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5MEO Analog Charge, HELP

Migrated topic.
obliguhl said:
Thanks for helping out kartikay and good luck to you, Pythonguy. You're approach to this situation is very honorable!

Thanks Im trying to hold my head high and Thanks Kartikay!
acolon_5 said:
Kartikay said:
It's worded like this:

"A controlled substance analogue shall, to the extent intended for human consumption, be treated, for the purposes of any Federal law as a controlled substance in schedule I."

5-MeO-DMT is not a controlled substance, and THEY (the State of Illinois) MUST be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were planning on using it for human consumption. That is very clear in the Analogue Act.

I'd start figuring out a damn fine reason to have that bufo extract OTHER than smoking it.

Were you caught selling it? Smoking it? Did you have smoking paraphernalia on you when you were arrested?

Also, the Analogue Act we are talking about is on the federal level. Their may be state laws that make 5-meo-dmt illegal in your state.... I don't know, but no matter what, make sure you have an informed layer and make sure he fights tooth and nail to get you off.

Stupid American draconian drug laws.

I must say I completely agree with your last statement, very Draconian!

I wasn't trying to sell it, however I did have a half pound of herb, Scale, bags, herb pipe (resinated completely with hash) an ouce of hash, and an ounce of opium, and a quarter of mushrooms. I sold them a quarter of herb, and the quarter of mushrooms and was promptly arrested and searched and they found the above.

the tests back claim my mushrooms were fake, claimed certain herbs I had were fake, Wasn't charged with the pipe, scale or the opium, they still believe the ounce of opium is hash so Im not being charged with most things I had.

My case is the 9th of the March. Kartikay im going to PM you more details so you can follow it, If you could do you know how to get in touch with the owners of Erowid?
Oh man,

Seriously, the 5-meo-dmt thing is probably going to be thrown out. They are not going to want to fight over that when they've got so much else on you.

Damn dude....I'm really, really sorry that happened to you, but...man, seriously, not the brightest move walking around with so many illgeals on you and selling at a festivel.... Opium really? That one is gonna hurt. Why would you carry THAT much crap on you at a festivel????

Yeah, I wouldn't worry at all about the 5-meo charge AT ALL....that's the charge they'll throw out. You've got a lot bigger issues to deal with than some quasi-legal tryptamine.
acolon_5 said:
Oh man,

Seriously, the 5-meo-dmt thing is probably going to be thrown out. They are not going to want to fight over that when they've got so much else on you.

Damn dude....I'm really, really sorry that happened to you, but...man, seriously, not the brightest move walking around with so many illgeals on you and selling at a festivel.... Opium really? That one is gonna hurt. Why would you carry THAT much crap on you at a festivel????

Yeah, I wouldn't worry at all about the 5-meo charge AT ALL....that's the charge they'll throw out. You've got a lot bigger issues to deal with than some quasi-legal tryptamine.

I was working the festival so my family could enjoy themselves but the 5MEO was all mine. My car was even ripped apart after the arrest, so even If i didn't have it all on me, they still would of got me for it.

Not True, My only charges that stuck are the half pound (275 Grams of herb, which is what the hash, and opium is in) and the delivery of the herb, and the 5MEO. They thought they had me where they wanted me but due to there own tests and there own issues instead of 6 felonies, im facing 3.
Pythonguy said:
I was working the festival so my family could enjoy themselves but the 5MEO was all mine. My car was even ripped apart after the arrest, so even If i didn't have it all on me, they still would of got me for it.

Wait, you were 'working' the festival? You mean you were selling fake herbs and all and even got opium on you?

So you were doing the one thing we on the DMT-Nexus all despise? And then come here and ask for advice? Weird...

The Traveler
The Traveler said:
Pythonguy said:
I was working the festival so my family could enjoy themselves but the 5MEO was all mine. My car was even ripped apart after the arrest, so even If i didn't have it all on me, they still would of got me for it.

Wait, you were 'working' the festival? You mean you were selling fake herbs and all and even got opium on you?

So you were doing the one thing we on the DMT-Nexus all despise? And then come here and ask for advice? Weird...

The Traveler

Traveler, my herbs definitely weren't fake. While there lab says so, I know what I had. Little hard to say my pot was fake bro.

Im not a con artist, I don't rip people off, Ive worked numerous festival, Ive been around a long time. I made a mistake, and am asking for advice...This case effects anyone and everyone in the states...if it goes bad for me, it will go bad for the future generations.

Im not asking to be judged based on my actions, I did what I did to support myself and my family. Its a job and someone has to do it. I know Ill get some backlash from people but its not about what I personally did, its about the legalities of it.
Tough break but you must admit it's pretty stupid to carry a shitload of goddamned OPIUM, never mind just weed or hash, with you, especially to a festival. If you were trying to blag it with selling fake gear then you deserve a kick in the ballocks for your troubles though! Sorry to hear you've got shit like this going down but, really, you've only yourself to blame for not being more careful and sensible.

Good luck with whatever and hopefully we can all learn a lesson from this.
Pythonguy said:
Traveler, my herbs definitely weren't fake. While there lab says so, I know what I had. Little hard to say my pot was fake bro.

Im not a con artist, I don't rip people off, Ive worked numerous festival, Ive been around a long time. I made a mistake, and am asking for advice...This case effects anyone and everyone in the states...if it goes bad for me, it will go bad for the future generations.

With the 'one thing we despise' I meant selling drugs. I'm sorry but this thread stops here.

You can have plenty of reasons why you do what you do but the DMT-Nexus is not for this kind of discussion.

The Traveler
Im not asking to be judged based on my actions, I did what I did to support myself and my family. Its a job and someone has to do it. I know Ill get some backlash from people but its not about what I personally did, its about the legalities of it.

Sorry bro, but you actions are always judged, for good or bad, that's how life works.

You are working at a festival, with your family there, and have opium, hash, cannibis, and 5-meo-dmt on you???? That's really not supporting them, that's endagering them. I have kids, and I go to extreme legnths to make sure I have little or no drugs in my house at any given time, I do this to keep my family safe. Whenever I plan on using a substance I make sure that my son is gone for the weekend....it's about keeping your loved ones safe..sad that it has to be done in the US. You are lucky that CPS has not been called on you. Father and mothers lose their children for things like that.

Yes, I am judging, as a father and husband I am judging you.

As far as the 5-meo-dmt issue, yes, I can see that as a seperate issue from your poor judgment.

If you get tried and convicted for a DMT analouge you will be responsible for all other cases that use your case a precedent. Good job. :(

I'm not sure how much advice you are going to find here, but the best one I have heard is get a good laywer, and make sure that he is well informed about the legal status of 5-meo-dmt and the best way to defend you against that..in my opinion it will be that it was toad venom that you use as a sex aid (it has been used for that before, Japan I believe is the country of origin) or some other valid provable reason. no, I'm not being a smart ass or rude, that would be a valid reason for having it.

As for your other charges, good luck, hopefully their lab will screw up somehow and you get off.
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