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5 day boat ride along the Amazon. Peru

Migrated topic.

olympus mon

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
This was a tough but wonderful journey. Claire and i were the only gringo's on the boat and the children were just fascinated by us. These kids touched me so deeply. One of the girls saw me rolling my dreads one day and each night she would sit behind me and roll them with me. These kids were so full of love and joy!!!!


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endlessness said:
Awesome pictures! What country was this? Was it going to or coming back from the shipibo? Whats your plan now?
thanks brother man, im glad your all enjoying them as much as i enjoyed taking them!!! this up the amazon from iquitos to pucallpa. although it was very hard and tiring it was also one of the tri[ps highlights for me. The children!!!! The children here just melt me! at times claire and i would have ten to twelve kids all standing around us wanting to hold our hands or rub my tattoos. they would show us their books and [play on our hammocks. by the 3rd day we tryed to sleep in as late as possible because there really isnt much to do all day and when i opened my eye these 3 girls would just be right there waiting [patiently for us to wake u[p.

i never realized how much i love kids till this trip.
Olympus Mon,

as i sit in my office, miserably trudging my way through my 9-5, looking out of the window at a dreary industrial estate, surrounded by people who think there crappy office jobs are important because they let them go to the pub and get pissed on a friday night, i am filled with the greatest urge to flee, to give it all up, to sell my things and make a pilgrimage like yours.

The people and journeys you tell of, along with the pictures you have shared, are an indescribable inspiration to me and im sure to many other on the Nexus.

I dont really have anything else to add that has not been said already, i only wish you all the best for the remainder of your voyage of discovery.

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible
3rdI said:
Olympus Mon,

as i sit in my office, miserably trudging my way through my 9-5, looking out of the window at a dreary industrial estate, surrounded by people who think there crappy office jobs are important because they let them go to the pub and get pissed on a friday night, i am filled with the greatest urge to flee, to give it all up, to sell my things and make a pilgrimage like yours.

The people and journeys you tell of, along with the pictures you have shared, are an indescribable inspiration to me and im sure to many other on the Nexus.
thank you 3rdI, its an amazing feeling to hear that this journey has inspired people.
i have felt exactly how your feeling now. for me it took 39 years and the recent death of 3 close friends, one in my arms along with my own near death experience to put the fire under my ass and follow my dream.

selling all my possessions was the easy part. i let the bank forclose on my house since i was locked into it after the market crashed, sold my car, and business and kept a few boxes of personal and work stuff. the hard part was making the decision and having faith that i can do this. i can, you can, anyone can. it will take sacrifice in many forms but it is more than possible.

i wont lye, its far from peaches and roses when i return. i have unsettled tax debt's no where to live or work, but i would do it all over again a thousand times! ill be telling my grandchildren about this adventure. most importantly i wont die wondering. wondering what if i had taken that risk and followed my dream.

thank you.
@olympus mon

I am very much interested in your amazonian exploits, but even more so in how you took those first steps out your front door and arrived at your south american destination. What sort of planning was involved? I have no car or business to sell, no house to foreclose, and no compelling reason not to get out on my feet and see the world. I am strapped for cash, however, and also young.
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