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5-meo-DMT - massive dose. No SYMMETRY!

Migrated topic.


Spice Momma
Senior Member
From chat and edited down:

17:08:54 ‹Pandora› I took a HUGE dose of 5-meo-DMT last night. I was out of it, unable to talk for over an hour and high until after bedtime. Still not an egomaniac or going to charge $200. But, AGAIN, without being able to explain myself came out of it (First time this happened I had NOT heard Ballsaq talk about this issue yet, so it seems like he does know some of the general territory) babbling that our LACK of fundamental symmetry is what makes us HUMAN, what takes us out of that energetic TOE equation (I have truly gone mad!) and allows consciousness/sentience/the human essence/soul to arise.

‹The Traveler› Sounds intense Pandora.

‹endlessness› LOL Pandora at the 5-meo dmt

‹Pandora› The Traveler, yeah, 5-meo going back up on the shelf for at least another 2 months. :p

* DiMiTree hugs Pandora

‹DiMiTree› i love it when you say things like that

‹The Traveler› hehehe, when can I put 180 dollars in your pocket. And do you like nice young man? :p

‹endlessness› still not thinking you and only you know The Truth
‹endlessness› ?
‹endlessness› :D

‹The Traveler› Now since you know The Truth.

‹Pandora› The Traveler, LMAO!!!!!

‹The Traveler› Ohw, and it would be rather great if you pick Ball as the one to break down in your talks.

‹DiMiTree› Pandora, imo ur one of the most sane people iv'e met

‹The Traveler› Just mention some lines he once said and only usethat.

‹Pandora› Not there yet endlessness. Frankly, more confused than ever.

‹Pandora› The Traveler, :D

06/01/2011 17:12:08 ‹Pandora› DiMiTree, :-/
Sorry to double-post, but this is separate from the silly chat transcription above but has to do with my 5-meo-DMT sessions.

I am wondering if anyone reading this has worked with 5-meo-DMT while being a heavy, daily pot smoker? I am noticing a very heavy correlation between days following a strong 5-meo-DMT session and my craving for cannabinoids being somewhere between reduced to eliminated.

Anyone notice anything similar?
I love how Ball gets to you guys so much!.. I love it! :)

He definitely gets all the egos riled up, that's for sure.
Cloud said:
I love how Ball gets to you guys so much!.. I love it! :)

He definitely gets all the egos riled up, that's for sure.
Ego kick ass!!!! You need to lose one first to appreciate it. Plus, having no ego is sooo 60s, this is 2011 we're living.
Infundibulum said:
Cloud said:
I love how Ball gets to you guys so much!.. I love it! :)

He definitely gets all the egos riled up, that's for sure.
Ego kick ass!!!! You need to lose one first to appreciate it. Plus, having no ego is sooo 60s, this is 2011 we're living.

Really, it is about mastering the ego.. not losing it.
Cloud said:
Infundibulum said:
Cloud said:
I love how Ball gets to you guys so much!.. I love it! :)

He definitely gets all the egos riled up, that's for sure.
Ego kick ass!!!! You need to lose one first to appreciate it. Plus, having no ego is sooo 60s, this is 2011 we're living.

Really, it is about mastering the ego.. not losing it.
Yes, you're right about this.

But anyway, Ball is so ridiculous it's just pure fun bashing him around. He's made himself laughing stock. Something like george bush junior, just more whacked up. I don't think that this has to do with ego.
Infundibulum said:
Cloud said:
Infundibulum said:
Cloud said:
I love how Ball gets to you guys so much!.. I love it! :)

He definitely gets all the egos riled up, that's for sure.
Ego kick ass!!!! You need to lose one first to appreciate it. Plus, having no ego is sooo 60s, this is 2011 we're living.

Really, it is about mastering the ego.. not losing it.
Yes, you're right about this.

But anyway, Ball is so ridiculous it's just pure fun bashing him around. He's made himself laughing stock. Something like george bush junior, just more whacked up. I don't think that this has to do with ego.

How does making fun of him help anyone?.. Who is it REALLY hurting here?

Respectfully, we all have different opinions. Defending him will only make me appear "worse" to all of you, so there is really no point, as all of you have already made your decisions. I don't want to turn this into a repeat of the other two threads.. Very clearly, Martin Ball touches a nerve with you guys.
hold on to your seats and grap your popcorns, we're up for round two :D

Btw cloud, just take it as the joke of the moment kinda like the neurosoup girl was for a while. It doesnt mean that people are her secret fans or ofended because she says the truth ;)
endlessness said:
hold on to your seats and grap your popcorns, we're up for round two :D

Btw cloud, just take it as the joke of the moment kinda like the neurosoup girl was for a while. It doesnt mean that people are her secret fans or ofended because she says the truth ;)



just realized that this could start it up again.... -_-; sigh
Cloud said:
How does making fun of him help anyone?.. Who is it REALLY hurting here?

You should have seen him making fun of McKenna at Mystic Garden Party 2010! It was so extreme, so caricatured that my husband, who doesn't care about any of this stuff, is not a McKenna fan, did not know who Ball was, was completely flabbergasted.

I'm going to make fun of anyone who says he has the one and only true answer and I have to pay $200 for the privelege. I grab a laugh where I can in this life and when someone hands me an opportunity on a platinum platter . . .

My trips are giving me a completely different message/vision . . . .
aah there just joking around and having a good laugh. If you can't see after that thread why people here aren't fans of his scam, then discussing it further is useless and like beating a dead horse. Theres no point in arguing any further about it with you if you dont get it by now. i mean even your avatar is from his book. So lets just let bygons be bygons, and frauds be frauds
What is he scamming?.. The only profit he makes are from his books, and his one on one work.. He is even willing to chat on skype for free.

He doesn't charge for advice or his podcasts, and he is a very personable guy. He always replies back to any questions.

In his article, I saw no evidence of him "making fun" of Terence. I wasn't at the mystic garden party so I can't subjectively say whether or not he was making fun of him there, but he hasn't anywhere else, which makes me wonder if he was actually making fun of him there either.


Pandora - Out of curiosity, how do your trips on 5-meo differ from his?
5 meo dmt is pretty crazy huh?
I did it a few times and enjoyed it immensely. That was a few years ago now.

I was sort of... destroyed and became aware of a pulsing black and white octopus like spiral chrysanthemum shape. There was no me to speak of, 'i' did not panic it was very calm and very natural feeling.
UniverseCannon said:
Wow.. like i said your obviously a huge fan of him.. and it seems pretty clear that your only seeing what you want to see now

What the thinker thinks the prover proves

Yes I am a fan of his work. I am not ashamed to admit that.

Am I the only one here that has actually read his book?..
I'm starting to think that Cloud is more than just a fan of Martin Ball. I think Cloud may BE Martin Ball, and not in a metaphysical sense.

On a related topic: Narcissistic personality disorder is being taken out of the DSM (V)
I read the book, Being Human. It was kinda like reading the Gita, very convincing... but alas not my cup of tea.
Still some good ideas, and i would make a word of caution to anybody who feels that they have the magic answer to everything.

I didn't feel like i was 'GOD' when i vaporized DMT. I just lost my human memory's and associations and experienced something outside of normal perception. Who am i to say if i was 'GOD' its not exactly like you can verify any of these things. Perhaps i was, who knows?
I certainly wont be charging $200 for you to hear about it. You can straight up ask me if ya like.

I don.t have a PHD, how much do those cost? Its a serious question. I assume if it cost a whole bunch that a graduate may want to apply some of his or her work to something in order to yield some funds to repay the loans or fee's for expensive further education. Perhaps that is his motive for charging $200.

Alas Its tripping, and part of tripping for me has always been about learning to take things with a pinch of salt. Both psychedelic notions and experiences as well as the everyday bricks and mortar.

Part of the experience i enjoy the most is the mystery. Because lets face it... wtf do we know?
Throw it all in the pot if you ask me.

EDIT: Can we stay on topic please. Lets not have another Martin Ball Party.
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