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Migrated topic.
fractal enchantment said:
Ive had all kinds of ego death..but NOTHING on the level of salvinorin from anything bu salvinorin. I mean..I dont care how much experience one has with DMT..you are never ready for a full salvia breakthrough..

Is the breakthrough you talk about from chewing salvia leaves, smoking #X extracts or both?
^^smoking extracts and plain leaf..I do quid as well but I have never quidded so much that I break through. Ive smoked it well over 100 times though..I have soooooo much of the stuff here, and about 8 plants outside and a bunch of cuttings I just took, and many more cuttings still need to take..I just have an abundance of the stuff..and I almost never ever touch the stuff lately..and I really like to take psychedelics..

I LOVE salvia..I think about it all the time..for some reason I just feel like I need the right time to start really woking with it regularily again at high doses..

A breakthrough with a quid would probabily be something I wouldnt do alone..being completely gone for that long to the point where I dont even know who, what or where I am, of what "I" even is, seems iffy to do all alone..Ive smoked salvia and come to in mid summersalt laughing histaically, back up against the wall attempting to roll through the portal back into this world, while simultaniousily not know what "this" world even is or that I belong there.

Sometimes with salvia you have complete and total ego death and merging with everything to a degree unimaginable..othertimes you die, but then end up as some other being in another place..totally content that that is really "you"..you are that other being..in that other place..living that other life..and its always been that way..comming down back to humanity feels like the trip, and you fight it, becasue you dont want to be ripped away from youre life to become this strange flesh thing.

Other times its weirder than that..or more normal than that. Then there is the spirit of that plant..I wont even get into THAT.
I think the difference is that salvinorin tends to be slightly disassociating of the ego while 5meo tends to leave an self awareness intact. That intact awareness I think is pretty damn valuable. I think people can maintain that intact awareness with salvia but it can be either a person trait they have or a real disciplined mind.
Oh also, I really really liked to smoke a mixture of changa made with chaliponga spice and 3x homemade salvia extract..been a long time since I did that..and I mean a good dose of salvia in there..not a mild little tingly dose.
SWIM has 116mg of pure 5-meo-DMT left. (It's unscheduled here)

He tried smoking 3mg and got just a buzz, then 6mg another day and he got a strong but comfortable buzz that was pretty strong for over 20 minutes.

He's very curious about it, but very very scared. Really SWIM has never had a non-hellish N-N-DMT breakthrough though he really enjoys low doses (12-20mg)

Any advice? He's read many many threads on "letting go of the fear" and "accepting what is happening to you" and "observing but not judging" but his ego is extremely present in the breakthroughs and remembers 95% or more every single time.
once it gets to 30mg or more (his jimjam is very pure and potent) Often entity-free chaos ensues, a bombardment of the senses in a negative way and after he is left shivering and feels like he never ever ever ever wants to smoke DMT again.

Any thoughts?
^are you sure its still unscheduled here? For some reason I thought it was scheduled..but if its not that is great.

When I smoke enough DMT i just dissolve..there is some level of awareness..but my ego just dissolves, I think thats what people mean when they say "let go of the fear"..certain types of music make it easier to dissolve for me.

I like to smoke changa veerrryyy slowly, so I know exactly where my prethreshold-sweetspot-blackout points are, what they feel like, and how to hit the exact spot of intention every time. I also have a flat-out conversation with the medicine before launch. Sometimes they are long conversations. :shock:

With every breath I recite simple intentions, "I am here in love," "I am here in gratitude," "I am here to learn." Over and over and over... There may be a bit of uneasiness while coming up... but then the goddess parts the curtains to appear and embrace me.

Deep breaths. Sitting upright also helps a LOT, something I was initially hesitant to attempt because I didn't believe sitting up was even possible!

Also, are you considering the processing of emotional/psychological content? My first year of working with Aya was ROUGH... *rough,* but, rewarding. The cleaner mind/body can be, the cleaner the signal. Following that, I love to clean my house and prepare my body with a nice shower/bath and some yoga before even touching the stuff. :)

I've never once had a terrifying smoked journey... I smoke at least 2-3 times/week (usually all at once).
MS manic I hear you on the smoking slowly... some people though just need to jump in the cold lake, the deeper the better... some folks will wade in to their knees stand around then leave the water, never knowing how good it feels once their body gets used to the water... I always look at those folks on the shore with sympathy... they could be enjoying themselves in a way that they do not know.
69ron said:
SWIM uses 5-MeO-DMT fumarate. The pure stuff had something else and it that burned his mouth. He freebased it and made 5-MeO-DMT fumarate out of it.

SWIM doesn't like smoking anything. If an alkaloid is active sublingually, he prefers that route, especially if its more potent than oral use, and 5-MeO-DMT is way more potent sublingually than orally.

SWIM has smoked 5-MeO-DMT on its own and doesn’t like it that way at all. I don’t recall him ever using harmalas with it smoked. One time he accidentally smoked about 40 mg of 5-MeO-DMT thinking it was DMT, and it was a horrible experience. Since then SWIM doesn’t smoke it anymore. There’s no point. It’s nearly as active sublingually (about 2 times the dose is needed), the effects are nicer, they last about 2-3 times longer and it’s easier to judge the dosage.

SWIM has sublingual 5-MeO-DMT fumarate windowpane that he made. This is what he uses. It’s portable, and no one things you’re using drugs when they see you eat it.

I might get a hold of some 5-meo-dmt freebase but I want to turn it in to a fumarate.
Do you have an easy tek for this?
I've never done this with 5-meo-dmt, so this is purely theoretical, but I think an easy enough way would be to dissolve 5-meo freebase in FASW and evaporate that. This would probably lead to excess fumaric acid but considering it is food-safe, and also considering you know the initial freebase weight, you can just divide the final product in the equivalent dosage size.

Another attempt would be dissolving 5-meo-dmt in acetone and mixing this with FASA to precipitate the 5-meo-dmt (I would guess so but I really dont know if 5-meo-dmt fumarate is insoluble in acetone/FASA, because otherwise this wouldnt work. Maybe someone else here would know)
You can easily remove most of the fumaric acid from a mix of fumaric acid and 5-MeO-DMT fumarate by just putting it in a little water. Fumaric acid is very poorly soluble in water while 5-MeO-DMT fumarate is super soluble in water. You dissolve the 5-MeO-DMT and then decant or filter off the fumaric acid. This is simple, it does leave a tiny bit of fumaric acid, but the beauty is that there's no toxic solvent used.
Thanks Endlessness and 69ron!
It seems simple enough.
If someone would type up an easy to follow tek that would be nice but otherwise I'll
just go with the information I just got.

What I want to know is how much fumaric acid to use in
contrast to water, how to best filter etc.

Will probably try it in a week or so=)
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