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dont think were getting a sub forum so ill put this in here.

im interested in the stages of meditation that occur as you develop your practice. i understand you dont really sit to get to somewhere, but the experience certainly changes as you get deeper into your practice.

here are the things that i have been delt while on my cushion over the last 5ish years of pretty regular practice.

-started with no concentration at all easily distracted by the voice in my head.

-I held concentration on my breathe for longer periods but with alot of effort.

-I held my concentration for a full hour, but with alot of effort and with the sensation that i was still doing the thinking.

-I held my concentration for the hour but without the effort and the voice began to slow down condiderably.

-I held my concentration without the effort and the voice dissapeared for noticable periods of time.

-I had the experience of the voice in my head as a completely independant occurance in consciousness, no different than the sounds outside my house, it wasnt my voice it was just a voice.

-i had a very brief and fleeting moment in the void, i was sat on my bed concentrating on my breath and everything went away, a full loss of self for a brief moment.

-the voice moved from its normal place, in the middle of my head, to the other side of the room, the experience was like when someone talks to you from across the room.

-with closed eyes i had a vision of the room i was sat in, it was very obvious and i defo had my eyes closed

-i had visions of faces looking at me, most were quite vague but one was very obvious, it was like a low dose Aya vision in its clarity.

-once, while on a dose of 300ug of acid, i did 20 mins of pranayama, then 20 minutes of chanting om mani padme hum, and then began to sit. the only way i can explain the feeling is that i am normally sat at a table with a spotlight on above me, all i can see is the immediate surroundings of the table, this sitting it was like someone had turned off the light and my consciosness expanded out and i could see that i was in a large arena that had previously been hidden due to the light. this experienced seemed like the most significant thing that has happened on my cushion.

the last 6 happenings have all only happened once each, most of my sitting time is now spent observing the voice as it witters at me, with perids of silence. there is also a changing experience of the way in which i am able to pay attention, it seems like my concentration gets better but as it does it shows that what i thought was paying attention wasnt really. 

if anyone can shed any light on the changing experiences in meditation i would be very grateful

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