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A few attempts to tame Salvia

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello peoples,

this will be a summary of a few sessions where i smoked salvia. I did it about 5-6 times, of which most memory was hazy, even exayctly after i came down.

I am Male, 26 years of age, 62kg, 172cm.

Used was 10x,20x and 30x Salvia extract.

So for all of those experiences my brother was present as we took turns on the herb watching out for each other.
We were both hyped and couldn´t wait to try it as we both read some insane trip reports and wanted to witness some of that for our selves.

First day, dosage cca.10-20mg of 10x salvia extract

I hit the pipe and inhaled all of the smoke in a big lung full, the smoke tasted disgusting but was not harsh by any means. I hold the smoke in for at least 10 seconds and release.
This was not a hefty dose but as soon as i exhaled i wasnt aware anymore that i have smoked anything.
My arms felt like some metal spikes where inside and i couldnt bend them. My brother somehow vanishe out of my peripheral view, but only after he asked me if i felt anything i saw him again.

I tried to describe it to him but i couldn´t compare it to anything. i could just say it was wierd and came shortly after down again and i felt a relieve that it stopped.

So my brother hits the pipe with a slightly higher dose. He started laughing maniacly and his spit came out of his mouth. He was still coherent throughout the whole experience and told me that he turned into a chair in some kind of castle.

At this point we didn´t stop the experience but it was my turn again, this time i didn´t weight the dose but i gues it was over 50mg for sure. a pinch was thrown in the pipe and i hit it.
I don´t even remember blowing the smoke out i just found my self in this wierd scenery, where one moment is repeating endlessly in fornt of my eyes. I felt fear and pain like my whole being was ripped appart. The music that played in the background was so annoying because it sounded like it was mocking me. My brother stared at me and laughed into my face, at this moment i felt like he was keeping me in this moment and laughing at me beacuase i couldn´t get out. I didn´t recegnize my brother just some being that was laughing at me. first i said help me, but nothing, so i tried to stand up and hit this demon in the face which was a futil try i just collapsed back into my seat.
I flet as though i was tricked into smoking this so i could stay there for ever.
Slowly i cam back and my brother reassured me that i smoked some salvia and that im gpoing to be okay. It felt like a nightmare, never was i scared like that in my whole life. i told my brother and he appologized for laughing, but yea i don´t take it so hard because i would´ve probably too.

Day 2, 20x Salvia extract

This time i agve my brother the first seat and he could try it. We didn´t weight our dosages anymore so it´s just an estimate that should be around 50-100mg. Same as before he started histerically laughing but this time he was gone. Kept talking in some language that was not coherent. When he cam back he told me he was a road and cars where driving over him which he found to be quite painfull.

My turn again, this time im a little scared but well lets hit it. Aproximately the same amount was used as my brother did. Again i don´t even remember blowing the smoke out, but again was trapped in this endless moment. This time my brother didn´t laugh but i couldn´t even se him to begin with. only what was in front of me expanded into this pictures or moments that endlessly repeated in front of me. It felt like an elevator that stopped at every moment but it was all the same it felt like an eternity, again i screamed help me, my body physicaly hurt. It was really painful and dysphoric. This was the first time i really understood what disphoric meant.

When i came down i was gratefull it stopped and that i could think straight again.
We stopped for this day as we both felt pretty exhausted from the experiences.

Day 3, 30x Salvia

We smoked a few more times 10x and 20x but i really can´t remember much of that.
But i remember the 30x as it was utterly insane.
This time i was lying on the bed, took a huge toke and held it in. No recolection of exhaling just all of a sudden i saw this feminine looking being, it had a white robe and a white pointed hat.
It greated me friendly and waved me to come help her. She was holding this huge saw and struggled to use it. So i cam over and helped her to saw. At this moment i felt an incredible pain acrose my belly. I realized the being and me we where sawing thorugh my belly, it was really strange becasue i could se myselfg from the third perspective doing it but also from the first perpective executing it. i looked up and there was the wall behind me but i felt at that moment i was in this cage and couldn´t get out.
Slowly i recognized my surroundings and i tried to sit up. My brother was sitting there just staring at me. All of a sudden i felt this intense pull on my left cheeck. Like literally something grabbed me and pulled me back. I closed my eyes and everything felt like it was spinning around me. I just waited it out and came to myself all sweaty and my belly hurt like there really was some kind of surgery done on me.

I tried sublingual administration to no effect, a few days after.

So people salvia is a really intense experience, which for me was mostly unplesant. I really wouldn´t recomend anyone doing it. It´s painfull, harsh and nothing of value could be learned from those times i smoked it.
Only thing i felt after the 30x dose was that everything seemed unreal to me. The whole world felt to me like a big set up, the birds, trees everything seemd artifical. This feeling of derealization and depersonalization lasted for at least a week.

Thanks for reading

Peace and Love
Thanks for sharing this. I can relate to a lot and also then same conclusion you are describing.. its hard to know what tp do with this medicine.. and I would rather try to tame a lion!;)
You know, after the couple times I tried Salvia I never hallucinated. I guess I didn't take a high enough dose as I only had a physical "bouncy" feeling and hysterical laughter (quite funny although I don't think I was laughing at anything in particular).

However, those I've been around who have hallucinated haven't had positive feelings. Intense, but not positive.
Infact I've never heard a story like "salvia showed me the meaning of life" or "i felt connected/euphoric/blah blah".
All I hear are some pretty brutal and angular (literally) visions.

From what I heard it's proper use is ofcourse smoking the leaves and not in this x20 blah blah extract, then use it probably in a meditative trance to induce visions and supposedly "divine" the future hence Salvia Divinorum.

I'll stick to DMT xD Just figured a nifty trick to never get oxidised crystals again :p So nice and shiny shiny white...
Thank you for the reports. Salvia is one of those drugs where I feel reading about it is enough, the experiences rarely seem like something I could ever want or need to go through.

On the other hand, never having done it during a whole life might be a waste.

Is it possible to expand in this eternity or never ending moment? Does time disappear in the same way that it can with DMT, or is it different?
HolySmoke said:
On the other hand, never having done it during a whole life might be a waste.

Is it possible to expand in this eternity or never ending moment? Does time disappear in the same way that it can with DMT, or is it different?

I smoked a pretty small amount of dmt and i know what you mean by time disapearing. As ti slowed way down to me. But i dont know what you mean by expand in eternety? I felt as though i was stuck there. There was no way out nor did i know how i got there. It was like waling up with no recolection of what or who i was reliving this eternal moment. I felt physical pain and terror. I couldn’t get a grasp of what was going on. I really don‘t know how to describe it. But even at oow dosages before it blasts you i to oblivion it was in no way plesant to me. Where dmt made me euophoric snd lucid throughout the whole experience. Maybe it‘s different for some other people but to me slavia is really of no use. I dont even know why i tried it this many times.

To your question about it being a waste, i don‘t know mate. I read some good reports on people quidding. Maybe you should try it at least once. If you have experience navigating through hyperspace it will maybe come easier to you.
Arkens said:
HolySmoke said:
On the other hand, never having done it during a whole life might be a waste.

Is it possible to expand in this eternity or never ending moment? Does time disappear in the same way that it can with DMT, or is it different?

I smoked a pretty small amount of dmt and i know what you mean by time disapearing. As ti slowed way down to me. But i dont know what you mean by expand in eternety? I felt as though i was stuck there. There was no way out nor did i know how i got there. It was like waling up with no recolection of what or who i was reliving this eternal moment. I felt physical pain and terror. I couldn’t get a grasp of what was going on. I really don‘t know how to describe it. But even at oow dosages before it blasts you i to oblivion it was in no way plesant to me. Where dmt made me euophoric snd lucid throughout the whole experience. Maybe it‘s different for some other people but to me slavia is really of no use. I dont even know why i tried it this many times.

To your question about it being a waste, i don‘t know mate. I read some good reports on people quidding. Maybe you should try it at least once. If you have experience navigating through hyperspace it will maybe come easier to you.

Woops, that was a typo. I meant "expand on this eternity [...]", as in just explaining or discussing more about it (Which you did, thanks :d )

I wondered also why you went back (and at a higher dosage) so soon after the first experience. Maybe you felt that, this time, something better or more meaningful would happen? I think that has been the motivation for me going back to DMT after having particularly chaotic experiences.

Maybe a possible use of salvia would be to knock back my arrogance should I ever come to think that I truly know what reality is.
I came back because i thought the experience would change. Psychedelics for me are always different each time. Of course i know what to expect going into the experience but it always feels different than the trip before. Especially when set and setting changes. On slavia though no matter the setting or set it feels the same. It really is physicslly painfull. Like the pychedelic chainsaw i experienced. It really hurt, wierd shit this salvia space.

I probably will never return there. Only thing i wanted to try was the sublingual method as those have some good reports on them that i have read. I tried the extracts to administer sublingually but to no avail so i just gave up. The rest of salvia i just gave away to my psychedelic nutheads. They didn‘t believe :lol: on e they where back they told me i was crazy for smoking something like that haha

I yet have to try a high dose dmt. Will probably soon and try to compare the two.

Peace and Love
Bad experiences with extracts are pretty common. I had only the courage to do 5x so far and i felt like i went schizo for a few minutes. The only way i am interested in working with Salvia based on reports and my own brief experience is the sublingual route. That's why i have been making an alcohol tincture.

How did you try it sublingually? You are supposed to keep it for some time under your tongue for it to work, at least 20 minutes if i am not mistaken. That's why i can see the tincture being tricky too, not to mention plain alcohol tincture would damage the tissue under the tongue. For sure it should be diluted in a case like that so there is a chance of holding it there for the recommended amount of time.
Locoboy said:
Bad experiences with extracts are pretty common. I had only the courage to do 5x so far and i felt like i went schizo for a few minutes. The only way i am interested in working with Salvia based on reports and my own brief experience is the sublingual route. That's why i have been making an alcohol tincture.

How did you try it sublingually? You are supposed to keep it for some time under your tongue for it to work, at least 20 minutes if i am not mistaken. That's why i can see the tincture being tricky too, not to mention plain alcohol tincture would damage the tissue under the tongue. For sure it should be diluted in a case like that so there is a chance of holding it there for the recommended amount of time.

I used the the 20x extract. I used around 200mg and put it in my mouth. I sloshed is around and chewed on it for around ten minutes. I then put it under my tongue and ket it sit there for almost an hour. I meditated for that time but no effect whatsoever was noticable.
I guessed if plain leave was chewed and held in mouth then the extract should work too. I gave salvia up. And maybe your right i shouldn’t have used the xtract for first time voyages. Maybe if i get the courage again i’ll try myself on plain leaf.
But for the time being i had enough of this plant.
Arkens said:
Locoboy said:
Bad experiences with extracts are pretty common. I had only the courage to do 5x so far and i felt like i went schizo for a few minutes. The only way i am interested in working with Salvia based on reports and my own brief experience is the sublingual route. That's why i have been making an alcohol tincture.

How did you try it sublingually? You are supposed to keep it for some time under your tongue for it to work, at least 20 minutes if i am not mistaken. That's why i can see the tincture being tricky too, not to mention plain alcohol tincture would damage the tissue under the tongue. For sure it should be diluted in a case like that so there is a chance of holding it there for the recommended amount of time.

I used the the 20x extract. I used around 200mg and put it in my mouth. I sloshed is around and chewed on it for around ten minutes. I then put it under my tongue and ket it sit there for almost an hour. I meditated for that time but no effect whatsoever was noticable.
I guessed if plain leave was chewed and held in mouth then the extract should work too. I gave salvia up. And maybe your right i shouldn’t have used the xtract for first time voyages. Maybe if i get the courage again i’ll try myself on plain leaf.
But for the time being i had enough of this plant.

Some people will never get anything out of Salvia as they lack receptors for her.

With that being said, Salvia is one of those plant medicines that best exemplifies the time element as it is experienced on an actual vision quest where one goes without food, water, or sleeper 4 days. It slows down time to a stand still so a single second can feel like an eternity. You are literally that moment in time. The same thing happens on a vision quest which is one of the things that makes a traditional vision quest so hard. When you are standing in one place and a single second stretches into an eternity it can be overwhelming.

As time stretches or stands still you can become completely bored with that moment as it is an eternal moment. I call this impatience and not being in the moment and simply letting the moment be. Letting yourself be in that moment. For me, it is an exercise in letting go of the desire to be or do. To simply find contentment in that eternal moment and watch as it unfolds one eternal moment after another.

To say Salvia can be harsh is an understatement. But for me it is not Salvia that is harsh, but rather how one reacts to her. If you fight her... she can indeed be terrifying as you can not win. In the same way, a vision quest is hard. If you fight either experience you will give up. You will be defeated.

With that said, a vision quest is both easier and harder in that you can give up. With Salvia, you are in her clutches until she is ready to release you.
IMO/IME, the value of smoked SD extract is to "sensitize" one to Salvia space. Most people ARE responsive, a minority are resistant. Once familiarized, use of plain leaf, gently smoked or quidded is the method to be advocated for developing a "relationship" with this mystical plant.

OP's report is SOP when enhanced leaf is smoked. Very few "useful" lessons can be gleaned from the deeper planes of Salvia space. It is the shallower planes, engendered via quidding, that can be cultivated and worked with. The subtle trance("shy deer"), entered in dim/dark quietude, has much to teach re the profound embeddedness of our very being within the reality matrix. It is the deep REMEMBERING that our body/mind complex is generated by, sustained in and inextricably DEPENDENT on the very reality matrix that we typically experience as a stage or theatre, outside ourselves, on which we perform. The TRUTH is that, stage and player, ARE one in the same!

Salvia not only reminds us of this existential insight, it literally blends our body/mind complex back into the "mater primordial". Once an appropriate relationship has been fostered, a person gains the respect and REVERENCE for this sacred gift that SD, and other entheogens CAN give.

Like Nick Sand told an impertinent John Ott, paraphrasing, "they're only ENTHEOGENS if we use them as such, otherwise they're PSYCHEDELICS". Tripping hard on the dissociative effects of smoked, enhanced leaf Salvia is often not appreciated as entheogenic! One has to learn HOW to use one's medicines, otherwise they're poisons. Who'd h've known?

Legarto Rey said:
IMO/IME, the value of smoked SD extract is to "sensitize" one to Salvia space. Most people ARE responsive, a minority are resistant. Once familiarized, use of plain leaf, gently smoked or quidded is the method to be advocated for developing a "relationship" with this mystical plant.

OP's report is SOP when enhanced leaf is smoked. Very few "useful" lessons can be gleaned from the deeper planes of Salvia space. It is the shallower planes, engendered via quidding, that can be cultivated and worked with. The subtle trance("shy deer"), entered in dim/dark quietude, has much to teach re the profound embeddedness of our very being within the reality matrix. It is the deep REMEMBERING that our body/mind complex is generated by, sustained in and inextricably DEPENDENT on the very reality matrix that we typically experience as a stage or theatre, outside ourselves, on which we perform. The TRUTH is that, stage and player, ARE one in the same!

Salvia not only reminds us of this existential insight, it literally blends our body/mind complex back into the "mater primordial". Once an appropriate relationship has been fostered, a person gains the respect and REVERENCE for this sacred gift that SD, and other entheogens CAN give.

Like Nick Sand told an impertinent John Ott, paraphrasing, "they're only ENTHEOGENS if we use them as such, otherwise they're PSYCHEDELICS". Tripping hard on the dissociative effects of smoked, enhanced leaf Salvia is often not appreciated as entheogenic! One has to learn HOW to use one's medicines, otherwise they're poisons. Who'd of known?


Awesome post! Reminds me (hah) that while I'm taking the DMT hits this voice appears "remember, remember, remember..."
Thanks guys for all the answers. Lookibg at them made me think that i really looked the wrong way at salvia. I expected some lessons or some insight without me doing any work for that. Mushrooms almost force myself into this critical thinkIng about me and my past actions. Salvia seems auite the opposite. I really have to try to quid som plain leaf and meditate and do some self reflection. I suppose the outcome would be mich different then the smoked extract.

Currently i started to prepare for a dmt brakethrough dose. Eating healthier keeping up the exercise and started to have a strict meditation schedule. Thats why i will lay off the salvia for some time now untill i feel ready. Whatever ready means.
Peace and love
I don't believe Salvia is a typical psychonaut tool for introspection. I've read a trip report which made it clear there are entities in the salvia realm which do not wish the best for humanity. I would stay away from it, for the sake of all of us.
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