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A few questions I want to clear up regarding STB extrctn

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Rising Star
My buddy was looking to do a lb. of mhrb. So could he divide the total lb amount into (2) 1 gallon pickling jars. So it would be around 226g of mhrb, 226g lye, and 3390ml of water per jar? And would you or anyone suggest using something better than pickling jars to split the amount?

And this step in nomans tek: 3. Add the powdered bark, cap and shake the jar and let the bark soak for awhile. An
hour or so. So when you let the jar sit, do you leave the cap on the jar? Or should you vent it?

And regarding the pulls being made, i've heard its best to just keep pulling until you don't get any more spice. But my question is each time you do a pull, do you use the same amount of naphtha for each pull and do you keep using the same thats left over or do you use fresh every time? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and to help my friend out. I'm very versed in psychedelics but as far as extracting, i'm sort of new and so is my friend.
Those plastic HDPE jugs are really good. My friend watched a half lb of bark, a half lb of lye and the appropriate amt of napha all go down the drain when the bottom of his wine jug fell off. This was a new wine bottle not one that had been used for mutiple extractions. He considered himself lucky since no one was hurt and the cleanup was contained to the sink. A cheap lesson all things concerned. He then proceeded to do his extraction with new ingredients in a distilled water gallon jug and all things went well.
Jorkest said:
lye etches glass..you may want to be careful using jars...because they WILL bust after awhile..

lye doesn't eat glass very fast unless you're boiling it in the glass for hours on end (and even then its not "fast" like it'll burn holes in your clothes "fast"). You wont hurt the glass using it for STB extractions 1 or 2 or even 10 or 20 times. Eventually it will compromise the structural integrity of the glass but it'll take a long long time.

What you do have to watch out for is heat stress. If you're doing warm-water-bath pulls and you're not careful the glass will crack and break from uneven heating/cooling. I'm sure you've broken glasses before this way (or heard of others) from pulling them warm out of the dish washer and pouring a cold glass of water, same thing only in reverse.
So could he divide the total lb amount into (2) 1 gallon HDPE jugs? So it would be around 226g of MHRB, 226g lye, and 3390ml of water per jug? Are those numbers fine? That just seems like a lot of lye/water.. But my friends following the 1g of lye per 1g of bark and 15 ml water per gram of bark. Is this correct?
landvoyager said:
So could he divide the total lb amount into (2) 1 gallon HDPE jugs? So it would be around 226g of MHRB, 226g lye, and 3390ml of water per jug? Are those numbers fine? That just seems like a lot of lye/water.. But my friends following the 1g of lye per 1g of bark and 15 ml water per gram of bark. Is this correct?

Thats fine just follow the noman tek
How much naphtha are you using dude?

I've got a .75L bottle to use...anyone care to say how much MHRB/lye/water i can use with this size bottle :oops:

Good luck with your extraction landvoager! 8)
According to the Noman Tek, my friend says that it calls for 1ml. of naphtha per gram of bark. So I guess thats the correct ratio. :) And my friend says "thank you" thepureskunk, he hopes all goes well too. :)
My friend just dont understand why in nomans tek it requires so much lye. When in a A/B tek like marsofold, hes using only around 70g of lye for a lb. of bark. My friend knows they are different extractions, but his question is WHY is there such a jump in lye content between the 2 extraction teks? Thanks guys!
landvoyager said:
My friend just dont understand why in nomans tek it requires so much lye. When in a A/B tek like marsofold, hes using only around 70g of lye for a lb. of bark. My friend knows they are different extractions, but his question is WHY is there such a jump in lye content between the 2 extraction teks? Thanks guys!

Possibly because in STB you are using the NaOH to extract aswell as basify, whereas with A/B you are adding the already acidic root bark to an acidic solution which pulls out the spice and then you just add the NaOH to basify. A FOAF tried doing the noman tek with a lower pH but ended up increasing the pH in the end anyway. I heard somewhere that basing to too high a pH will effect the pH of the end product and the aim is to make the pH the same as the DMT produced in the body to result in a smoother experience.

This is all mere speculation on my behalf though as have no education whatsoever in chemistry.
So 226g of lye per HDPE jug will hold up? Nothing's going to go crazy with using that much. My friends doing a lb of bark split into (2) hdpe jugs, so roughly 226g in each jug.
landvoyager said:
So 226g of lye per HDPE jug will hold up? Nothing's going to go crazy with using that much. My friends doing a lb of bark split into (2) hdpe jugs, so roughly 226g in each jug.

That will work, you could probably use a little less lye but then may have to add more later. I've always followed the tech to the letter and never been disappointed with the results.
Honestly, my friend might just go and use the marsofold tek. It's fairly easy, takes a few days, and yields a great product the first time around, and the yields are great. My friends seen quite afew people use marsofold and followed the tek to a T and had excellent results. And they used 70g lye total for a lb of mhrb.
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