I have enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm!
During my first DMT experiences, i visited this "place", where thoughts cease to exist, were you don't know what happens but that you have "arrived". It amazed me and was a life changing experience. You said that you like to be swept away. DMT is very very good at this. With a sufficient dose of freebase, its almost...no, it IS brutal. Withing a few seconds, you will be in a sea of strange fractal patterns, who represent "the foreign", "the other" ...i don't know how you call it! It is also very possible to recieve telepathic communications of some sort, even if you don't break through. You can enter this beautiful "waiting room" with this ceiling full of spinning geometric patterns while hearing strange sounds just to come back with a feeling of joy and wonder....or ...you may as well go to "the place"...you never know! Its also capable of giving you horrible feelings and intense pain...just saying that it CAN do this.
But i feel that there needs to be a reason for this, so i guess you will be fine, like 99% of any newcomer to DMT. There is a reason why there are not many negative reports.
I also second the notion, that there is no need for a sitter. Music is also not needed if you are in a quite, dark room. If there is noise,especially unexpected noise like slamming doors, better listen to some music, but don't turn it too loud. I have once listened to Camels Mirage album and it was beautiful. But I also really really enjoy psybient like Shulman, Shpongle etc. This is music directly coming from the DMT experience. It's almost some sort of a sound model of the experience!
This song is extremely good if you are open minded about modern psychedelic music:
About Ayahuasca:
It's a whole other deal, but can be very rewarding, as a teacher experience. With dmt freebase, the learnig happens the weeks, months after you come down. With Ayahuasca, you are in this space with a wise female presence and she is there to show you things in actual VISIONS. Something you propably can get with pure freebase, but only with higher doses. Before that, it can be very colorful, euphoric and ..even spiritual in the sense that you can communicate with these beeing. You are not to friendly with the shamanic world view ?
Don't worry, even with freebase, they will only show you, what is good for you. They even told me that once: "You have to learn your lesson before you can go further!".
You have found out how easy it is to extract? Nice, then get to it, buy a Vaporgenie ... load it up with 25-30mg and then smoke it while sitting comfortably in an armchair, or while lying in your bed. Inhale as much as possible, hold your hits for 20 seconds and make sure to drop your pipe somewhere safe. THAT is the benefit of a sitter: He or she can hold the pipe for you, even motivate you to take more hits (you'll see that it gets harder and harder after the first big one!)
If you want to start smaller..its fine too, but a little harder anxiety wise. One good tip is, to take a smaller pre-launch hit, before taking the big one. A better hint is: Take more than one big hit in a session

The second launch is the best...so dive in, get back ..and then REALLY dive in! 25-30mg should be be a "full immersion crysanthemum" dose. But some people break through with this much so expect anything ...and safe travels!