fnog9 said:
Don't worry, OP, you haven't seen everything. You may think you've seen "what you really are" but have you? Would you really be disappointed and regretful of seeing what you really are? Don't you think what you really are is something glorious, not disappointing? How can you wish you didn't know what you really are? It doesn't make sense. You have may realized something about your nature, but you're stuck on one aspect, not really seeing the whole picture.
You obviously live in a completely different reality tunnel than I, having no idea who I am or what I have done to get to where I am typing this right now.
Yes, I have. If it doesn't make sense to you, then that's ok. I bet there's only a handfull of people in this world that all this would make sense to.
You've always known this, but you've only started to face mortality. As soon as you accept whatever ideas you've realized, they won't seem scary anymore.
Again, a complete misunderstanding.
I've faced mortality my entire life. I don't have a perfect healthy body like most people. Mine's failing. This is what led me to my excessive DMT use in the first place. I wanted to see what was on the other side. And I did. Now I know. I'll never forget. And I wish I didn't. But it's too late.
It's not scary. It's just absurd. There's a difference...
Also, why do you say your drug use is pointless and illusory if you say it was through drug use that you realized what you really are?
After many years, it became this way. It wasn't at first. If you read what I wrote, you would know that I give thanks and praise for the lessons I was taught, but after a while it evolved into something unnecessary and repetitious. Thus, I will never use entheogens ever again.
They don't leave those lasting results on me like they do others. Yall are lucky.
The next day I'm back to my pissed off fucked up insane self. It's just who I am. I've always been this way, and always will until I go back to the mud.
I came down from a high, but with greater zest for life, and respect for the universe.
That's great. That's YOUR reality tunnel. YOUR body.
I came down with the knowledge that we live in a
simulated experiment. WOOHOO! :roll:
obliguhl, thanks. I am fine. I am me.
Space, that's some eloquent poetry that sparks such divinity withinity.
ohayoco, dmtripper, hummus, I am glad you all have harmonic reality tunnels with hyperspace and can deal with what it's showing you.
polytrip, there isn't one thing, it's far beyond one thing. please don't get me wrong. I definitely didn't master hyperspace...fuck that...but I got enough out of it for a lifetime. and there is no luring, there is only awakening to the truth.
thirdeyevision, yep, class dismissed.
and due to vovins very wise responses, I have changed the title of this warning thread.