Rising Star
Hi Guys,
So i recently had an amazing experience on LSD in December 2015 which led me to both profound insight as well as a healthy rush of fear.
Edited TLDR version of why i am here...
Having this experience has made me realise there is so much more to life and consciousness that i was blind too before, im not a Buddhist but the concept of rebirth and meditation and enlightenment are now subjects i want to seriously look into as well as things such as lucid dreaming, astral projection, chakras, the third eye, different types energy and spirituality as well as different realms of assistance are all real possibilities for me now and i would very much like to be a part of a community that also believes in these similar topics.
A little back story and basically my trip report...
Approximately 6 months prior to this experience i began testing the waters with LSD and meditation in order to better understand myself and improve my creativity, for the purpose of this essay i will focus primarily on the LSD side of things...
Began my journey in gradual increments, slowly working my way up from 1 tab (150mcg) per fortnight/month for about 2 months, then on that rotating fortnightly/monthly cycle depending on what life events were occuring at the time, i worked my way up from 150, 300, 450, 600mcg.
The reason i kept on climbing up this dose range until 600mcg was due to the fact i wasn't experiencing hallucinations of any kind, OEV or CEV, just intense physical feelings and the occasional spurt of colour/s. This was until around November and early December when i was becoming more serious with my meditating both in life and during the days i would set aside to trip where i would experience what i would later discover to be the infamous "chrysanthemum" that is often mentioned during DMT experiences. i would notice this beautiful spinning red orb that seems to have a glowing yellow light emanating from within that would produce mild feelings of euphoria when i tried to "pierce" inside through mental focus.
Come late Decemember im at home alone unfortunately but nevertheless with a good set and setting, i injest 600mcg and put on some pink floyd and wait to see what happens, its at this point i have my first trip. i feel this rushing sensation coming towards me and i immediately get lifted upwards and i hear a voice telling me that i have to let go, which i manage to do and im catapulted first from my body, then from the earth, then into the galaxy, then i feel all form fall away in what i might describe as ego death? at this point i am presented with the chrysanthemum and am able to pierce it straight away, once inside there is a display of the most most beautiful, otherworldly, other dimension explosion of light colour and motion that is absolutely breathtaking. i spend some time around this space as the colours morph and change and seem to defy belief.
its at this stage when i hear the voice again tell me to let go even further which takes a little bit of focus but i manage, at which point the chrysanthemum seems to "peel away?" into what i believe its called "the dome" in which i see this place that feels distinctly closed in yet safe and secure, i see a beautiful green field with a blue sky above and a kind of "city" towards the left hand side, the colors of the green and blue have this artificially beautiful hue about them that seems impossible to reproduce in the material reality as we know it. i then see the Buddha appear as two downward bursts of pure white light and i get the feeling this is some kind of special place, like the garden of eden, or some kind of higher plane of existence.
As this feeling arises a thought pops up that this MUST be what one sees at the point of death, it felt like the most glorious thing one will ever see while connected to the material plane. Its at this point that i wonder who made all this and for a split second i transcend this magical place and am staring directly at what i immediately thought must be god, the collective unconscious, the creator, whatever name you want to give it, and i felt like a part of this wonderful thing yet somehow separate, like a piece separated from the whole. At this point im taken back to the dome area and moved further along "inside" where im see this kind of room and as i enter i hear a loud cheering sound and i see both familiar and unfamiliar faces and it feels like each one of them is personally welcoming me and congratulating me for making it this far. i then progress further and see the DNA strand clear as day, all in blue but with one tiny dot in red (meaning unknown!?).
The journey starts to wind down at this point and again the voice returns and we have a small exchange of dialogue and the summed up message i receive is that life on the material plane is here for us all to enjoy and to experience in its fullest, im then returned to my body and a kind of "rift" closes in the sky (back to normal vision now) and i see this waving goodbye and then the most intense burst of love and acceptance i have EVER felt, like a feeling one oneness with the universe unlike anything i have ever felt before.
and this is where things turn ugly.....
wanting more of what i just experienced, i try to mentally focus on the images i saw and return to that place and this is where i feel my "soul" get captured and grabbed by something dark and evil, however unlike previously i still feel distinctly "within" my physical body, however i have absolutely no control at all, like im in the passenger seat on a car travelling down the highway to hell...i see this glowing blueish light with yellow and red backgrounds and i immediately get the feeling "you've done it this time, fucked up real good" as this thing just torments me with all these feelings on control and punishment and hatred and anger and so forth. i then see reality crumble all around me and i see this red tunnel that feels like it has the eternity of previous souls just waiting there to see me go through this same experience they have all gone through, it all feels like a sick and twisted game that has no end.
There is much more to it, but i feel like i've covered the main points and its probably time i got to the introductory side of things as opposed to the trip report.
Looking back at it all its without a doubt the most wonderful yet terrifying thing i have ever experienced but as time has passed and ive had time to integrate these feelings ive identified the thoughts behind the bad side of the trip and am working through those parts of myself in the hopes of being able to experience such magic again, which brings me to these forums.
Thanks for reading and sorry for the terrible grammar, lots of feelings rushing to the surface having finally had the chance to share my experience
Much love
So i recently had an amazing experience on LSD in December 2015 which led me to both profound insight as well as a healthy rush of fear.
Edited TLDR version of why i am here...
Having this experience has made me realise there is so much more to life and consciousness that i was blind too before, im not a Buddhist but the concept of rebirth and meditation and enlightenment are now subjects i want to seriously look into as well as things such as lucid dreaming, astral projection, chakras, the third eye, different types energy and spirituality as well as different realms of assistance are all real possibilities for me now and i would very much like to be a part of a community that also believes in these similar topics.
A little back story and basically my trip report...
Approximately 6 months prior to this experience i began testing the waters with LSD and meditation in order to better understand myself and improve my creativity, for the purpose of this essay i will focus primarily on the LSD side of things...
Began my journey in gradual increments, slowly working my way up from 1 tab (150mcg) per fortnight/month for about 2 months, then on that rotating fortnightly/monthly cycle depending on what life events were occuring at the time, i worked my way up from 150, 300, 450, 600mcg.
The reason i kept on climbing up this dose range until 600mcg was due to the fact i wasn't experiencing hallucinations of any kind, OEV or CEV, just intense physical feelings and the occasional spurt of colour/s. This was until around November and early December when i was becoming more serious with my meditating both in life and during the days i would set aside to trip where i would experience what i would later discover to be the infamous "chrysanthemum" that is often mentioned during DMT experiences. i would notice this beautiful spinning red orb that seems to have a glowing yellow light emanating from within that would produce mild feelings of euphoria when i tried to "pierce" inside through mental focus.
Come late Decemember im at home alone unfortunately but nevertheless with a good set and setting, i injest 600mcg and put on some pink floyd and wait to see what happens, its at this point i have my first trip. i feel this rushing sensation coming towards me and i immediately get lifted upwards and i hear a voice telling me that i have to let go, which i manage to do and im catapulted first from my body, then from the earth, then into the galaxy, then i feel all form fall away in what i might describe as ego death? at this point i am presented with the chrysanthemum and am able to pierce it straight away, once inside there is a display of the most most beautiful, otherworldly, other dimension explosion of light colour and motion that is absolutely breathtaking. i spend some time around this space as the colours morph and change and seem to defy belief.
its at this stage when i hear the voice again tell me to let go even further which takes a little bit of focus but i manage, at which point the chrysanthemum seems to "peel away?" into what i believe its called "the dome" in which i see this place that feels distinctly closed in yet safe and secure, i see a beautiful green field with a blue sky above and a kind of "city" towards the left hand side, the colors of the green and blue have this artificially beautiful hue about them that seems impossible to reproduce in the material reality as we know it. i then see the Buddha appear as two downward bursts of pure white light and i get the feeling this is some kind of special place, like the garden of eden, or some kind of higher plane of existence.
As this feeling arises a thought pops up that this MUST be what one sees at the point of death, it felt like the most glorious thing one will ever see while connected to the material plane. Its at this point that i wonder who made all this and for a split second i transcend this magical place and am staring directly at what i immediately thought must be god, the collective unconscious, the creator, whatever name you want to give it, and i felt like a part of this wonderful thing yet somehow separate, like a piece separated from the whole. At this point im taken back to the dome area and moved further along "inside" where im see this kind of room and as i enter i hear a loud cheering sound and i see both familiar and unfamiliar faces and it feels like each one of them is personally welcoming me and congratulating me for making it this far. i then progress further and see the DNA strand clear as day, all in blue but with one tiny dot in red (meaning unknown!?).
The journey starts to wind down at this point and again the voice returns and we have a small exchange of dialogue and the summed up message i receive is that life on the material plane is here for us all to enjoy and to experience in its fullest, im then returned to my body and a kind of "rift" closes in the sky (back to normal vision now) and i see this waving goodbye and then the most intense burst of love and acceptance i have EVER felt, like a feeling one oneness with the universe unlike anything i have ever felt before.
and this is where things turn ugly.....
wanting more of what i just experienced, i try to mentally focus on the images i saw and return to that place and this is where i feel my "soul" get captured and grabbed by something dark and evil, however unlike previously i still feel distinctly "within" my physical body, however i have absolutely no control at all, like im in the passenger seat on a car travelling down the highway to hell...i see this glowing blueish light with yellow and red backgrounds and i immediately get the feeling "you've done it this time, fucked up real good" as this thing just torments me with all these feelings on control and punishment and hatred and anger and so forth. i then see reality crumble all around me and i see this red tunnel that feels like it has the eternity of previous souls just waiting there to see me go through this same experience they have all gone through, it all feels like a sick and twisted game that has no end.
There is much more to it, but i feel like i've covered the main points and its probably time i got to the introductory side of things as opposed to the trip report.
Looking back at it all its without a doubt the most wonderful yet terrifying thing i have ever experienced but as time has passed and ive had time to integrate these feelings ive identified the thoughts behind the bad side of the trip and am working through those parts of myself in the hopes of being able to experience such magic again, which brings me to these forums.
Thanks for reading and sorry for the terrible grammar, lots of feelings rushing to the surface having finally had the chance to share my experience
Much love