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So I did the a/b tek and want to do it again how do I go about this?
Do you mean you want to try another pull on the same bark, starting from the acid boil? Or was your last attempt seemingly so unsuccessful that you're looking for tips to improve your technique?

Being clearer and more methodical about your aims and how you communicate them would, genuinely, be a beneficial place for you to start.
Illinois bundle flower
Ah, in which case it might contain significant amounts of NMT, maybe even some other alkaloids depending on exactly how you went about the extraction process.

To that end, you would be doing yourself a great favour by describing said process in meticulous detail, since we need to know this to stand any chance of working out what may have happened so far, and what to do next.

One thing that springs immediately to mind is that you need to verify what's in your extract. This starts with reagent testing and TLC, and progresses to laboratory analysis. Links to these things can be found in our resource section.

What kind of device did you use for dosing? What observations did you make about the process (smoking/vaping/atomising) itself?
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