psychedelic, I think it's fantastic. Very easy going on one's system physically and mentally, great for socialising, dancing and chatting. I prefer it to MDMA, less jarring and taxing on one's system and it has more depth. Lasts a nice amount of time just for an evening of fun too. :thumb_up:

I find MDMA far more enjoyable, MET is nice, but I don't think I will continue use. It was fun but i don't think there will be much benefit from continuing my use.
Bancopuma said:
I've sampled this a few times and really enjoyed it. It seemed clean and benign on my system, and as psychedelics go, it didn't ask much...it seems heavy on the psychedelic sparkle factor, and light when it comes to psychedelic depth (although with higher doses things can get deeper I hear). There are better substances I think for therapeutic/spiritual use, but as a social or recreational fun-time psychedelic, I think it's fantastic. Very easy going on one's system physically and mentally, great for socialising, dancing and chatting. I prefer it to MDMA, less jarring and taxing on one's system and it has more depth. Lasts a nice amount of time just for an evening of fun too. :thumb_up:

I found it to be relatively benign on the system too, I agree, its very easy to use as a fun-time psychedelic, would rather take mushrooms though, I think they are ultimate

This thread is relatively old but I think that reporting experiences from more individuals is always a good thing.
I have tried this RC once at an average dose (i.e. targeting a medium strength trip), but I found this compound was pretty weak and I didn't find the experience enjoyable nor interesting :thumb_dow . The source I got it from typically gives good advice in terms of dosage and tends to be on the strong side, so I definitely don't think the weak effects were due to under-dosing.
I could feel the disorientation that usually comes with mushroom trips, but I had no visual and no significant mental processes going on. Mushrooms typically teach me a lot and provide moderate visuals, but 4-HO-MET had none of these qualities. I won't do it again.

This will hopefully help someone to make educated decision whether to try it or not.

Take care,

I've taken small doses of metocin in combination with LSD a couple of times. This is something i can realy recommend. The first time i tried it, i took just 1 mg, but it was very noticeable already. Also extremely short lasting at this dosage though. The most i did with acid was 5 mg. Maybe i'll try higher doses in the future, but i also intent to take it with ayahuasca sometime because i can imagine it would combine realy well with that too.

With acid, it realy shines. It basically makes it much more visual, colourfull and energetic. And it does not seem to have any serious downside either.

If it would turn out that this is all it is good for, i still think it is a very valuable substance. I'm probably never gonna do acid without metocin again even.
Metocin is definitely my favorite tryptamine, natural or synthetic. Euphoric and not mentally taxing.
No nausea in my experience, and clearly defined visuals. I seem to be pretty sensitive to it and get great effects from less than 10mg.
Yes, it is definately very nice on it's own. But i find it does lack something that way though. I think a good term for it would be "immersion".
I would definately try it with LSD. Because it is so mild by itself, it does not realy make the LSD much harder to handle while it does add a lot to the visual and fun part.
Tried it at a rave and I can confirm that it is lighter and pairs well with dancing. Did a standard dose and visuals were on the weaker side. Although I wasn't really focused on that aspect to be fair.

dragonrider said:
I've taken small doses of metocin in combination with LSD a couple of times. This is something i can realy recommend. The first time i tried it, i took just 1 mg, but it was very noticeable already. Also extremely short lasting at this dosage though. The most i did with acid was 5 mg. Maybe i'll try higher doses in the future, but i also intent to take it with ayahuasca sometime because i can imagine it would combine realy well with that too.

With acid, it realy shines. It basically makes it much more visual, colourfull and energetic. And it does not seem to have any serious downside either.

If it would turn out that this is all it is good for, i still think it is a very valuable substance. I'm probably never gonna do acid without metocin again even.

This is on the list. I think they will pair quite nicely. Did you dose both at the same time?
No, i take the metocin when the acid is already doing it's thing. The first thing i do is asses how hard the LSD (or actually the LSD and edibles combo, because i'll never do LSD again without edibles either) is kicking in, and on the basis of that i decide how much metocin to take.

Metocin acts way shorter than LSD though. 5 mg only lasts for 3 to 3.5 hours.
There's plenty of ways to do this. You can take it from the start and redose, or take it when you're about halfway, or take it when you're an hour into the peak so most of the peak will coïncide with the metocins' effects.

It usually works within half an hour and you'll immediately notice it.
Interesting I will play around with dosages. I am currently thinking about doing it on the come up for acid and then trying to time the peaks so that they complement each other.
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