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5-meo-DMT - massive dose. No SYMMETRY!

Migrated topic.
Pandora said:
Sorry to double-post, but this is separate from the silly chat transcription above but has to do with my 5-meo-DMT sessions.

I am wondering if anyone reading this has worked with 5-meo-DMT while being a heavy, daily pot smoker? I am noticing a very heavy correlation between days following a strong 5-meo-DMT session and my craving for cannabinoids being somewhere between reduced to eliminated.

Anyone notice anything similar?

I have not tried 5-meo yet but since working with nn-DMT my cravings and use of cannabis has been significantly reduced. Also I use to use Adderall about 2-3 times a week as a motivator and pick-me up and now I don't use it at all.
Mister_Niles said:
I'm starting to think that Cloud is more than just a fan of Martin Ball. I think Cloud may BE Martin Ball, and not in a metaphysical sense.

On a related topic: Narcissistic personality disorder is being taken out of the DSM (V)

Yeah..... I'm Martin.... lol

I'll play along.. ;)
My dear Mr Cloud, you can't just ignore and put to the side Pandora and her husband's experience of Martin because it doesn't fit in with your views of him. This isn't very objective, and is what religious crazies do. I'm not a fan of religious crazies. They pic and mix the bits that suit them, and ignore or push to the side the bits that don't fit in with their often very skewed views and beliefs. Come to think of it though this might be a little like Martin in some ways, the whole standpoint of thinking one has the ultimate answer, and anyone else with different experiences/views is wrong by default. Sometimes people strain their mind's so hard searching for 'the truth' that there mind's vision can become blurred and distorted.

Anywho, 5-Meo-DMT is certainly a unique and incredibly powerful compound. It definitely deserves respect, and I think it is certainly worthy of more attention and exploration.
Never heard of this balldude. Just checked his site out of curiousity who the hell he is. I can't say it very much sparked me to read more of it or something. Rather just do the 5meo myself than pay someone 200bucks to talk about it.

Don't know if he's egotistic because i did't take that close a look at his site. It is a bit odd though that someone mentions his Phd like that, you seldom see people intruducing themselves that way. On the other hand: if he can convince enough people to pay him that much for just having a little chat to be able to make a living out of it, you could see it as some form of legitimisation of it. Like: enough people care to make it relevant or something.

But now the serious stuff about the symmetry...I would rather think that it's the fact that we are NEARLY symmetrical isntead of just a-symmetrical or symmetrical, that 'makes us human'.

I mean, in music you always see that expession comes from it sort of 'suggesting' a perfect harmonic, rhytmic, melodic and counterpunctual structure and then to deviate from that 'perfection'.
Deviations from the perfect scheme creates tensions because it litterally dissonates with your expectations, and emotion in music comes from the flow of tension in it's structure.
How it builds and releases.

You could say that everything that has no structure, no 'symmetry' in it at all could never have any tension in it, no emotion therefore, because it doesn't create any expectation, while everything that's perfectly symmetrical or just totally flawless in some other way cannot have any emotion in it either because it feels sterile; There's nothing that collides with what you expect and therefore there's no tension at all. No tension between deviating from the path and remaining the recognisable structure.

I guess that sort of tension is a key element in the symphonic masterpiece we call life.

I could be ranting about something totally different than pandorra and ball in their 5meo states have experienced though.
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