Rising Star
hello everybody. SWIM write this for a few friends who wanted an insight into what dmt is like. no words can accurately describe the sense of hyper-reality and complete ego death that come with dmt, as you all probably know already.
Feeling the Heartbeat of Existence:
An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT
We're sitting in the living room. There's garbage everywhere. The carpet looks like
it hasn't been vacuumed in a decade. Bizarre paintings or obscure musical posters clutter the walls. Lots of evidence
of recent marijuana use. I know that I'm with good friends.
Friend1 instructs me on the usage of the drug. He explains hyperspace, the 3-toke technique. Friend2 tells me
that I'm going to cartoon land. BestFriend looks rather tense so I volunteer to go first. I am nervous.
No, let me rephrase that. I am completely terrified. I have never done a drug stronger than marijuana up
to this point. Now my friends are telling me that right in front of me is the most (or one of the most) potent
hallucinogenic experiences that science has discovered. I fear for my sanity. What can I expect?
I sit on a blanket in the middle of the room. Behind me is a pillow; as Friend1 explains, after the third hit,
I'm going to fall back and become unconscious - or rather, other-conscious. "You ready?"
"Yeah, let's do this." I stick my mouth to the pipe.
One huge toke. I was already somewhat high from the weed so I don't really taste a whole lot. It smells like
old people and burning plastic. I exhale.
Second toke. I start feeling somewhat woozy. I notice a definite change in my surroundings. As I exhale,
I notice a distinct layering of mathematic patterns over my field of vision. A slight buzzing begins in my ears and
recedes into my brain. "One more" he says. I don't think I can do it. I'm scared. My heart is pounding. My breathing is
so irregular, yet when my mouth hits the pipe, it comes to me as naturally as waking up in the morning.
Third toke.
"Bye-bye!" Friend1 waves to me.
As I lay back on the floor, my entire being exits my body and falls into the ocean of the universe. My feelings,
thoughts, ideas, philosophies, memories, my whole consciousness just splashes right out of me. I am immersed in a world
made completely of interlocking, ever-flowing, ever-changing shapes, made out of colors - the most beautiful colors that
can't even be imagined. Lots of gold, red, green. Bright. For a moment, the shapes flow into each other in such a
way that they appear to be human-like. Sort of like a buddha-type figure. He reaches out to me, not physically - like
with an arm - but with the energy of his whole being. He says, "Don't be scared!" I have been tripping for about 5
seconds at this point.
Suddenly I am rocketed into a tunnel made entirely of these blindingly beautiful shapes - it's literally so beautiful
that it's terrifying, so beautiful that you can't even look directly at anything. I am scared shitless. I fear that
after this is over - IF this is ever over - I may never return to reality, or whatever it is that I thought reality was.
I am traveling down tunnels and alleys made of these shapes. As my thoughts become negative, so too does my setting; The
colors get dimmer, the shapes become more sinister. I open my eyes and feel my third-dimensional body crawling onto the
couch next to me. I sit up for a second trying to immerse myself in reality again. It is impossible. Everything is
covered in graphs and patterns, all wonderfully enigmatic and intimidating at the same time. I look around at the people
in the room, and their faces are forming into clown-like, alien figures. Some become happy, blue, smiling faces, and some
become evil. I can see their thoughts and intents projected into space.
I realize, at this moment, that nothing in my life will ever be the same. I exclaim, "I can't explain what just happened
to me!" Everyone laughs.
I'm rushing through the tunnels of Hyperspace again. It becomes like a highway late at night - I'm traveling over a road
made out of patterns, through tunnels illuminated by those orange halogen lights. Up and down. The shapes become sinister
again. I open my eyes and look at BestFriend. His intent is love, I can see it above his head. It's just right there!
He's afraid for me. I hug him, hoping for comfort. I am incredibly scared. This is probably the 2nd-3rd minute of my
After hugging BestFriend, I take a deep breath. A bigger breath than I've ever taken. I'm still rushing through hyperspace.
I take another breath. This time I breathe with my entire body. I can feel energy entering me. As I inhale, I say to
myself, "Let go."
Hyperspace becomes incredibly dark; I am in hell. Surrounded by negative energies and shapes.
I exhale. The darkness washes away; the shapes dissipate. For one moment - one blinding moment - I am all at once;
I am purity; I am perpetual bliss. I am euphoria.
As soon as I open my eyes again, all becomes clear. I can see the movement of energy from one thing to another. I can
see the invisible, multi-dimensional connection between all things. It is made of colored light and fractal geometry,
interlaced in every possible pattern - and even some impossible ones. As I point my hand at
something, I can see the energy of my intent exit my hand and splash into that to which I am pointing. At that moment
they are one. The tree becomes the forest.
Everything is beautiful now. Colors surround everything. The walls are breathing. God is talking to me. The visuals
are starting to calm down; everything is surrounded by a hazy, pretty glow. Lots of blue and green. The walls are
rippling a little. I look at a tapestry on the wall with a blue cross-hatched pattern; it seems like an ocean. Flowing.
I spend the next 10 minutes ecstatically preaching (prattling) about how beautiful everything is, how real God is, and
how this has changed my entire perspective on the world. The momentary head-rush of euphoria is gone now, but these thoughts
still remain. As the night wears on, I slip into deep thought about my trip to the DMT netherworlds.
All I can think of is,
How can I ever possibly integrate this experience into my life?
What does this mean?
Almost everybody who has experienced a DMT hyperspace trip has emerged thinking the same thing: This is extraordinarily
important, this is a peek through the keyhole of existence and meaning, and yet I can't seem to explain it, I can't seem
to wrap my head around why this IS. I've been told that many who practice meditation regularly for years may experience
severe DMT trips. I've been told that DMT is released in the brain as you die. There seems to be a lot of
conjecture about the purpose and meaning of this.
So here I am. I've always had been a 'vaguely' spiritual person; The sort of kid who sort of pretended to be a 'in-tuned' or
whatever because I listen to Tool. (In other words, a raging douche.) I had ideas about what I thought the universe
was all about, and I don't think they were entirely wrong, but I've never had an experience that spelled it out so
clearly as the DMT trip.
What I've gathered is this:
We exist in a large, living consciousness - a consciousness that is one solid thing, that simply is without necessity,
that is eternal and ever-changing, yet ever-constant. Humans can only perceive a small degree of what exists within the
universe; there are likely spatial dimensions that exist but we are not equipped with the senses to observe them. On
some level, there is a tangible energy that connects everything and everyone, but it is not verifiable in our personal
existence because - like i said - we simply aren't capable of visualizing these higher dimensions.
We are third-dimensional beings and we observe the world in two dimensions.
If a fourth-dimensional being existed, it would see the world in three dimensions - such as seeing all sides of a cube
But what if a third-dimensional being was brought to the fourth dimension to observe the world? It would be a lot
to take in. Everything would appear surreal or hyper-realistic, cartoonish and yet real.
DMT is sort of like that. It connects you with a place beyond the trappings of human perception. The analogy I like to
make is that it's like what would happen if your soul got outside your body and looked around at your surroundings.
Since your soul is an energy that exists in more dimensions than we are used to, it would see things from that perspective -
but the message is still being translated by your brain, and your brain isn't used to that shit.
The universe is probably a big energy fractal. At its deepest, omni-dimensional level, it is one energy; one consciousness,
driving the creation of everything that is; "one love" i guess. Everything that exists on a lower perceptual level
is just a dim, fractaled mirror image of the original picture. As you go down the dimensional ladder, things get more
broken apart, more separated, and more distorted. We're 'lucky' enough to be on one of the lowest rungs, hence why it
took so long to come to a good understanding of this. Ego is so strongly implanted in our psyche as a survival
mechanism that we can't really make any sense of anything outside of our own experience.
I took a lot of logical leaps and bounds to come up with that theory and if you have half a brain you will understand that
it's %99.99 guesswork. That's all life is to most anyways; guesswork. However, one thing has become very apparent to me -
everything is connected. Everything. Not just in a transient sense: LITERALLY connected by an energy that
is not visible to us. But it's there. There is even an energy behind thought and consciousness. Your intents, your
beliefs, and the thoughts you carry with you as you go about your life DO have an effect on your reality. It sounds
cliché, but to become a complete, full, happy, serene person, it is absolutely necessary that you let go of fear and
embrace positivity.
Fear is the root of every problem that plagues mankind. It is the reason we fight, it's the reason we kill each other,
it's the reason we cheat and steal, it's the reason that we just can't seem to make peace "work". Fear. Fear. Fear. I
think that's why the first thing you're told as you enter hyperspace is to LET GO.
Doing DMT is in no way necessary to understand the universe. The only understanding you need is that fear is always
imagined, and if you let it go, the path before you will become clear. Synchronicity is very real. To quote Repo
Man, there is a sort of "lattice of coincidence" that is layered over everything, and everything does indeed happen
for a reason. We are all thoughts of a pure, untouched consciousness, a love, or God. The more people learn to
connect their thoughts to a stronger, better, more love-conscious part of humanity, the more we will become what we've
always dreamed that we could be.
To finish, I'd like to drop a quote from Bill Hicks, who I'm sure is a big favorite in these parts. Many of
you probably will recognize this quote. The DMT trip makes this idea the foundation of your life. Hicks understood
life extremely well, which is what made him such an entrancing comedian. He believed whole-heartedly in his message and
he wanted nothing more than for everyone else to be amused at how wild and awesome this temporal life is, and how much
potential people can have once they let go of pre-conceived notions about how your life SHOULD be lived.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think that it's real because that's
how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills, and it's very
brightly coloured, and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and
they begin to question - is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us.
They say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride.' And we... kill those people. Ha ha ha.
'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride. SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account
and family. This just has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you
ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: it's just a ride. And we can change it
anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings, and money. A choice, right now, between fear
and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourselves off. The eyes of love,
instead, see all of us as one. Here's what you can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money
that we spend on weapons and defence each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world,
which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer,
for ever, in peace."
and if the universe brings you DMT, don't be afraid to try it.
SWIM wrote this a week ago and has done a lot of reading since then on Tao and Wu Wei. seems to tie it up a little better; there is a "flow" and at all times you are either resisting this flow or going with it. fear inspires resistance; "getting in your own way" by trying to target the end result. forget the end result, forget the self, and instead perform the natural action in a state of non-doing. then you are coordinated with the flow of existence, and the desired (or now, non-desired) result will come naturally. dmt helps (at least in SWIM's case) to visualize this flow in a concrete way. anyone have any more thoughts on this?
Feeling the Heartbeat of Existence:
An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT
We're sitting in the living room. There's garbage everywhere. The carpet looks like
it hasn't been vacuumed in a decade. Bizarre paintings or obscure musical posters clutter the walls. Lots of evidence
of recent marijuana use. I know that I'm with good friends.
Friend1 instructs me on the usage of the drug. He explains hyperspace, the 3-toke technique. Friend2 tells me
that I'm going to cartoon land. BestFriend looks rather tense so I volunteer to go first. I am nervous.
No, let me rephrase that. I am completely terrified. I have never done a drug stronger than marijuana up
to this point. Now my friends are telling me that right in front of me is the most (or one of the most) potent
hallucinogenic experiences that science has discovered. I fear for my sanity. What can I expect?
I sit on a blanket in the middle of the room. Behind me is a pillow; as Friend1 explains, after the third hit,
I'm going to fall back and become unconscious - or rather, other-conscious. "You ready?"
"Yeah, let's do this." I stick my mouth to the pipe.
One huge toke. I was already somewhat high from the weed so I don't really taste a whole lot. It smells like
old people and burning plastic. I exhale.
Second toke. I start feeling somewhat woozy. I notice a definite change in my surroundings. As I exhale,
I notice a distinct layering of mathematic patterns over my field of vision. A slight buzzing begins in my ears and
recedes into my brain. "One more" he says. I don't think I can do it. I'm scared. My heart is pounding. My breathing is
so irregular, yet when my mouth hits the pipe, it comes to me as naturally as waking up in the morning.
Third toke.
"Bye-bye!" Friend1 waves to me.
As I lay back on the floor, my entire being exits my body and falls into the ocean of the universe. My feelings,
thoughts, ideas, philosophies, memories, my whole consciousness just splashes right out of me. I am immersed in a world
made completely of interlocking, ever-flowing, ever-changing shapes, made out of colors - the most beautiful colors that
can't even be imagined. Lots of gold, red, green. Bright. For a moment, the shapes flow into each other in such a
way that they appear to be human-like. Sort of like a buddha-type figure. He reaches out to me, not physically - like
with an arm - but with the energy of his whole being. He says, "Don't be scared!" I have been tripping for about 5
seconds at this point.
Suddenly I am rocketed into a tunnel made entirely of these blindingly beautiful shapes - it's literally so beautiful
that it's terrifying, so beautiful that you can't even look directly at anything. I am scared shitless. I fear that
after this is over - IF this is ever over - I may never return to reality, or whatever it is that I thought reality was.
I am traveling down tunnels and alleys made of these shapes. As my thoughts become negative, so too does my setting; The
colors get dimmer, the shapes become more sinister. I open my eyes and feel my third-dimensional body crawling onto the
couch next to me. I sit up for a second trying to immerse myself in reality again. It is impossible. Everything is
covered in graphs and patterns, all wonderfully enigmatic and intimidating at the same time. I look around at the people
in the room, and their faces are forming into clown-like, alien figures. Some become happy, blue, smiling faces, and some
become evil. I can see their thoughts and intents projected into space.
I realize, at this moment, that nothing in my life will ever be the same. I exclaim, "I can't explain what just happened
to me!" Everyone laughs.
I'm rushing through the tunnels of Hyperspace again. It becomes like a highway late at night - I'm traveling over a road
made out of patterns, through tunnels illuminated by those orange halogen lights. Up and down. The shapes become sinister
again. I open my eyes and look at BestFriend. His intent is love, I can see it above his head. It's just right there!
He's afraid for me. I hug him, hoping for comfort. I am incredibly scared. This is probably the 2nd-3rd minute of my
After hugging BestFriend, I take a deep breath. A bigger breath than I've ever taken. I'm still rushing through hyperspace.
I take another breath. This time I breathe with my entire body. I can feel energy entering me. As I inhale, I say to
myself, "Let go."
Hyperspace becomes incredibly dark; I am in hell. Surrounded by negative energies and shapes.
I exhale. The darkness washes away; the shapes dissipate. For one moment - one blinding moment - I am all at once;
I am purity; I am perpetual bliss. I am euphoria.
As soon as I open my eyes again, all becomes clear. I can see the movement of energy from one thing to another. I can
see the invisible, multi-dimensional connection between all things. It is made of colored light and fractal geometry,
interlaced in every possible pattern - and even some impossible ones. As I point my hand at
something, I can see the energy of my intent exit my hand and splash into that to which I am pointing. At that moment
they are one. The tree becomes the forest.
Everything is beautiful now. Colors surround everything. The walls are breathing. God is talking to me. The visuals
are starting to calm down; everything is surrounded by a hazy, pretty glow. Lots of blue and green. The walls are
rippling a little. I look at a tapestry on the wall with a blue cross-hatched pattern; it seems like an ocean. Flowing.
I spend the next 10 minutes ecstatically preaching (prattling) about how beautiful everything is, how real God is, and
how this has changed my entire perspective on the world. The momentary head-rush of euphoria is gone now, but these thoughts
still remain. As the night wears on, I slip into deep thought about my trip to the DMT netherworlds.
All I can think of is,
How can I ever possibly integrate this experience into my life?
What does this mean?
Almost everybody who has experienced a DMT hyperspace trip has emerged thinking the same thing: This is extraordinarily
important, this is a peek through the keyhole of existence and meaning, and yet I can't seem to explain it, I can't seem
to wrap my head around why this IS. I've been told that many who practice meditation regularly for years may experience
severe DMT trips. I've been told that DMT is released in the brain as you die. There seems to be a lot of
conjecture about the purpose and meaning of this.
So here I am. I've always had been a 'vaguely' spiritual person; The sort of kid who sort of pretended to be a 'in-tuned' or
whatever because I listen to Tool. (In other words, a raging douche.) I had ideas about what I thought the universe
was all about, and I don't think they were entirely wrong, but I've never had an experience that spelled it out so
clearly as the DMT trip.
What I've gathered is this:
We exist in a large, living consciousness - a consciousness that is one solid thing, that simply is without necessity,
that is eternal and ever-changing, yet ever-constant. Humans can only perceive a small degree of what exists within the
universe; there are likely spatial dimensions that exist but we are not equipped with the senses to observe them. On
some level, there is a tangible energy that connects everything and everyone, but it is not verifiable in our personal
existence because - like i said - we simply aren't capable of visualizing these higher dimensions.
We are third-dimensional beings and we observe the world in two dimensions.
If a fourth-dimensional being existed, it would see the world in three dimensions - such as seeing all sides of a cube
But what if a third-dimensional being was brought to the fourth dimension to observe the world? It would be a lot
to take in. Everything would appear surreal or hyper-realistic, cartoonish and yet real.
DMT is sort of like that. It connects you with a place beyond the trappings of human perception. The analogy I like to
make is that it's like what would happen if your soul got outside your body and looked around at your surroundings.
Since your soul is an energy that exists in more dimensions than we are used to, it would see things from that perspective -
but the message is still being translated by your brain, and your brain isn't used to that shit.
The universe is probably a big energy fractal. At its deepest, omni-dimensional level, it is one energy; one consciousness,
driving the creation of everything that is; "one love" i guess. Everything that exists on a lower perceptual level
is just a dim, fractaled mirror image of the original picture. As you go down the dimensional ladder, things get more
broken apart, more separated, and more distorted. We're 'lucky' enough to be on one of the lowest rungs, hence why it
took so long to come to a good understanding of this. Ego is so strongly implanted in our psyche as a survival
mechanism that we can't really make any sense of anything outside of our own experience.
I took a lot of logical leaps and bounds to come up with that theory and if you have half a brain you will understand that
it's %99.99 guesswork. That's all life is to most anyways; guesswork. However, one thing has become very apparent to me -
everything is connected. Everything. Not just in a transient sense: LITERALLY connected by an energy that
is not visible to us. But it's there. There is even an energy behind thought and consciousness. Your intents, your
beliefs, and the thoughts you carry with you as you go about your life DO have an effect on your reality. It sounds
cliché, but to become a complete, full, happy, serene person, it is absolutely necessary that you let go of fear and
embrace positivity.
Fear is the root of every problem that plagues mankind. It is the reason we fight, it's the reason we kill each other,
it's the reason we cheat and steal, it's the reason that we just can't seem to make peace "work". Fear. Fear. Fear. I
think that's why the first thing you're told as you enter hyperspace is to LET GO.
Doing DMT is in no way necessary to understand the universe. The only understanding you need is that fear is always
imagined, and if you let it go, the path before you will become clear. Synchronicity is very real. To quote Repo
Man, there is a sort of "lattice of coincidence" that is layered over everything, and everything does indeed happen
for a reason. We are all thoughts of a pure, untouched consciousness, a love, or God. The more people learn to
connect their thoughts to a stronger, better, more love-conscious part of humanity, the more we will become what we've
always dreamed that we could be.
To finish, I'd like to drop a quote from Bill Hicks, who I'm sure is a big favorite in these parts. Many of
you probably will recognize this quote. The DMT trip makes this idea the foundation of your life. Hicks understood
life extremely well, which is what made him such an entrancing comedian. He believed whole-heartedly in his message and
he wanted nothing more than for everyone else to be amused at how wild and awesome this temporal life is, and how much
potential people can have once they let go of pre-conceived notions about how your life SHOULD be lived.
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think that it's real because that's
how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills, and it's very
brightly coloured, and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and
they begin to question - is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us.
They say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride.' And we... kill those people. Ha ha ha.
'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride. SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account
and family. This just has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you
ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: it's just a ride. And we can change it
anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings, and money. A choice, right now, between fear
and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourselves off. The eyes of love,
instead, see all of us as one. Here's what you can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money
that we spend on weapons and defence each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world,
which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer,
for ever, in peace."
and if the universe brings you DMT, don't be afraid to try it.
SWIM wrote this a week ago and has done a lot of reading since then on Tao and Wu Wei. seems to tie it up a little better; there is a "flow" and at all times you are either resisting this flow or going with it. fear inspires resistance; "getting in your own way" by trying to target the end result. forget the end result, forget the self, and instead perform the natural action in a state of non-doing. then you are coordinated with the flow of existence, and the desired (or now, non-desired) result will come naturally. dmt helps (at least in SWIM's case) to visualize this flow in a concrete way. anyone have any more thoughts on this?