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4 new proposed entries

olympus mon

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
greetings my fellow seekers. i was referred to this site by my universal brother idtravlr. i love this idea of a lexicon to create a tool to help use linguistics which often fall short to describe the often indescribable. although new to the nexus i am not new to our fascinating inner universe unlocked by the most sacred of sacreds.
it would be an honor to help build this language as i believe it to be more than just a cool thing to do. i believe this project will help us understand and learn from our shared experiences by being able to communicate them more clearly and fluently. as these ideas, concepts, and experiences are so often at a high level of complexity that fumbling for words can cause them to be lost in our limited physical minds unable to be expressed. sometimes i cant even keep the thought alive long enough to complete the sentence. as you know this is how amazing and intense the knowledge available to us can be! its from my heart that i feel this site is doing very important work such as the Lexicon project.
here a few proposed terms id like to share with you all.
in gratitude and humility,
olympus mon

THE 4D BUMP - the ability of cross dimensional understanding or to see things with the access of the 4D advantage. i.e. being able to see all sides of a cube at once, or simultaneously seeing the front, back and inside of a hdb (higher dimensional being).

THE BIG PICTURE - loose term to make a singular description of all the mysteries of the universe. information given from the hdb's (higher dimensional beings) is usually to help us understand the "big picture", i.e. consciousness, physical world, life and death ext. the perfect system of one-ness.

END OF THE LINE - the state of understanding and or visual demonstration of how and why everything exists, works, and is. this knowledge cant be fully brought back with the traveler as i believe it cant be understood in the 3D world. i do remember how simply logical, perfect, beautiful, and self perpetuating the complete truth of the "big picture" truly is. although i can not remember how it works, i can say there is a very clear knowing that there's nothing past this point to understand. its the hyper space equivalent of physic's "Theory Of Everything" or T.O.E.

BIGGER THAN GOD - when you receive information that is so mind blowing it dwarfs previous ideas that seemed to be the pinnacle of importance of preconceived desires to understanding the universe. i.e. you thought that the most mind blowing information you could receive would be a full understanding of the concept of god. then you receive info so HUGE that you realize belief, understanding, or existence of god doesn't even matter! its as if you formulate the most important question you could ever ask and the answer is so much bigger than you could have ever imagined that it renders the original question pointless.
Hi olympus mon,

I like your new entries and also the fact that you made good description for them.
Later this day I'll add them to the Hyperspace lexicon, keep up the good work.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
mabey thats where i was. ive been to a place only a few times on massive doses combined with a maoi. i had broke through and pushed through the membrains of candyland to this secret area beyond that, crystal clear vision, ie a place that has no fractals except an ineffable object in the central feild of vision, constantly shifting and morphing into new things. kinda like a 4/5D mandlebrot bulb. it was very ominous like i wasent suppose to see it but i was and it was changing/morphing with my thoughts shifting between the 4th and fifth dimension so i couldnt see its true form. it was the creater, the taker, and it was alive. would this apply to the 4d bump or is it beyond that... doses were 50mg harmaline sublingualy followed by 25mg harmaline smoked then 75mg pure white spice, as white as the driven snow.
THE 4-D BUMP - I prefer to call it '4D-View' or 'Hyperspace view', but bump should be fine too ;)

THE BIG PICTURE - Wow, just wow, I have used this term in My last journey report in exactly the same way as you mean, before actually reading your post :D So, I find this term to be very accurate.

END OF THE LINE - Another 'Wow'. I reached this mile-point in My first documented journey. "...i do remember how simply logical, perfect, beautiful, and self perpetuating the complete truth of the "big picture" truly is. although i can not remember how it works, i can say there is a very clear knowing that there's nothing past this point to understand. its the hyper space equivalent of physic's "Theory Of Everything" or T.O.E..." - great quote/description ;)

BIGGER THAN GOD - I have experienced this during my last journey. I was seeking for information about Bashar. But then: "...its as if you formulate the most important question you could ever ask and the answer is so much bigger than you could have ever imagined that it renders the original question pointless...". This is 100000% accurate description of how I felt back then :)

Thank you, olympus mon, for this great addition to the Hyperspace Lexicon ;) Makes me feel less of a lunatic, by reading that other people have experienced +/- same stuff :D
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